Just think of the entire situation from the Hollywood propaganda machine. Hollywood paints Snowden as some hero to America for exposing NSA. Therefore in realty, Snowden = Bad and NSA = Good. That's my take of "Think Mirror". Literally everything that Hollywood pushes out is the opposite of reality, just created to satiate the average American.
The picture in the top right just doesn’t make sense to me. The other guy has his gun drawn but the expressions and actions of the others don’t match his. This to me looks like a staged photo, 100%. It’s made to look like it’s in the heat of the moment but there is no fear on anyone’s face, like they are supposed to be fearing for their lives. The guys standing and walking around, not running. Something definitely off there.
does anyone have or remember the Trump campaign ad that was released one May 4, and was Star Wars themed? Trump's face was superimposed over Yoda? it seems to have been scrubbed by the internet, although there are news network articles about it still all over the place. could be a nothing burger, but with all the Star Wars talk and references popping up, would love to take a closer look at it.
drink LOTS and LOTS of water. lotions and oils can only do so much and penetrate so many layers of skin. your body needs to be hydrated from the inside out to avoid stretch marks. some of it is hereditary and there's not much you can do there, but from my personal experience, I can confidently say that water is the answer.
high copper levels also make sense in the heavier menstrual cycles being reported, and could absolutely affect fertility. They don’t make copper IUDs for no reason.
Copper ions are associated with an inflammatory response in the uterus, meaning sperm cannot reach the egg to fertilize it and create an embryo. Researchers also postulate that copper ions act on the cervical mucus at the opening of the uterus to create a spermicidal, or sperm killing, effect.
Could be nothing but saw it driving by today. Parked in the same spot that Trump used to park AF1!
Video of driving by: https://imgur.com/a/rX68CI2
interesting considering i remember reading somewhere that moderna was founded in i think 2010…