We love you too! I would be seriously depressed without coming here everyday. With everything going on these days and not having the understanding and perspectives this place brings on a regular basis.... I don't know where I would be. (Probably vaxxed up fearing a nuclear war). Because of this place I am one of the few pure-bloods I know (NY). I find myself letting people try to figure things out on their own. I admit I plant "seeds" to allow them to grow, but I am done trying to change perceptions.
Nowadays the COVID/vax perception has shifted around here and I've had a few ask, "How did you know?". I told them about doing research on my own only to be dismissed because that sounds "exhausting" or "crazy". But then they usually circle back (yeah...I went Psaki on ya) months later with a little research of their own.
When Russia first invaded Ukraine , my social circle blew up in outrage. Mostly because the media told them to. I gave it the 48-hour rule before I became invested. As always, I started here to see where the discussions brought me into my own findings. About a week later I mentioned the biolabs and I was laughed out. Only a few weeks ago I was asked again "How did you know?". That question brings a smile to my face as I think about all of you.
Obviously I/we have been wrong about things. I got caught early on with date fagging. Nowadays take I everything in, take a deep breath and let my loved ones that everything will be ok. We just have to do our part in making this world a better place. Spread love, recognize hate. Stock up. Protect the children. Believe in God.
So the question we all might be wanting to ask: “WEN MOON?”