lithopedion 7 points ago +7 / -0

But how's your acne and triglycerides, though? kek

lithopedion 5 points ago +5 / -0

It seems like you just looked at the thumbnail above. If you were curious enough to click to the article, you'd see tons of video about it.

lithopedion 1 point ago +2 / -1

Like, I get and share the sentiment, but this is a meme, not a quote. Are you threatening a picture on the internet? You just seem real worked up, fren.

lithopedion 3 points ago +3 / -0

THANK you. Folks on here always talk a big game about government surveillance, cashless economies, etc, and carry a wallet full of debit cards and credit cards, and a supercomputer with GPS, Bluetooth, and cellular radios in their pockets. That ship sailed 15 years ago.

lithopedion 4 points ago +5 / -1

This isn't new. The whole case is that PDJT paid him back through the shell company that PDJT and Cohen talk about setting up in the secret recording played today, which I don't know is a crime. I thought it was tied to campaign finance? They can't make their mind/story up which way they are going to pin the payments on him.

lithopedion 2 points ago +4 / -2

Chemtards out in full force with the downvotes. "These people are stupid!"

lithopedion 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read this as "[person] says what I want to hear and makes me feel good, so I'll turn off my critical thinking skills"

That's the attitude of the left, not us, and definitely not on GAW

lithopedion 3 points ago +3 / -0

"June 12 2015, a Law of War manual issued, 4 days later Donald John Trump rolls down the escalator to announce his candidacy for president that was 4 days after, June 16, 2015. Then in 2016 the united states supreme court, the first time in history they backed our founders they wrote a thing called the military justice act"

I'm not sure why he mentions the DoD Law War Manual and doesn't bring it up again. Just that it was issued 4 days before the Escalator. Seems like an unnecessary piece of evidence.

The USSC did not write the Military Justice Act. I don't know why he said that.

Continuity of Government planning has always been a thing in case of nuclear attack, or what EO 13912 was planning for, a pandemic.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and in furtherance of Proclamation 9994 of March 13, 2020 (Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID–19) Outbreak), which declared a national emergency by reason of the threat that the novel (new) coronavirus known as SARS–CoV–2 poses to our Nation's healthcare systems, I hereby order as follows...

The cannons. Dear god the cannons. Folks how do you do do a 21 gun salute with 4 cannons?! You can't. You do 7 volleys with 3 guns, or 3 volleys with 7.

I'm not sure what is to debunk here. Documents exist, his, and a lot of folks' interpretation of what to most folks is banal bureaucratic tailings is what is not backed up by said documents.

And why would you want it to be? Why would anybody want their government to be as brittle as a little extra sneaky paperwork and suddenly Joe Biden is the Commander-in-Chief of the Military when he leaves next year? Fuck that. And what does that say about our pull out of Afghanistan? Or shipping weapons to Ukraine? Trump was CiC apparently for that? And this guy would say, 'no well, article 1234 says'

lithopedion 4 points ago +4 / -0

I imagine if you've renewed your DL in the last 5 years, you probably have one. Look for the star.

lithopedion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe about 50% of what I see on this board. I think 90% of deltas I see on here is bullshit. I think counting flags is dumb. And I think Q being a 10 year old child prodigy is fucking retarded.

Edit: just to be clear, I 100% on Q, but not some of the lines folks try to draw on here.

lithopedion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I called you retarded for saying Barron was Q, and we don’t ‘need any Q proofs’ for that one. That is why you are retarded, miss.

lithopedion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Taking a quick glance at your comment history, annnnd thanks sweetheart, but I’m good. Never been to PW, and been here longer than you. Take your brain dead takes to conspiracies.win

lithopedion 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dunno m’am, You provided nothing of value about Barron’s potential. It’s like me saying “I think so and so is a murderer” and then I send you the Wikipedia page of famous murderers. That’s not research, it’s reaching.

lithopedion 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh - and I don’t know if all flares are CMEs. You made me realize I have a working knowledge of all this and I need to dive deeper and learn more about it all. It’s fucking cool stuff!

lithopedion 3 points ago +3 / -0

I probably oversimplified quite a bit. There are two main probes that I know of that sit between us and the sun. The alert will happen and then things get noisy in the ionosphere - I’ve never actually sat with a stopwatch, but I’m curious so I’m going to do it next time. Flares aren’t binary - their magnitude starts off low, peaks and then ebbs. I and not sure at what point in that flow do they send an alert, and at what point in the flow do I notice things on my end.

lithopedion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two things happen in a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). Electromagnetic (EM) radiation travels at the speed of light and interacts with our ionosphere. This causes radio blackouts. I'm a ham radio operator, and a lot of us have apps for solar flare alerts because it pretty much shuts things down, and you can time it pretty good if the alert service is on top of it. Alert -> 8-9 minutes later -> tons of noise (static) that you can't punch a signal through. Secondly, actual particles of matter are ejected from the sun, these travel significantly slower - when they end up hitting the atmosphere, they collide with other atoms and create the aurora.

lithopedion 9 points ago +9 / -0

It totally happened. Northern Lights were seen as far as Florida. Go outside once in a while.

lithopedion 10 points ago +10 / -0

Two things happen in a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). Electromagnetic (EM) radiation travels at the speed of light and interacts with our ionosphere. This causes radio blackouts. I'm a ham radio operator, and a lot of us have apps for solar flare alerts because it pretty much shuts things down, and you can time it pretty good if the alert service is on top of it. Alert -> 8-9 minutes later -> tons of noise (static) that you can't punch a signal through. Secondly, actual particles of matter are ejected from the sun, these travel significantly slower - when they end up hitting the atmosphere, they collide with other atoms and create the aurora.

lithopedion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes yes I am. You trot out two links about the idea of child prodigies, neither of which mention Barron - just that smart children exist, as your proof? Do way way better.

lithopedion 26 points ago +29 / -3

You think Barron Trump was talking to us on 8Chan, at the age of 10? Mam, you might actually be retarded, and not in the fun way.

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