Don't forget that is tax free. You can make more money giving these homeless free showers, haircuts, food, temporary housing, etc. Compared to just fixing the problem. Instead we encourage homeless. (Thank you ACLU) Not so fun fact, all of my classmates from my graduating class in LA county are either homeless or still in school or both. (Been over 10 years since graduation now) Homelessness is big business in CA and the homeless are willing to do it. Including myself, completely eliminated 2100+ in rent and got paid well for it. See for yourself, go on Snapchat geo stories, Google street view, etc, look at the cars parked in front of homeless tents on some streets compared to the cars parked across the street owned by actual working families. Since when do homeless people drive Mercedes and BMWs. It's going to take a lot to deprogram California. This goes back to Reagan shutting down the mental hospital days.
I do believe there is comms here, just like Saddam and Bush. See,
As much as I agree that today's military is weak(this was actually the reason I left). I believe that at the highest levels it's not and not corrupt as well. Russia in Ukraine was coming, given Chernobyl comms and the recent plandemic. Before I digress further, I don't think Russia will set foot on US soil or air space. With Ukraine taken care of, I think it provides cover and safety, making it time for the patriots to begin public operations in the US.
I'm not fully convinced. It might be a stretch. Q post #140, "What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?" Putting bias aside and looking at it from multiple PoVs, the enemy of my enemy. Art of war. Look at Russell 'Texas' Bentley's videos on Ukraine. Putin's speeches use specific wording and are worth a look as well. It is not an invasion, it's a liberation. Ukraine forces are fighting alongside Russia against the Nazis, as they word it. It won't be a country or an island that gets destroyed, it's the evil forces that have a presence in those countries that are targets.