interociter 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not seeing that. I bookmarked the instagram src link, and the image there still has the fbmd string. No differences from the one I got last night.

206275758_604619233761890_19630431929349887_n.jpg is the filename there.

interociter 5 points ago +5 / -0


The string in there is,


|Photoshop 3.0



interociter 2 points ago +2 / -0

damage control handshake account? Obviously the string in the jpg isn't the encrypted message. It's got a fbmd prefix but does that mean it's not possible the string could've been used to encrypt something at some point?

interociter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Happened a couple of hours ago, maybe 3 hours after your comment.

"Sorry, this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Go back to Instagram."


interociter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Short clip of G. Edward Griffin here, reading a "directive issued from Party headquarters to all communists in the United States." Same playbook still being used today,



"when certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them after suitable buildups as fascist, or nazi, or anti-semitic, and use the prestige of anti-fascist and tolerance organizations to discredit them."

interociter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait, no, it's the Jesuits really, right?

interociter 3 points ago +3 / -0

"disrupting unjust systems", "places that are ripe for change" -- marxist communist language right there.

"Some may also say "Sköll" is a mere toast to good health" -- really? I wonder if the mistake there is intentional, it's wikipedo. It's not the same word, the toast is skål. Pronounced "skoal", not "skuhll".


Good dig on the symbolism. I looked up Sköll and found pages talking about Hati, the other wolf. And whaddya know, there's a Hati foundation involved with children,


https://etan.org/et2002c/july/01-06/021500.htm -- https://archive.ph/bItJo

"However, when the orphanages wanted to return the children to their parents who had returned home to the newly-independent East Timor with the help of JSR Indonesia, the Hati Foundation obstructed the moves.


If the report is true, the foundation has become a trade mafia for refugee children."

interociter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Translation there: "I'm offended because you guys are winning and me and the rest of the commies are going to end up in jail"

Good article, only thing I'd suggest is either copy pasting the text to a comment here so people don't have to give the actual site the clicks, or archiving the page. Which saves the replies at the end in case they're deleted, maybe.



interociter 18 points ago +18 / -0

This is still going on. The numbers below are from comparing the first set of files I downloaded, updated May 16, and the most recent ones, updated June 13.

Vaers id is the first record in the csv files. Both of those files start with the same record id,

The May file starts with 0916600 and ends with 1316369, a difference of 399769. But there are only 217716 lines in the file, which means 182053 records are missing there.

The June file starts with 0916600 and ends with 1392132, a difference of 475532. But there are only 346967 lines in that file, so 128565 records are missing.

Number of missing records dropped by 53488 from middle of May to middle of June.

And records are still being removed. I compared the lists of id numbers ( with comm ) and got 189 that are in the May file, but not in the June one.

https://files.catbox.moe/jf7mau.txt -- just the missing id numbers

https://files.catbox.moe/px9jho.txt -- the whole record for each number

If there's a Y directly after the symptom text, that marks a death, didn't notice any of those but I didn't read through all of them.

interociter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look at the replies there,

"simply made an error   Nothing more, nothing less"

"He was using the swipe method "

"Fact is he meant to type ..."

It's just a list of statements, that you're supposed to agree with? And no replies since about 5 pm, end of shift at Langley maybe? Or wherever.

I use glide type on my tablet all the time, and you're right, it always tries to guess the word you're aiming for. If I try to type covfefe, I get "covered, converge, cove, converted," coverage even. It's not possible to do it by accident.

interociter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good point, can't have the effort looking bad. And there's vaxxed vs "fully vaxxed" which is two shots, I think? The page here has numbers a lot higher than the chart there, but it's only counting doses given vs doses shipped.


This one has numbers that are lower than the chart, and it shows "at least one dose" and "fully". The numbers for "at least one" probably includes people who got two shots?


