Right, they knew this was coming, it's why they bought so many overpriced houses. Sink your assets into real estate and it means no one can come for it later.
It is very, very important to remember that in Epstein's first trial Trump was the only very wealthy, very public person to cooperate fully with the investigation. Trump's involvement with this started way back then and what he found was probably mindblowing.
And you can find the cushions behind Quentin there in the photos in his story about the Lolita Express. https://filmdaily.co/news/lolita-express-creepy-pictures/
There's a well known picture (amongst those of us who know) of him sucking on the toes of a foot that is obviously attached to someone under 14 while on the Lolita Express. Tarantino, that is.
There's only one reason those devices would be "ignored" under Trump and that's that they were being used against Trump (with full collusion from mainly democrats.)
Well, the under 60 stats for boosted in Israel plainly show they have been more vulnerable to COVID for months. Change the parameters to "Under 60" and look for yourself on "Cases by Vaccination Status", Vaccination Status of Severe Cases", and "Deaths by Vaccination Status". Look at the rates for under 60 in "Cases By Age And Vaccination Status".
Ontario's Deaths Involving COVID-19 by Vaccination Status plainly shows that overall boosted have been dying at at least double the rate since July. Filter the age group by "ALL".
Before they stopped reporting their infection rates because "it was being misinterpreted" those numbers had gone insanely sideways. Again filtering to only show "ALL" will show you the overall population data.
Official covid data shows that taking the vaccine is an insane idea.
The only way an FBI agent can become good is by getting rid of his addiction to oxygen.
Haha, isn't it so weird that's the same gas coming out of the train cars in Ohio? So strange. Quite a Cohencidence.
The most encouraging thing about all of this is that all of these garbage degenerate morons shut the fuck up after Elon took over Twitter. That means they have had some very serious communications regarding their abuse of their platform, and they retained counsel, and those lawyers told them "Holy shit, shut the fuck up you fucking retard."
The usual, being a giant bundle of sticks.
- But don't worry, I'm sure the people we abused for two years will be glad to foot your medical bills as long as you live, right guys? ...guys?
The Ukraine war has killed at least a half a million Ukrainians alone. It's a meat grinder and we're running the crank.
So glad I will own an AR-15 and AK 47 as long as I live.
When basically nothing came of the Cambridge Analytica stuff it was fairly obvious Facebook was being allowed to advertise by listening to people's phones 24-7 in exchange for handing all the data to the NSA. Nowadays they use your microphone, camera, and probably your brainwaves and the US government gets 100% of the data.
When it comes to doing illegal things with large amounts of data, eventually you have to start doing illegal things to acquire support for it because you can't put the labor used for it on the books. It's basically impossible to support it in the long term because you have to obscure any man hours you throw at it, and any you use to hide it...and you have to hide what you use to hide it....and so on.
Most of this is because the armaments we make expire. You can't easily justify buying more javelins when the only reason you need new ones is that the batteries in the old ones went bad. Trump didn't use them so Joe has to get them all out of inventory before he's out of office so we're forced to buy new ones.
HIV patients progressing into AIDS get myocarditis from infections of the heart all the time.
Two kids need to be orphans, I guess.
Yeah, a year of them trying to sell us fake/old pictures of blown up Russian tanks telling us tanks are useless because of the Javelins and MLAWS we gave the Ukrainians and now they want us to believe somehow our tanks will make a difference? You know who has most of the remaining anti-tank weapons we gave the hohols? The Russians.
He's black and gay, so he gets at least 2 extra points. One point is like 4 years of school or experience and each added point is 1.5 times the base amount. If you managed to be 1/4 each black, woo woo indian, dirka dirka indian, asian, female, handicapped, gay, trans, and autistic you're basically born with a doctorate and 50 years of experience.
lol...even when he's about to get beat down Paul Pelosi has a drink in his hand?
Not to be contrary, but I'm pretty sure GEOTUS knew this investigation would come up and so he put the right investigators in the right places to begin with. They're all on rails Trump laid down and they can't get off this ride. He's been doing this to his enemies his whole life.
Well sure, who didn't think that was why these searches were happening, at least at this point? The only reason it hit the media is that they had to declare the discovery of these boxes of documents and it's better to control the narrative than have it just show up in public records with no explanation.
Get a good concealed carry handgun, practice with it, and get so you can strike machined solid copper hollow point fragments into their hearts as well.