If that ever happens, I will take my US flag and come from across the pond to aid. Do not want to miss that party. Perhaps I get to piss on a dead commie!
I personally am not, but I stick to 9 of the 10 commandments and was raised by Catholic parents. I just think the whole idea is a little bit too "human".
This guy is called "the train station toilet" by a lot of German commentators. German train station toilets, as you can imagine, are notoriously dirty and dysfunctional.
Having seen this man speak for years, I am sure he is a sociopath and a hypochondriac. His PhD appears to be of troubling origin too, which has been known for years.
And yet, very little happened in Germany. Now finally the AfD (alternative for Germany) is winning a lot of local and state elections. I hope they will take the absolute majority in federal elections.
His very name is "white man" lol
Europe does not need this kind of help. It would suffice if you stopped interfering between Europe and Russia. We would benefit economically (which is why the US does not want it to happen).
Can we then subtract the costs incurred by the millions of refugees from Ukraine and the Middle-East who are now raping our women?
Can we please also subtract the cost to repair the pipelines that you broke?
I have been playing around with all of these generative AI for years, because it is my job... This is the first generated picture where the style and composition are good. It works.
I swear I am going to piss on this man's grave.
Torture and death
The only woman I have ever seen who looks better bloodied and not smiling... pffff
18 GHz does not penetrate the skin.
So... it's daytime everywhere at the same time?
I bought 2 GPUs at the beginning of the pandemic to continue my ML work at home. I mined ETH on the downtime. Gained about 10k EURO and easily payed for the GPUs. Then got out right before the crash. For me it has been a fun experiment, but the main drawback of the biggest coin BTC, is the limited amount of transactions.
I am not sure I am right about this, but as the difficulty gets higher, not only do you get fewer rewards (join a pool to make it regular, sure), but at the same time, the amount of transactions that can be put on the ledger is going to slow down over time.
And if you look at the capacity of the BTC blockchain and have a look at the maximum number of supported transactions, it is only a few per second.
Imagine 7 billion people using BTC and only having at most half a million transactions per day. That is not a currency, sorry. It just does not make sense to me anymore. It is a speculative thing and not much else. I have speculated and won. Paid off my GPUs and the electrical energy, but I do not see crypto as a viable alternative anymore.
I have created wood fires and accidentally melted an aluminium pan. If you keep the fire going, you will not find any aluminium afterwards, as the aluminium evaporates quite easily. It takes mere hours depending on how long you keep the fire going.
I will use my bare hands
A bit of rope and gravity works too
Nah, I think it must be a leading figure. Either Biden, Trump or someone else. Perhaps the Pope. That would shock the world. Maybe Xi Jin Ping. Some other world leader. All in all I think there are only a dozen or so possible arrests that would truly shock the world. Local corruption, however bad it may be, will just not make enough impact.
Bill Gates? Fauci?
Just my 2 cents. Have a great day, frens.
They are man made as most studies show these fires start when people throw away their cigarettes. A small portion is due to lighting. Similarly, when vegetation around power lines is not maintained properly, a short circuit can cause fires.
But the main cause is human behavior. And quite a lot of these incidents do not seem to be incidental. There are plenty of reports from the EU where people go out to set these fires.
I am actually kind of sad for this, because it would be very nice to learn something about the south pole of the moon.
What caused this? Perhaps the engine didn't fire up again. It is typically the cause when something like this happens. Or they forgot to add the batteries, as happens to me often when I play KSP.
Yep. I will go demonstrate first thing and will not stop until the hangings begin.
The photos that I saw of melted metal were clearly aluminium. I have made wood fires for cooking and accidentally melted aluminium baking pans.
I think the process of evolution is well established. Please, distinguish between the "origin of life" and the "origin of species". Science only has a very fractional idea of how the first cell got going. Sure, you put lightning through a primordial soup and aminoacids can form. I can imagine it happened, but the step from single cell life to multicellular... that is far more difficult for me.
But evolutionary processes are at work and it has been proven even in simple, but real scenarios. For instance, in the US there was this lake with some type of fish in it. It had no natural predators, until these were reintroduced. It took a mere 56 years for these fish to redevelop their armor. They went from very little armor to being heavily armored.
However, this does not mean evolution is the whole story. It is clear these fish had the genes for building armor and spikes and obviously, slightly more armored fish had a slightly higher chance of survival, given being hunted by these reintroduced predators. What baffles me is how the genes came into being in the first place. How does an organism go from not knowing how to build armor to getting a gene that encodes for all of the processes involved...?
Other examples of evolution in practice is island-dwarfism, which has been observed in elephants. Or inversely, birds flying to islands where they lose flight and grow huge, because there are no predators. Also, look a polar bears. Polar bears are just larger, white brown bears that split off a few tens of thousands of years ago. They can mingle and procreate with brown bears no problem. Polar bears only exist when brown bears wander off to seek new feeding grounds when there are polar ice caps.
But yeah, humans are pretty weird. To my knowledge there are only two organisms that can sweat to regulate body temperature. Humans. And pigs.
I have a coworker with old lady smell. Hormonal changes. Cabbage is what she smells like.
This is in ppm. The atmosphere contains 22% oxygen... that is 220,000 ppm.
To suggest a reduction of a 1000ppm is dangerous is ludicrous.
One of the national politicians where I live claimed in an interview: "The unvaccinated are traitors." Then just days later, in an interview, she was asked why she said that and claimed she would never call anyone a traitor...
People have not forgotten. Her party has been reduced to the sidelines.
It is very very important to never forget and never forgive. These people should all be held accountable and 90% of them deserve nothing else than a short trial and the death penalty.
I will volunteer to chop off their heads even if it means losing my own life in the end.