kosher 7 points ago +7 / -0

He single handedly destroyed the 2nd Bank of the US, which was the equivalent to the Fed. I'm Canadian but studied US history in University and I wrote a paper on Jackson vs. Nicholas Biddle. When you look at it from today's lens - how remarkable his foresight was and resolve to destroy it only for Woodrow Wilson to fuck everything up.

kosher 2 points ago +2 / -0

All Central Banks target 2% inflation - which I believe is the highest they could go without revolt. I didn't say they were successful at it, and they hide a lot of the truth by changing the standards in their metrics.

kosher 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's sustainable when you own the world's printing press. Your taxes are only to give the appearance that it's going to government spending. It's also there to help minimize inflation and keep it at the desired 2% they are allowed to steal without you noticing.

kosher 2 points ago +2 / -0

For more then a decade, I never believed it would be possible for central banks to raise rates due to the Greenspan's put. It could only be temporary, and they will lower rates to hyperinflation and keep it there to always buy yesterday's debt with today's cash.

kosher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ooh I'll check it out as I'm a big fan of bitches brew and in a silent way

kosher 1 point ago +1 / -0

He would certainly help Ross Perot the election and make it harder for them to cheat. It's the Dems that are fighting against his nomination not Trump so based on this you know which side is he going to steal votes from.

kosher 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason I was thinking is that an income tax could only be possible in a fiat system. If the system was backed by gold - all money would eventually flow to the government (that doesn't produce) over time. In fiat they used the income tax to minimize money velocity that is intrinsically linked with inflation. The federal reserve only wants to steal 2% of your money otherwise you would notice. Now the cats out of the bag - and they are going to continually bail themselves out with more fresh cash reserves.

I always believed the US dollar is a house of cards. All reserve currencies fail due to Triffin's Dilemma, where there is tremendous pressure to export your dollars abroad by sacrifice your long term potential. The Iraq war was a consequence of Triffin as it wasn't to have posession of oil, but the war to price oil in US dollars.

kosher 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was thinking this can only be acheived through a stable currency as the income tax first came along with the federal reserve act, where the system needs some escape valve to reduce inflation.

kosher 16 points ago +16 / -0

As a more conservative jew myself, it has been painfully slow to watch the turnaround but it's also finally happening around my family circles as well.

kosher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anyone play SF6 here? would be good to run into a few of you there. If you run into a Sim named kosher give me a tea bag.

kosher 1 point ago +1 / -0

A couple of areas on immigration reform, killing the crippling carbon tax and parental rights would go a long way - but this doesn't mean I trust him. He would need to be held account when they take power - and the people are the only opposition since the liberals need to be burned to the ground before they can serve as meaningful opposition.

The costs of another election won by the liberals is too high.

kosher 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a lot worse when the conservatives had Erin O'toole at the helm - he was a closet liberal for sure. Polievre is different but he still to stand account with his new base when he takes power. If he gives in like the G. Melonis I'm hoping it would be difficult with the amount of Canadians paying attention. We will have yet to see, but I think he deserves a shot and undo the damage the globalists have done.

I always said I would not vote in a Federal election unless I was personally threatened, and let's just say i'm voting this time around.

kosher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just some background on this that I thought is relevant, that Alberta has been threatening of pulling out of Canada pension plan and start their own, which they have the legal authority to do so (and historical precedence in Quebec). But Alberta puts a lot more in that they get in return compared to the other provinces so watch this pension fund crumble when Alberta pulls out as this would be severely underfunded.

kosher 1 point ago +1 / -0

I caught that but didn't really get what Jon was talking about. I think it was something about saying something defamatory to badlands on social media? I could be mistaken.

kosher 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to watch Theo when he played on the flames. Sounds like he really turned his life in the right direction after battling abuse and addiction.

kosher 2 points ago +2 / -0

They've been cooking the numbers since Bill Clinton times..

You can check out this website that has been tracking unemployment, CPI at the legacy standards:


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