The phrase "influencer" makes me much less disposed to anyone who uses it and anyone who says they are one. But thats just me.
Gonna put on an iron shirt.....
Can it glide if there is a drive train failure, if not can it deploy parachutes?
How noisy is it, I mean who wants to lay in bed on a Sunday morning with the love of your life and a bacon sammich and one of these things flies in next door and sits there waiting for a passenger while making a terrible high pitched whine?
People have died for less.
This my choice: The Westland Project Zero.
Does she have any other platform other than the race baiting one?
Why don't ISIS attack Israel? You would think they would given their job description....
Hiding behind the flag, not a good sign at all.
Even the women doctors?
Its a collection of essays by rabbis disagreeing with each other on one level, its not a holy book at all. But on a deeper level its a horror, Martin Luther read it to see what it said and was so shocked that he wrote a whole book about how the Jews were monsters.
Which Taliban organization is this? They are a tribal lot with loosely organised factions and groupings amongst them, then there are the war lords of the North to contend with who demand obeisance and baksheesh.
The reason some of them are doing this might be as not many people are buying their opium products any more, on the lookout for more markets? Or maybe they need more catamites to rape on Thursdays.
A war on girls? An MSM construction, don't fall for it.
He didn't spark any movement, the anons were here before Q was. This is not to denigrate Mr Patel, he is doing a great job but to suggest he sparked the anons into belief and action is not right.
Op Crimson Mist as well, the most vile one of them all.
There is always this .....
Hiding behind the flag.
Have they have cooked up something horrible for us on the presumption everyone will say they are crying wolf and ignore it?
I pray that it will backfire on them
Have just had a look at Bible Hub and can't see the Geneva Bible in there, its not on OP's timeline either. Why not?
This isn't news, it happens regularly. But why spoil a great headline with the facts?
He is a member of the Committee of 300 and most probably one of Keir Starmers handlers.
The patent for C-19 came from the Pirbright Institute in Surrey, England. It was filed in 2015 and patented in 2018
This is true, It was discovered in La Quinta Columna, a Spanish site dealing with vaccine issues.
Blair and Osbourne run the UK, they are the puppet masters.
This happened to Stephen Seagull a few years ago, he didn't defect as he has dual nationality and comes back to the USA quite a few times.
He is good buddies with "Vlad the Dictator" He isn't a POS, Newsweek are.
Just the same as before, how original.
Psychology isn't a science or any sort of medical treatment, at its most basic its a support system for psychologists. If you are treated by one they are not there to help you, you are there to heal them by diagnosing you in the only way they know how, the way of psychology.
Anything else besides psychological reasoning is suppressed, they can't see much else beyond their methodology. IOW, they are midwits.
Its the Eritreans once more, but not attacking the Somalis this time.....
Are they going into a polar orbit to spy on the Black Knight?