Sad state of affairs really.
There was a point in history when the US led the development and implementation of railway technologies.
And now, we are starting to look more and more like India.
Make no mistake. This is a PR stunt to get more of these "disgruntled" Christians to jump on the muslim bandwagon. "See, we love Christ too, but unlike you're church, we aren't cucks. Come check us out".
Andrew Tate fell for this LARP. No need to make it more than it is.
But thanks for pointing it out. It's a testament to the general knowledgable level of this board.
No need to be condescending. The opposite of knowledge, isn't ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge which you have on full display in your post.
Not sure whom you are referring to here. Afaik he took office after his father was forced to abdicate right in the middle of WW2.
Well maybe instead of complaining about the knowledge level of this board, you should read about Mohammad Mosaddegh and the 1953 coup to oust him and give full power to Shah.
Here are a couple of tidbits from that revolution:
The 1953 Iranian coup d'état was the overthrow of the Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953, orchestrated by the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot") and the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project)
Mossadegh had sought to audit the books of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now BP) and to change the terms of the company's access to Iranian petroleum reserves.
In August 2013, 60 years after the coup, the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that it was involved in both its planning and its execution, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda
I'll leave the rest the research to you.
However I did read the rest of your post, and not sure where it aligns with what I said.
When it comes to pawns vs puppets, it literally the same thing. From the Cambridge dictionary:
A pawn is also a person who is controlled by others and used for their own advantage
I want to emphasize this word: Controlled. Doesn't sound like free will to me like you've implied in your post. And if they break free, then they are not pawns. They might have cooperated because of mutual goals, however that doesn't make them pawns.
George Washington, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Gadaffi, Saddam, bin Laden and on and on
On this list only Hitler and bin Laden were pawns. Again, not sure what this has to do with Iran.
Optics. The boomer demographic are the main reason we have "our greatest ally" narrative and they are the most pro-Israel bunch out of all the generations. The boomers are also one of Trump's highest voting groups.
If he came out directly against "our greatest ally", he would lose a large portion of this demograhic.
Free from what exactly?
You go from a crazy dictator into a cabal banking system that subverts your values and turns your kids intro trannies and teaches them to cut their dicks off.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
You do know that the Shah of Iran was a globalist puppet that was inserted when they killed the guy who wanted to kick out the Rockafellers and nationalize the oil supply?
Isn't it kind of funny how the same people that tell you Russia, Russia, Russia are also telling you Iran, Iran, Iran.
Maybe it wasn't a CIA coup, but someone who kicked the globohomos out. Or do you think the Iran-Iraq war when the CIA funded and armed Sadam was just a coincidence?
Los Angeles is even a bigger shithold than Paris, and says something considering Paris was already a 3rd world ghetto back in 2012 when I went there.
Oh look, a bunch of peace loving liberals sharing their love and trying to "civilize the savage" Japanese natives.
Did you even hear: "it's Japan" "they don't understand" in a condecending tone. Fucking faggots, makes my blood boil when foreigners disrespect the locals.
Same MO as the JFK assassination so I imagine it must be the usual suspects.
It's not about a fair or even semi-fair election. They will need to print more than the 81 million they did last time. If they attempt anything similar even the most braindead leftist will realize that there is no way in hell Harris can get more votes than Biden.
They need someone inspirational, Hussein v2.0 and Michelle is the perfect candidate for this. They can easily print 90 million votes and most leftists will lap it up saying that she saved the democracy from the evil orange man. At least that's their plan I imagine
No need to sound crytptic or dramatic. It's just a Q proof better covered in this thread:
Nick Fuentes is what the left wishes we were. Therefore, fuck that guy.
Based! Have an updoot good sir
President Trump and the MAGA republicans are the only ones stopping the US from invading Iran. Trying to take him out would be the stupidest thing they can do.
Imagine what would happen if Trump never came to power. Liz Chenney, McCain's daughter, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham would have had us balls deep in Iran.
You need to look elsewhere. You can start by looking at a country that had dancing art students that knew of the impeding plane attacks on 9/11. It so happens, that the same country is interested in taking out Iran as well for their own goals. It so happens that Trump is currently the only obstacle in their way.