The chart looks like MA 79%, HI 81%, VT 82%, MS 44%, AR 50%

Mayo clinic page has MA 57%, HI 48%, VT 59%, MS 28%, AR 32% for fully,

and for "at least one," MA 68%, HI 68%, VT 71%, MS 34%, AR 40%

interociter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where are you getting these ideas from? Hebrew comes from Phoenician, and Sanskrit predates Phoenician.



interociter 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's the amount of people who won't take it, out of the ones who haven't. The article says 78% of unvaxxed are unlikely to change their mind. But percentage of vaxxed isn't really high at all, according to the page below. The state with the highest percentage of vaxxed is only at 59%. Lowest is 27.5% percent vaxxed,


The percentages are listed under the map by state name, and I sorted the list by percentage. I added the percent at the beginning of the line for the sorting but it's just duplicated from the number at the end,

27.5% Mississippi 1,022,358 34,352 27.5%

29.4% Alabama 1,774,139 36,183 29.4%

30.6% U.S. Virgin Islands 38,541 36,818 30.6%

31.8% Arkansas 1,210,066 40,098 31.8%

31.9% Louisiana 1,690,689 36,368 31.9%

32.3% Tennessee 2,709,398 39,674 32.3%

32.3% Wyoming 217,562 37,591 32.3%

33.0% Utah 1,466,189 45,733 33.0%

33.4% Georgia 4,348,580 40,957 33.4%

33.4% Idaho 680,620 38,086 33.4%

34.2% Oklahoma 1,663,357 42,036 34.2%

34.6% West Virginia 740,855 41,339 34.6%

34.9% South Carolina 2,141,058 41,584 34.9%

35.1% Missouri 2,627,118 42,805 35.1%

35.2% American Samoa 23,982 43,064 35.2%

36.4% Indiana 2,861,249 42,501 36.4%

36.6% Texas 13,102,370 45,187 36.6%

36.7% North Carolina 4,595,887 43,820 36.7%

37.0% Arizona 3,432,146 47,153 37.0%

37.1% North Dakota 325,017 42,650 37.1%

38.0% Nevada 1,433,848 46,551 38.0%

39.0% Kansas 1,378,624 47,322 39.0%

39.0% Montana 489,239 45,776 39.0%

39.0% Puerto Rico 1,678,495 52,557 39.0%

39.3% Kentucky 2,108,436 47,193 39.3%

40.2% Alaska 342,656 46,840 40.2%

40.3% Florida 10,792,205 50,248 40.3%

40.8% Northern Mariana Islands 26,817 47,145 40.8%

41.2% Illinois 7,111,417 56,120 41.2%

41.2% Ohio 5,446,690 46,596 41.2%

43.0% Nebraska 946,673 48,939 43.0%

43.0% South Dakota 430,989 48,718 43.0%

43.1% Michigan 4,936,204 49,427 43.1%

44.7% Delaware 542,781 55,741 44.7%

44.8% Iowa 1,572,936 49,854 44.8%

44.9% California 22,957,251 58,102 44.9%

45.1% Pennsylvania 7,625,623 59,566 45.1%

45.6% Wisconsin 3,018,776 51,847 45.6%

46.2% Guam 93,367 56,324 46.2%

46.5% Virginia 4,803,820 56,280 46.5%

46.7% Colorado 3,181,716 55,250 46.7%

47.1% Oregon 2,353,525 55,801 47.1%

47.3% Minnesota 3,110,259 55,150 47.3%

47.5% District of Columbia 408,830 57,929 47.5%

48.4% Hawaii 957,386 67,618 48.4%

48.4% New York 11,063,492 56,871 48.4%

48.7% Washington 4,416,901 58,003 48.7%

48.8% New Mexico 1,227,490 58,540 48.8%

49.7% New Jersey 5,423,245 61,058 49.7%

49.8% Maryland 3,534,703 58,467 49.8%

51.0% New Hampshire 822,727 60,507 51.0%

53.4% Rhode Island 657,368 62,053 53.4%

55.2% Connecticut 2,293,608 64,332 55.2%

55.8% Maine 861,622 64,099 55.8%

56.3% Massachusetts 4,672,901 67,797 56.3%

59.0% Vermont 446,489 71,554 59.0%

by Lla26
interociter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sea salt for the magnesium, get the one that's iodized though.

interociter 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to the page here, the state with the highest percentage of vaxxed is only at 59%. Lowest is 27.5% There's a lot more of us than they're going to admit,


