Looking for more - there are other compiled lists, this lady has one. I'm still comparing with the others.
Edit -
Wikipedia may even be factual in this new era of Greatness, MWGA!
Trump executive order abolishes birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens
Not complete, looks like LOTT missed this critically important one! Anyone else have any others?
A cursory dig at chinese influence in Canada turned up this from 2012 when Stephen Harper was still PM. So it certainly predates Trudeau. If I had to guess having a braindead and compromised person as PM plays into the hands of the chinese (or indeed any other crime group) perfectly.. which means they probably helped get Trudeau elected.
Seems plausible enough.. something made that satellite fail which happens to correlate to the same time when the drones ceased being in the media.. because they were no longer operating?
The second half to this equation is this - battery drones have to recharge somewhere, or fueled drones need refueling somewhere. Somewhere local. Hopefully the CCP military people operating these facilities are also deceased and we are about to hear details about this operation after Trump is inaugurated.. since he has promised to release details about the drones.
From that thread it looks like a safety inspection that was passed through quickly.
CA has also been rejecting fire trucks sent as emergency aid from other states. Because of course they did!
Hi Barrack, nice funeral isn't it. You know we have a cell for you facing Mecca right? I think you'd like that. And we can put Mike right next door. We have a separate section of the prison for women too of course... but he surely wont be needing that. Not at all. Where is he, by the way.. in for a prostate check? Its too bad hes not here, as I said earlier it really is a lovely funeral. More than that lowlife deserved, but anyways we are cleaning up his mess too and are gonna take the Panama Canal back. Its going to be ours again Barrack. Well... not yours exactly - haha! Because you're Kenyan!
This has been a known problem since at least 2018.
This is hopefully just the beginning.
There are multiple major 'religions' that have at its heart this notion that terrorism and crime and atrocity, slavery and rape and genocide is allowable against people of differing views. That says that the Golden Rule is for suckas, and that people extending the hand of friendship make for the easiest targets. All by framing crime as moral and upstanding.
There has been a lack of 'hey power to my house failed before there were fires' type posts - or if there have been some they have not been numerous enough to reach a zeitgeist level where it reminds others that they also saw the same thing in their own house which also burned.
And the physics of 'lots of building wires therefore lots of combustion-level heat being spread everywhere' doesn't really play out since it has a very tiny cross-section (think of the thickness of wire used as the conductors for lighting and power circuits in a home) that contacts hotter material like combusting batteries - see 'conduction' section below.
I have heard opinions that the J. Paul Getty Museum has a lot of child abuse history associated with it, and it seems to have been granted special protections while homes burned.
Starlink might be the only comms that stays functional - right now its the only thing working in some places. But even that still needs some local grid power or a small generator.
Newsom gave away fire trucks and equipment to Ukraine:
The LA mayor also cut the budget for the fire department by $20M:
And it seems the firefighting office priorities were DEI and collecting as many obese non-heterosexuals as they could find.
Stacking all the preconditions for massive uncontrolled fires into the same city, and just like magic there are massive fires.
The UK and France at the moment too have this larp thing going on, where they pretend influential people are no longer permitted to opine on their nations and the sorry state of their respective governments. Because 'democracy' cant apparently withstand such discussion.
Which on its own is more than enough reason to escalate mere opinions to mockery. Watching child abusers don a facade of morality and engage in performative scolding though? Damn bro, whatever 'mean tweets' are coming your way is but a candle beside the sun compared to the (well deserved) shit and flames that are inbound.
How does liberty and the right to voice your opinion destroy any family worth keeping? It doesn't, and it cant. He seems to only have destroyed himself with this idiocy, his sisters seem fine, his Dad is good, his other relatives are probably all good too.
Its just him. He is more likely to use that gun to take his own life than he is to defend his life from an aggressor. Hopefully he has enough sanity return when he is hiding in his little bolthole to man up, gain some humility and apologize.