This is a nothing burger. Russians and Chinese do this all the time all over the world. So do we.
Same reason we fly our aircraft over the black sea. It's power projection.
Not to be a dick, but your post if full of cabal misinformation. I'l address it one by one and then I'll give you my final verdict.
The massive amount of Russian deaths was due to their cannon fodder approach to war and commie crimes against their own people.
The notion that the soviets used human wave attacks to win WW2 is Nazi and then rebranded cold war propaganda from the grandparents of the people that currently accuse you of being a nazi for wanting to MAGA. I would not trust that one bit and here is why: The USSR suffered 27 million KIA, of which 8.7 are military. Of which 3.4 died in Nazi concentration camps. So the German invasion is responsible for 19 million dead civilians. By comparison, modern day Russian historians estimate that the victims of Stalins purges are estimated at 600k to 2 million at most over the course of 29 years.
Specifically the Holodormor etc.
Holodomor is way overblown and misrepresented primarily by the occupying Nazis so they could turn more ukranians on their side. The kulaks which exacerbated the holodomor were nothing more than predatory usury lenders for peasants aka modern agricultural pay day loans. Holodomor primarily targeted them. The famine itself killed around 200k people per official classified documents, most which weren't even ukranians, but Russians as the famine spread across the black sea as well.
Fun fact, majority of the communist leadership was Jewish, despite being a tiny minority of the population
You are correct. As a matter of fact Putin himself said that Lenin's party was composed mostly from jews.(95%) However, that number dropped dramatically under Stalin's reign. Most of which were found guilty of rimes and executed.(Trotskii, Yagoda, Tuchachevsky come to mind) I believe the number dropped to a mere 20%
Do you notice a pattern? It was as if Stalin was fighting the money lenders before people in the west knew who they were. How do I know that? He refused to sign the Bretton Woods accord which basically placed all the nations under the Federal Reserve's monetary jurisdiction. Half a year later the cold war began as a result.
Fun fact 2, majority of those killed by the communists were orthodox Christian.
In a country were 80% of populace is Orthodox, you would expect that most of the casualties would be Orthodox as well. However, they were never directly targeted by Stalin because of their faith, rather they were "collateral" deaths due to some the soviet policies. Stalin actually decriminalized Christianity during WW2 allowing people to practice it in private. Fun fact for you, Stalin was about to become a preacher, but he became disillusioned with the way the church was ran and dropped out. He claimed that the priests were more interested in filling their coffers rather than help the poor.
The rest of the post if spot on. As a matter of fact, the reason the Khazarians hate the Russians so much is because they Christianized their homeland, which for them is the biggest humiliation to this day.
Now, let's talk about Stalin. In the media and on this website he is viewed as this monster. However he is the most popular leader in Russia.** A recent poll found out that 56% of Russian approve of his policies and think of him as a great leader.** In a head to head poll he even beats out Putin. And these results have been consistent. Could it be that the Russian who lived under this man, know something that we here in the west don't?
Even the CIA sponsored media covered this:
Notice how this article says that Putin downplays his crimes. Which is correct. As a matter of fact, Putin who just like Trump is a master of optics, refused to condemn Stalin. However he blames Lenin for the current situation that Russia is in, claiming that it was his policies that weakened Russia.
I can go on more and more, but I will say this. I grew up in Eastern Europe being a staunch anti-stalinist and anti-soviet(still haven't changed a lot of my opinions on this). And just like with everything, once Q came around, I started questioning my beliefs of what we were taught. After a bit of digging it became crystal clear that Stalin was USSR's version of Gadaffi and Libya. A man hated by the west for the simple fact that he wanted to build an independent functioning country.
The reason Russia even exists today is because of him. Had the askhenazi jew in Trostki taken power after Lenin's death, Russia would have suffered the same fate as Yugslavia, broken into a multitude of smaller states under the direct control of the cabal.
Anon, you need to vet your sources more.
I've never heard anything about this. A quick search on this, and there is no mention of any endorsement from the culinary union. The only mention they have is that they commented on Biden's resignation.
