Tariffs should fix that.
Colombia Trade & Investment Summary
Maybe he put AIPAC on a plane, special delivery.
It has been proven, the Jews have total control over every facet of our society. They control the banks, news, colleges, corporations and our government.
Playing nice with the enemy up front in public view while degrading their grip on our nation behind the scenes is the way to reverse their infiltration.
Israel used subversive means to slither in and gain control. Remember the snake poem that President Trump like to read? It is referring to Israel, the snake IS Israel.
Where do you think all this DEI, LGBT, abortion rights bullshit came from? Sacrificing our people, mocking God while pushing the most incompetent people to the front of the crowd to rule over us.
Tariffs will bring the corporations under control. If you push a globalist agenda, expect to have some tariffs rammed up your ass. Bring your factories home, reduce the unemployment and help rebuild America.
Federal funds have been eliminated for any teaching institution that pushes critical race theory and gender ideology.
The process of blackmailing our politicians with child trafficking and hidden islands, forcing votes that favor Israel, forcing politicians' loyalty is being destroyed.
Their grip on our financial system is evaporating.
Their control over the mainstream media is dying, you are the news now.
It is easy to say Trump is a simp to Israel with posts like this. The truth is he must maintain this persona to minimize the antisemitic media reports while chopping the head off the snake.
I believe when Trump went to Saudi Arabia, and they honored him with the sword dance, Trump told them we know you are innocent for 9/11, we know who the real suspects are, Israel.
I read somewhere that sword dance represented a "combining of alliances" to go after the mutual enemy.
I heard Trump say today they will be asking SA to invest $1 trillion into the USA because we have been very good to them.
Perhaps because he is innocent. Think about it, we were instantly told Osama Bin Laden orchestrated the attack on 9/11, al Queda hijackers flew the planes. However, the hijacker names released were of Saudi pilots. Several of those pilots were still alive at the time.
Then we had the Israeli artists who were in the towers, it is thought they were responsible for wiring the detonations that brought the towers down.
So we have our own government lying to us, perhaps blaming the wrong people for the attacks, diverting the Israeli connection away from focus.
There may be evidence that upends the official story, proves this man is innocent and we had to wait till now to finally have the truth presented.
Saving Israel for last.
Biden was blamed for the deaths of Seal Team 6.
He congratulated them publicly after the raid that captured OBL.
The leak was intentional so they could eliminate Seal Team 6 with a Surface to Air Missile afterwards.
Obama admin pretended the missile attack on their helicopter was payback from al-Qaeda for killing OBL.
However, Seal Team 6 didn't capture the real OBL, they captured a body double.
Wouldn't al-Qaeda know the truth about this event?
If OBL was still alive why would al-Qaeda shoot down their helicopter?
If al-Qaeda didn't shoot down the helicopter, who did?
Obama used this event to bolster his upcoming election.
Obama couldn't allow Seal Team 6 to return home and announce the truth.
This is why I believe the real Joe Biden was executed during Trump's time in office.
He was executed for planning the murder of Seal Team 6.
To keep Biden's execution a secret and prevent civil war, fake Joe was created.
The fake Joe Biden entered the seen and the left was unaware Biden was a body double.
The left orchestrated the plandemic as a means to cheat and voted the fake Biden into office.
Q team let it play out to create the "pause", they now had an insider leading the democrat party.
Q told us the wizards would never let another evil POS control the country.
This leads me to believe we may never have the connection to the plandemic and stolen election exposed.
Or perhaps, we just may never learn about the fake Joe Biden, that part will be kept secret, everything else will be exposed.
What would the people think if it were known the Q team created a fake Biden and allowed him to take control of the democrat party and country?
This is perhaps why all the election fraud cases were thrown out, national security.
There was a lot of infiltration and psywar going back and forth between good and evil at that time to take and/or keep control the of the USA.
Donations from around the world intended for Haiti after the earthquake that destroyed everything.