huggamoogle 6 points ago +7 / -1

Please stop saying first arrest or first indictment will shock the world. Q never said that.

3717 17-Dec-2019 4:03:45 PM CST 8kun/qresearch7538264 First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q

huggamoogle 55 points ago +56 / -1

I’m gonna guess that’s the unvaccinated section.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, I love Ghost Ezra! Can’t say I believe everything posted on his channel but he’s super entertaining.

huggamoogle 2 points ago +3 / -1

I worked at a bank as a personal banker when all of this began. We closed our lobby except by appointment and we would have to put a mask on when someone was sitting at our desks. Then they changed the rule to mask all day, every day even when you are by yourself at your desk, sitting yards away from anyone, behind a locked door. I told my boss this is asinine and has no logic. Then I found another job with a great company that I can work from home and quit that stupidity.

huggamoogle 6 points ago +8 / -2

Dude, Bobby Jr. is so based. I am really proud of him for not following the typical get in line democrat position even though he comes from a family of high profile democrats.

huggamoogle 0 points ago +1 / -1

For sure, we’re all in this together. I can’t say exactly when my red pill moment was, I’ve always been skeptical. I think the Boston bombing is what really got me going but it’s been a gradual learning experience for me too.

huggamoogle 8 points ago +9 / -1

I can’t take credit, I stole that from a meme I saw yesterday.

huggamoogle 22 points ago +23 / -1

Since we’re asking questions that are none of your fucking business, do you like anal?

huggamoogle 0 points ago +1 / -1

Damn, this bums me out. I love H‑E‑B, I’ve always thought they were an excellent company, more than just a grocery store chain. I’ve been walking in there unmasked and unvaccinated for months so they can piss off with their virtue signaling.

huggamoogle 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’ve really enjoyed using Telegram. I still have Facebook and Instagram but I mainly just use those to promote my Scentsy business. I use GAW and Telegram for the real stuff. The layout took me a minute to get used to but now it’s pretty easy to navigate. I follow some fun, out there channels and then some good legit ones. General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Dr. Frank, James OKeefe, etc.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +2 / -1

TedCruzTX is the right one I’m pretty sure. That’s the one I follow and the tone is very similar to his Facebook posts, some of the posts are the exact same.

huggamoogle 3 points ago +4 / -1

Anyone else follow Ted Cruz on Telegram? He is pretty salty and I am here for it. I’m in Texas so I’ve got a soft spot for him since he’s our only decent senator, Cornyn’s a fucking joke.

huggamoogle 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not surprised this came out of Houston. Their police chief is also a drug dealer.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +2 / -1

I like that Magistra, thank you.

huggamoogle 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yeah that’s true. I just hope normies will believe it and not write this off as fabricated.

huggamoogle 4 points ago +5 / -1

Nothing about this “bombshell” is shocking to me. Maybe I’m jaded, maybe it’s because I’m awake, either way, I have a feeling this won’t really affect things. People are awake and already know big tech is loaded with censorship or people are asleep and don’t want to see this stuff that’s been right in their faces for who knows how long.

huggamoogle 4 points ago +5 / -1

It’s almost like his character in The Usual Suspects wasn’t much of a stretch for him.

huggamoogle 11 points ago +12 / -1

I have mixed feelings reading this post. Like I’m happy he’s been caught. But then I remember we’re talking about grown adults who rape children and I’m just sad again.

huggamoogle 28 points ago +29 / -1

I love her

huggamoogle 4 points ago +5 / -1

I literally laughed out loud when I read that on Cruz’s telegram last night.

huggamoogle 1 point ago +2 / -1

I stopped following that channel yesterday when they were trying to sell that Trump coin again. Pretty much as soon as I see those ads, I know it’s a fake account.

huggamoogle 0 points ago +1 / -1

One of my favorite movies. I remember watching that and Wag The Dog as a kid with my parents. They’ve always been based. They made comments about how these aren’t just movies. I didn’t fully comprehend what that meant a back then. I get it now.

huggamoogle 6 points ago +7 / -1

I believe Trump is one of our country’s greatest presidents. I voted for him twice and am convinced he rightfully beat Biden. With that being said, this movement is so much bigger than him. We’ve had a problem in recent history with hero worshiping people/politicians and that’s not wise. He makes mistakes including many of his endorsements. I disagree with his public stance on the vaccine also. I do think he can be an opportunist sometimes and that affects his decision making. Is this a ruse for a bigger plan? Possibly. Or maybe it’s just a reminder that this whole movement isn’t about him and we should be cautious about blindly following him or anyone else. This is about We The People waking up and getting rid of these criminals that have been running our world. Trump is just the mascot for this movement. I believe this operation has been in the works for much longer than he’s been involved.

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