Government DID intervene in 1969 to essentially make marriage a "non-binding" contract for the purpose of weakening the institution of marriage. (Get it?)
I get it. However I wouldn't call this a "government intervention". If anything, it's the opposite. It's a deregulation, however that created a whole new quagmire with the way it was handled. More on that below.
When in history was it ever so common for a man to face financial ruin because of the divorce?
I will ask you a counter question: when in history have women achieved such level of prosperity as they currently do?
The thing was that those laws applied to a time when men were the sole bread winners of their families. Times have changed and so has our society.
"Leave a marriage if you want, but don't expect to leave with anything from that marriage besides your personal belongings and your own income/savings."
Countries outside the west do have things like these in place. For example: during the divorce, a spouse can't touch the assets that were in your possession prior to getting married, your inheritance, etc
To be clear, I'm for no fault divorce, however that doesn't automatically entitle your spouse to taking 50% or more of your income. If anything all assets should be split down the income contribution. For example: if the husband is making 70% of the income, he should get 70% of the assets. If the wife is a stay at home mom, then she should be getting 10% tops.
Child support should be a fixed monthly stipend around $250-$300 no matter your income.If the dad wants to pay more, then it's at his discretion.
If you want to be a sarcastic git, learn to read.
I said that we should keep the no fault divorce laws because the government shouldn't be involved in the day to day life of it's citizens.
Yes, we should. The government shouldn't have a say in my day to day life.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong on this.
The degeneracy of society started when consumerism and convenience became the norm. All of the sudden, people didn't have any more patience or moral vitues. Everything turned into instant gratification and carnal pleasures. Love was replaced with sex and God became the dollar. This is the starting point of the destruction of the family unit.
The empowered feminism movement played a very big part by brainwashing a lot of women that disrespecting your man is viewed as empowerment. At the same time, it brainwashed most of the men into thinking that having standards when it comes to women is sexist. Basically feminism gave women the cart blanche to have 0 accountability and turned most of them into toxic messes.
Social media completely warped the reality for these women as well. Now, all of the sudden, if you are a decent looking woman, and have an IG profile you will have hundreds of simps telling you how pretty you are. They're also bombarded with message about "soul mates" and not settling. I've personally witnessed how 3 families who were married for 20+ years went to shit, the moment the wives opened social media profiles. Attention for them is like crack.
You can enact all the laws you want, but just like corporations they will simply find a creative way of breaking them. There has been a rise in women faking injuries, filing false rape and sexual assault allegations, etc. The intended law might actually increase the numbers of these false reports. Do not underestimate how crazy women can become when they have their mind fixated on something.
On the flipside, the male testosterone has been dropping off a cliff as well. How do you imagine a woman to be committed and sexually attracted to a male, when the average Joe has the testosterone levels of a 12 year in his 30's and 40's.
I'm also not a fan of governments dictating on how people should live their lives. The let's ban no fault divorces, so that families stay together is the right wing equivalent of let's ban the guns to avoid crime.
As a sidenote: that is a very blue pilled take on "Democrats". Trump and Flynn used to be democrats. So was JFK, RFK, JFK Jr., and yet they are regarded as heroes over here. Maybe it's not the democrats, but the deep state that creates these problems. Or have you already forgotten how the Rs where shilling for the corporation because "muh, free markets" while they were destroying our communites and our way of life turning your average American into a lazy consumerist with the patience of a 5 year old. Q said on multiple occasions that this isn't a R vs D issue.
Disagree, the problem isn't the "no fault divorce", it's the degeneration of society, women getting most of the assets and full custody, etc. Most of them use it as a way making a quick buck.
The no divorce wouldn't be a problem if the assets were split right down the income levels.
You guys think this is funny, but that's the new liberal narrative. I frequent a soccer forum and just like all the forums they have a separate section for politics.
I went there and literally 80% of the users were parroting this. Hell, some of them were like Donald Trump is in severe decline, just as bad as Biden, the republicans are just to dumb to care. The other one was like Harris will reverse all of Trump's gains with the minorities.
You can see for yourselves:
These people live in some kind of alternative reality.
We need voat back. This place is turning too normie with all of the midwit piglosi and mcstain and cheap r vs d memes.