kandescent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes I picked the lesser of the two evils, but will keep my head on a swivel with him. He’s likely strongly tied to the deep state with his Carlyle Group history

kandescent 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s not to say that there can’t be other shenanigans.

Given Youngkin’s background though, it’s probably just as bad as a MacAuliffe win. The cabal might have both sides covered here

kandescent 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s what concerns me too. And Trump endorsed him. My guess is the cabal has both sides anyway. We people need to somehow create our own side

kandescent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where I live in Alexandria, the use the Verity Scan system, not Dominion

kandescent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is anyone concerned about Youngkin’s past with more than 2 decades at the Carlyle Group, including 3 years as CEO, only stepping down last year? I’m in Virginia and we do need McAuliffe gone (I have it even worse living in a super blue city with many races going unopposed by Republicans, including the sheriff 🤦🏽‍♀️). I’m just hoping that if Youngkin gets in, he doesn’t do a turnaround on what he claims to be for.

kandescent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I ordered from here ( also where I ordered things for years when I was still into horses). This one is a gel and the flavor is benign ymmv.


kandescent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most horses are on a monthly (sometimes every other month) deworming schedule. Also rotating the type of dewormer. I usually just rotated between ivermectin and praziquantel.

kandescent 6 points ago +6 / -0

True. Dental health is directly related to a nutrient dense diet. Also, people who are taking a lot of vitamin D lately need to make sure to take the requisite amount of vitamin K with it. The K helps to drive the calcium that the D regulates into the bones and helps keep the blood vessels from calcifying.

kandescent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I say no too. From when I was a child, the topical fluoride treatment would make me sick for days. Of course, the adults didn’t believe me. At that time, they had a tray with gel and stuck it in your mouth. From that point on I’d be sick and queasy. A couple of years ago this hygienist started applying fluoride despite my confirming with everyone there several times that I didn’t want it. As soon as she started painting it on, I had that telltale sickness and stopped her immediately and told her I expressly said I don’t want it. She immediately rinsed and had me spit it out. My dentist said the reason they used to apply it after cleaning was because of abrasive cleaning methods that they don’t really use anymore. Her office supposedly only uses it if specifically requested.

But for me, the type of fluoride they add to water and in dentistry is bad. Naturally occurring fluoride would be ok imo. I use a zero water filter to remove fluoride and chlorine, amongst other things. Then I add my own mineral drops from salt water lakes back in to soften and improve flavor.

by gamepwn
kandescent 6 points ago +6 / -0

Get a nebulizer. And nebulize a mixture of saline and hydrogen peroxide 7:1. Add a drop of iodine. Do this several times a day. Can also nebulize a good pure source of nano particle colloidal silver. As always, do your own research. I’ve had a good experience with the nebulizer even if I’m just getting a tickle in my throat or some sinus stuff going on. All the best to you and your family.

kandescent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Generally, this resource is good: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/macd.asp

That’s for the MACD. You can look up the others, and likely any other things that come up. It’s pretty comprehensive.

The Webull app has a good paper trading and simulated trading function. So you can trade with play money as you learn. I basically watch the patterns to see how things happen and when. The indicators are lagging so they can’t reach predict, but I think they give good info about momentum and sentiment and which way things might go. Of course hedge fund crime can throw in a wrench. If you observe the same stocks regularly, you can figure out the patterns of the traders (day traders— usually biggest impact in the morning and at closing). And you can see the patterns of the market makers and traders algorithms when volume is light. I’m no expert at all, but I have learned a ton since jumping into GME. I wish I had time to learn more. I’d really love to learn options, but that will have to wait.

Webull also has some little training coursed in their app. I think I did one a while back. It’s worth looking into.

kandescent 1 point ago +1 / -0

At some point, the gap made at 45 (lol) is going to have to be filled (the irony is not lost on me lol). Manipulated or not, the market makers and traders don’t like open gaps like that. So, I would expect the price to go down anyway to fill in that gap. Then the price can go back up from there, hopefully with some nice levels of consolidation on the way up. Volatility is not really good. Remember that the market goes in waves— always up and down. This is not actually like GME (aside from the fact that market makers are generally criminals). Watch most IPOs and they are pretty volatile like this in the beginning as price finding occurs. And because of strong public interest, that makes DWAC even more volatile at the start. Best is not to chase a big run up. Wait for your entry when it comes back down. Learning to read the indicators like MACD, KDJ, Stochastic RSI, EWO, etc. That’s what I’ve been learning while waiting and watching the crime going on with GME.

kandescent 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to a press release I saw on Webull, the transfer agent is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company

kandescent 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think people who are sensitive to nightshades (like me) get more inflammation from tomatoes. I’ve eliminated tomatoes (though I do like them) and I am much better. Though I have eliminated most inflammatory foods and my health is much better. I should say foods inflammatory to me since everyone is different. Though the key does seem to be fixing your gut first, which requires eliminating inflammatory foods, at least temporarily.

kandescent 7 points ago +7 / -0

I stopped listening to him about a year ago. Too manipulative for me

kandescent 3 points ago +3 / -0

What are the post jab recommendations?

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