The percentages are listed under the map by state name, I sorted the list by percentage. Had to add each percent at the beginning of the line for the sorting but it's just duplicated from the one at the end,

27.5% Mississippi 1,022,358 34,352 27.5%

29.4% Alabama 1,774,139 36,183 29.4%

30.6% U.S. Virgin Islands 38,541 36,818 30.6%

31.8% Arkansas 1,210,066 40,098 31.8%

31.9% Louisiana 1,690,689 36,368 31.9%

32.3% Tennessee 2,709,398 39,674 32.3%

32.3% Wyoming 217,562 37,591 32.3%

33.0% Utah 1,466,189 45,733 33.0%

33.4% Georgia 4,348,580 40,957 33.4%

33.4% Idaho 680,620 38,086 33.4%

34.2% Oklahoma 1,663,357 42,036 34.2%

34.6% West Virginia 740,855 41,339 34.6%

34.9% South Carolina 2,141,058 41,584 34.9%

35.1% Missouri 2,627,118 42,805 35.1%

35.2% American Samoa 23,982 43,064 35.2%

36.4% Indiana 2,861,249 42,501 36.4%

36.6% Texas 13,102,370 45,187 36.6%

36.7% North Carolina 4,595,887 43,820 36.7%

37.0% Arizona 3,432,146 47,153 37.0%

37.1% North Dakota 325,017 42,650 37.1%

38.0% Nevada 1,433,848 46,551 38.0%

39.0% Kansas 1,378,624 47,322 39.0%

39.0% Montana 489,239 45,776 39.0%

39.0% Puerto Rico 1,678,495 52,557 39.0%

39.3% Kentucky 2,108,436 47,193 39.3%

40.2% Alaska 342,656 46,840 40.2%

40.3% Florida 10,792,205 50,248 40.3%

40.8% Northern Mariana Islands 26,817 47,145 40.8%

41.2% Illinois 7,111,417 56,120 41.2%

41.2% Ohio 5,446,690 46,596 41.2%

43.0% Nebraska 946,673 48,939 43.0%

43.0% South Dakota 430,989 48,718 43.0%

43.1% Michigan 4,936,204 49,427 43.1%

44.7% Delaware 542,781 55,741 44.7%

44.8% Iowa 1,572,936 49,854 44.8%

44.9% California 22,957,251 58,102 44.9%

45.1% Pennsylvania 7,625,623 59,566 45.1%

45.6% Wisconsin 3,018,776 51,847 45.6%

46.2% Guam 93,367 56,324 46.2%

46.5% Virginia 4,803,820 56,280 46.5%

46.7% Colorado 3,181,716 55,250 46.7%

47.1% Oregon 2,353,525 55,801 47.1%

47.3% Minnesota 3,110,259 55,150 47.3%

47.5% District of Columbia 408,830 57,929 47.5%

48.4% Hawaii 957,386 67,618 48.4%

48.4% New York 11,063,492 56,871 48.4%

48.7% Washington 4,416,901 58,003 48.7%

48.8% New Mexico 1,227,490 58,540 48.8%

49.7% New Jersey 5,423,245 61,058 49.7%

49.8% Maryland 3,534,703 58,467 49.8%

51.0% New Hampshire 822,727 60,507 51.0%

53.4% Rhode Island 657,368 62,053 53.4%

55.2% Connecticut 2,293,608 64,332 55.2%

55.8% Maine 861,622 64,099 55.8%

56.3% Massachusetts 4,672,901 67,797 56.3%

59.0% Vermont 446,489 71,554 59.0%

interociter 1 point ago +1 / -0

No problem, I was going to try using back slash on the underscores and the square bracket and parentheses format, but just figured the tinyurl was the easiest thing.

interociter 3 points ago +3 / -0

TV series? Lol, I want to say "ok, zoomer" or something, to that. It was a movie, originally, based on a book. Seems like the RT part would be important, to me, like maybe it's the R. T. logging run, whatever that is?



interociter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's the tinyurl for the ballotpedia page, looks like the underscores are being picked up as formatting markup.


Archived it also,


interociter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right, national and probably state level will have to be handled by the military, as coup or occupation. Audits expose the fraud everywhere, pedotus refuses to leave, the military has to step in at that point.

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