Lapstrake 7 points ago +7 / -0

suddenly i had a place i was going to every day and here we are now. Happy Easter, ty you all for being part of this community, and GOD BLESS

GM fren.

Happy Easter to all frens!

Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

First flash happens before the ship hits the bridge.

Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

First flash happens before the ship hits the bridge.

Lapstrake 8 points ago +8 / -0

Chansley was the face of the j6 event. He dressed to get attention and made sure he was in all the camera shots.

He was also completely non-violent and polite to the police.

I have always believed he is more than he seems. I.E. a white hat.

Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

then I'll take a MAGA Dictator

I won't tolerate that either.

We can make the Constitution work again. It took over one hundred years for them to figure out how to get around it. I think all that apparatus can be ripped away easily once the people are behind it.

Lapstrake 10 points ago +10 / -0

The WEF is not running the show. The ones that are running the show remain in the shadows, controlling the WEF, the WHO, the CDC, the NIH etc.

Lapstrake 4 points ago +4 / -0

Today's FBI would feel this meme is a complement. I'm not kidding.

Lapstrake 5 points ago +5 / -0

So what he is saying is that this fire is just like the Maui fire where that one house was pristine, even the side yard. The fire obeyed the property lines.


Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who believes that Barbara Streisand would have the same opinion if nothing changes except that her target were Hunter Biden?

Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems to me that the border bill is designed primarily as way to get more illegals in, not slow it down.

And what do laws matter anyway. DHS is ignoring all kinds of laws and just doing whatever the hell they want.

It is total BS and doesn't do anything but waste a lot more of our money.

Lapstrake 4 points ago +4 / -0

Keep in mind there are only about 75 million households that actually pay taxes.

So for example, if you borrow $75 Billion dollars and give it to Ukraine, that is $1000 more debt for each American family that pays taxes. And it is only us that have to pay off this debt they are incurring.

So if they blow $60 Billion dollars, that is 60,000,000/75,000,000 = $800 per household.

This is real money. I think only a tiny fraction of Americans realize how much it will cost them personally.

Lapstrake 3 points ago +3 / -0


They were already pushing it in the late eighties. At the time remember discussing it with my friends. None of us doubted it. Why would we? Why would all these scientist lie?


Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

The cases are falling apart into ruin at the same time, for different reasons.

Lapstrake 9 points ago +9 / -0

Getting all the illegals deported would tough, but could be done.

What all the Fentanyl is doing is not reversible. It hard to believe that the white hats are allowing that.

But TBH, they allowed the vaccine, which has killed many many people and is still killing them every day.

It's all going to come to a climax soon.

Lapstrake 4 points ago +4 / -0

Came here to say this: They like say things this, while they laugh at us. Inside they are thinking:

And by 'done more', it really is that we've done more to destroy the quality of life for Americans, who we despise. And not just MAGA. These elites despise all of us who aren't their little club. They laugh because they think we all believe them.

Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

He also wants to make sure there are many fewer farms to ensure we will have plenty of food.

And his oldie but goodie.

He wants to help reduce population growth with vaccines.

Lapstrake 15 points ago +15 / -0

The Clinton's Adoption and Safe Families Act was designed to rip apart families and get the kids into the CPS foster care. They did this by have the Federal Govt pay state CPS thousands of $$$ for each kid removed from his bio parents and put into the system. The result was as intended. CPS' made trivially easy to remove kids from their homes, and nearly impossible for the kid to be returned. I.E. very difficult standards the bio parents had to meet. The Foster parents - barely any requirements at all.

Lapstrake 4 points ago +4 / -0

All the bomber crews knew the flak was heaviest over the target.

Going after us isn't going to do anything.

Doesn't it seem obvious even to normies that everything seems really weird right now?

Lapstrake 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is what Buck said two years ago:

During a House Judiciary hearing two years ago, Buck capped a lengthy tirade in which he said Mayorkas “allowed” opioids into the country and was “responsible” for thousands of girls being sold into prostitution, suggesting he would go down in infamy as a traitor to the country.

“No parents with the last name Arnold name their kids Benedict,” he said, referencing the defector to the British army.

suggesting he would go down in infamy as a traitor to the country.

So... Did he really change his opinion? Or was what he said two years ago fake and he actually didn't believe any of it?

And what would make him change his opinion?



Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seems weird to me that all the lawsuits are having problems all of the sudden.

Also seems weird to me that they all helped Donald Trump dramatically.

In a good way.

Even the E Jean Carroll stuff was so over the top that it will more than pay for itself when considering how much benefit he gets to his campaign.

Same with the Erdogen utter BS case.

Probably a lot of businesses are wondering if this is a good precedent - that a single judge can make some shit up and take all your money and absolutely destroy your entire company? Especially if you consider how unfairly they treated Trump.

Were they all set-up by the good guys? Seems like the people running these attack lawfare are all idiots with poor judgement.

Lapstrake 1 point ago +1 / -0

It isn't 'free loans to Jews'. If all goes well, the bank gets the amount of benefit, they just cannot call it 'interest'. They do that because of some kind of religious rule.

LendCo advances a loan of £100,000 to Mr A Borrows for a 12 month term with interest of 5% per annum. 50% of the loan, or £50,000, is treated as a repayable interest-free loan, and 50%, or £50,000, is an investment into Mr Borrows’s real estate business. Mr Borrows would be required to pay profits from the investments to LendCo at a rate of 10% of the investment portion per annum. This results in Mr Borrows paying £5,000 to the lender per annum, as investment profits, equivalent to paying 5% interest on the loan.

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