But he sure stepped right in the middle of it. Eff MY face? Ramalama Dingdong has never been anything but a globalist FBoi. They can make their efficiency recommendations, and then ride right off into the sunset. Won't miss either one of them.
The end result is EXACTLY the same. American citizens replaced by a populace with zero interest in assimilation, who either send their paycheck "home", bring extended family in with them, or BOTH. Spare me the hair splitting.
America was great long before H1B was even an elitist wet dream. Mass importation does not jive with mass deportation. Those 2 carpetbaggers have no one to blame for the shiite coming their way rn. The optics on this are horrible. Sorry, not sorry.
The "whole point" of vigilantism is for a weak minded, emotion driven individual to feel self righteous about doing evil. Keep it real. The society that espouses it descends into anarchy, as everyone seeks to do "right" in their own eyes.
You'll be posting a message that multiple vendors respond to with bids for qty, dosage. Shipping, extra. Typically 35 bucks. 2-3wks to your door. Might wanna use a burner phone # once you select a vendor, as I've been spammed to death after completing some of these transactions with Kirshnaswami.