I haven't read the comments but would like to point out the USSS' role in protecting 45. Bongino posted on IG this morning that 45 should NOT post the bond. By NOT posting it, and according to the USSS' authority in protecting him, the court would have to shut down the entire area where he would be housed, meaning the jail. Are they ready to do that?
I don't think anyone has REALLY thought this through. FAFO is about to happen!
They are dealing with a former president, not Joey Bag of Donuts from the corner.
I haven't read all the comments so someone may have mentioned these. I have lived through a bunch of hurricanes, Nor'Easters and blizzards and want to add:
About the freezer - Along with bottles of water, fill it with frozen food and open it ONLY when needed. The more you have in it, the longer the food will stay frozen/cold. Get a small cooler for drinks or snacks because the more you open the fridge/freezer the quicker the contents will get to room temp.
Beware of the eye of the storm. You think it's over, only to have it start all over again.
Make sure you have at least one radio and batteries so you can get updates.
Cook as much food as possible before the storm. You never know if you will be able to cook afterwards. Or, get a propane grill so you can cook.
Bottom line: prior planning prevents piss poor performance.
Edited to add: You can live without food for 3 weeks but you will die without water after 3 days.
Keep this in mind:
My state has had two local elections since the debacle a couple of years ago (you know which one I'm talking about). They send EVERYONE a request for mail-in ballot, so I kept mine and carried it with me when I went IN-PERSON to vote. ID is NOT required in my state yet I show mine anyway. They handed me my ballot and I voted. I was hoping someone would say I already voted by mail just so I could show them the "request" I brought with me.
I prefer to do in-person voting, on the DAY, rather than mail-in (because you never know how that will turn out, especially if someone votes for you). I understand there are people that are unable to go to the polls but that should be VERY limited.
So, if you get a request for a mail-in ballot, hang on to it and bring it with you to the poll when you vote.
The only good thing about this happening now is all the evidence they have. Otherwise, this isn't the first time it's happened but I don't think this will go anywhere, unfortunately. I doubt the Senate will do anything even if it makes it out of the House.
Not to mention, if he is impeached and removed from office, who takes over? Do we REALLY want her in that position, with Jeffries as the VP?
Yes, Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, Diane McSwain, et al. Prager U has some great videos dispelling the myths of slavery. The problem with this guy was 1) he wasn't in his right mind, and 2) because of that, he wouldn't listen to me.
This guy probably doesn't know any of those people I mentioned. He would probably be shocked to know they are all black, like him.
Oh, one thing I am NOT afraid of is confrontation. But, he just wasn't right, in the head. It was as if he forgot his meds this morning, along with his hat that he couldn't find. I have no problem having a heated conversation with someone that has all their marbles, but when there is a clear deficiency in mental capacity, it really is unfair, and frustrating from my point of view.
I've been in that same situation, usually having dinner with my family. And, when that happens, they know I will start making LOUD comments to counter whatever is being said at the other table. I don't get involved in their conversation, I start a conversation at MY table with my based family, loud even for the other table to hear!
He brought up Trump too and when I said this country needs to be run like a business, which Trump has experience with he went OFF, talking about how Trump was handed everything and that even his father didn't like him, blah, blah, blah!!!!
Again, I never saw this guy before and I hope I never see him again. Thinking back on it, he was probably trying to intimidate me. Yea, it didn't work.
He made some comment about DeSantis' comments about slavery, which I was not aware of, and how DeS doesn't know what it was like to "...be whipped, and forced to work out in the fields, and be murdered and dragged through the streets..." I tuned him out at that point.
Yes, the encounter was with a black man. He said he was 71 y/o so he was born long after slavery was abolished.
National Guard is not the "reserves"; they are (state) National Guard. There is a VERY big difference. The US reserves (example US Army Reserves, US Coast Guard Reserves, etc) are federal forces, paid exclusively by the federal government. The National Guard is run by the state's governor (PA, LA, TN, etc.) and paid by the state AND a little from the federal government. The "resident" can call a governor to activate their national guard but it takes an act of Congress to activate the reserves.
I am a very literal person: reserves is reserves and national guard is national guard.
Maybe to some it is just semantics but there is a big difference between the two.
I think whoever is writing these articles, reporting this stuff, doesn't know what they are talking about, which doesn't surprise me.
The reports keep saying "reserve" troops but I have a problem with that. Reserve troops require a literal act of congress to be mobilized; they are a federal force. However, National Guard troops can be activated by their respective governor. So, the "resident" can contact governors to activate troops and NOTHING needs to go through Congress.
It could just be that whoever is "reporting" this doesn't know the difference between the two. Regardless, our troops, reserve and NG, are there to protect US, not some other corrupt country that is our financial laundromat.
The soccer coach from TN will be feeling the wrath as well. ( https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/sick-tennessee-soccer-coach-arrested-drugging-raping-least/ ) I just don't get how these guys, and most of them ARE guys, can do this shit to kids.
I don't have Twatter, so I hope it is on Rumble too!