Fire protection engineer here. That’s not what happened or claimed what happened. The UAlaska study seems valid that the NIST study was wrong, but they only claim that from an engineering calculation standpoint. The buildings were a flawed design and therefore a perfect target for such an attack. They didn’t demo the buildings, but more than likely they were targeted attacks by our own government based on science.
Don’t be intentionally obtuse. Rittenhouse is a state court, Maxwell is a federal court. They’ve never allowed cameras (video or still) in federal court rooms, at least since 1946. I disagree with the practice but this isn’t some grand conspiracy.
“Watch the water” “[weapon of mass destruction]”
Comms warning us of a threat out of Afghanistan?
It wouldn’t shock me if they set off a dirty bomb at the airport to justify sending troops back in and kicking off a major international conflict.
1st shot: mild headache for a few hours (like allergies) 2nd shot: woke up at 2:00 am sweating like Patrick Ewing. Intense chills and fever until mid afternoon. At that point vertigo kicked in for the next 6 hours. My wife said she had 911 dialed twice and decided not to. Woke up the next morning ~36 hours post shot feeling like I had gotten hit by a truck.
This was back in March. Knowing everything that’s out now I wouldn’t have gotten it. Do I think I’m fucked long term? Probably not. But I definitely won’t be getting a booster.
Counterpoint: it’s one last plea for peace before he really tells her to get fucked 10 different ways on Sunday.
There’s a reason they “leaked” the “kidnapping attempt” on Whitler. It’s to get the normies riled when she and the other two dykes are brought out in cuffs and try to play it as an unlawful action and revolt by “extremist right wingers.”
A little confused here… why are we hoping that the vaccine is unsafe? Shouldn’t we be hoping that nothing terrible comes of it?
This right here. I remember back when Kemp’s daughters boyfriend was blown up and knowing then that these monsters will destroy anyone who is close to getting in their way, especially friends and family. I really think Kemp was close to flipping and putting a stop to the election BS in GA. They couldn’t let that happen. I’ve known that they will kill, but never that obviously before.
Methinks this is to shut down the GA economy for when the real audit comes alive there. Dems have more riding on GA than any other state. Not only was it the straw that broke the Trump Presidency, it also flipped the senate blue. Demoralize the people with no gas and a busted economy and they won’t care about an election audit.
903 lines up with grassley's 2 + 4 in his tweet today. Am I doing this right?
A lot of shipping companies are owned by insurance agencies. I have also found it to be a weird way of diversifying when historically its a costly loss.
That literally confirms what I said. What’s your point, fag?
Considering the first voyage of a Disney cruise was 1998 I severely doubt this. Don't be a larping fag
It’ll be interesting to see how far it drops with the lower test cycles. Then we will actually know how “dangerous” and “spreadable” it is.
Know your geography. Mar-a-Lago is on the east coast of Florida. That is a sunrise.
Trustworthy is a stretch. Predictably consistent? Yes. She is still a NWO communist pig with bright red lipstick.
Fink is Blackrock not Vanguard. If you want a nice deep dive into the fucked up investment banking world we have check this out. They all own each other and there is one agenda.