On Friday the Maricopa audit results will be released to the public.
Stay alert and pay attention!
There will be an event of some kind meant to distract you.
As we go into Friday, keep all eyes on Maricopa county!
Is this a Q research board? What does this incel meme have to do with Q?
Well do something about it James Woods, besides sitting on your ass and truthing or tweeting or whatever
"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." Rom 12:19
What I don't understand is that Putin tolerates corrupt oligarchs like for example Berezovsky https://gulfnews.com/world/europe/russian-oligarch-boris-berezovsky-flew-in-teenagers-for-sex-1.1163074 It seems Russia has the same corrupt elite as anywhere else and all this contrarian gargling of Putins balls, because hurr durr Russian man good, is playing right into the cabals hands. Fuck the elites. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
Calling yourself q-anon does? Thought there was only Q and anons?
I don't know what that means. But thanks for the welcome friend. NCSWIC
This is some grade A hopium and I can't wait to explain this to the normies in my life. Kash is definitely an insider to the white hat plan. God wins!
James 1 "26. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his heart and his religion is worthless. 27Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I think your definition of socialism becomes so broad that it becomes difficult for me to know what it means.
Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf "that the problem of how the future of the German nation can be secured is the problem of how Marxism can be exterminated". So we can agree he was not a Marxist. The leaders of socialist left were put in prison when the National Socialists came to power. So Hitler was not a socialist in the trade union sense of the word. If I understand your point correctly you mean the Nazis were socialist because they share the totalitarian state of the USSR or communist China. And that socialism in the US is marked by "corporate fascism = government socialism promoting the profit of select "elite" mega-businesses, many of which are war materials procurers and "health" industrialists." I am no fan of this kind of corporate socialism. I think the 'elite' found a way to pay lip service to socialist ideals, rainbow flags etc. but I doubt very much they have the interests of regular people in mind. It might be naive of me but I think not dying because you cannot have afford the price of insulin or demanding that a large corporation doesn't poison your local water ways are good causes to fight for. But these are also labeled communist or socialist by some. There must be some way to distinguish legitimate demands by regular people who want join together to improve their lives and a literal gulag or concentration camp.
If you look at the history there were certain members of the national socialists that expected Hitler to take the party in a more explicitly socialist direction. but they were dissapointed when Hitler joined forces with wealthy industrialists in the lates 1920s. Those industrialist were anti communist as they did not want to lose there status and wealth in the event of a communist takeover. The name National Socialist was political a strategy to lure working class members who wanted a more socialist state. A name can give plausible deniability. Is the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea a democratic state? By your logic it is.
Breast milk is 87% water. H2O is an inorganic compound so breast milk can therefore be said to be 80% inorganic. Nothing strange or nefarious about that. Be critical of all media also those that seem to confirm your own biases.
I am not sure the Nazis and Hillary would completely agree on the racial superiority of the german race.
FFS this is some ahistorical bullshit. The nazis hated socialists and communists. The brown shirts and the communists had street fights throughout the Weimar period. One of the reasons they came to power was because the liberal middle class and elites in Germany were afraid of a communist revolution in German. Would they have chosen Hitler if they had any suspicion he supported any socialist or communist ideals?
This is crazy. Are they sending some kind of signal? Biden falling meant to signal underground bunkers? Really sad to think what sick Bidan is doing.