We see how Deep State shills watch these forums like GAW. Everyone posting about not seeing Michael/Michelle pregnant. Six fingers and what we can see of her right hand looks like ET fingers!
Or it was the White Hats wanted to spoof to see how many would call out the photo-shopped image. That and exactly how long it would take anons to call out the spoof!
Sounds like they will have Matrix style human pod labs & facilities across the nation. That translates to human trafficking, organ harvesting, inhumane medical procedures/surgeries, Adrenochrome productions, etc, etc. I can only mean evil for the evil doers!
Love Church Lady! But here is Trump/Military on these thug criminals; https://youtu.be/g5qulZYBS4s?t=531
Let's see where this goes. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) puts pressure on McCarthy and mentions the release of the J6 tapes. Gaetz has leverage of McCarthy....Controlled military operations going on here?
Gaetz puts pressure on McCarthy, same day Ray Epps is charged by DOJ.
Coincidence? I Think Not!
Gaetz squeezes McCarthy on Hunter Biden. Now Gaetz should squeeze McCarthy on the single line budget, the J6 tapes release and other issues Gaetz raised last January when McCarthy took a total of 15 times and enough House votes to win the Speaker's chair! McCarthy squeaked through and Gaetz squeezes him to do his bidding! Matt Gaetz has leverage, he's the real Speaker behind the scenes! McCarthy can breath another day...
Gaetz, the fire-brand!
Thanks for posting! Like Trump said, 'The swamp runs deep & wide...'! Remember, Trump said one of his greatest achievements was appointing some 280++ Federal Judges across the nation. (Hint, hint, wink, wink...)
I wonder if in the Q posts Declass translates to; Indictments unsealed? Arrests to follow...
Timing is everything!
This will fail miserably! Watch Trump's posts on Truth Social for comms...
After their good old shakedown at GITMO, I can envision the Military Plan of these criminals; Military; 'Okay, we caught you guys with traitorous, treasonous and seditious activities, so here are your options; comply or face military tribunals, fast & swift trials...' Brennan, Clapper and others; 'Duh, okay, what's the plan?'
Patriots are in full control...NCSWIC...MAGA!
I think it's future proves past comms. Or anticipation of events to follow...(moves/countermoves against the Deep State). We don't know what will happen in Sept 2024, but it could be related to the 2024 Presidential election. This approx date is when the states begin accepting early voting & mail-in ballots.
We know they will try a cyber-attack to shut down the elections in 2024. However, Trump as Commander-In-Chief, the Military Plan and other reports indicate the Nat'l Guard will safeguard our elections across the country if they try a cyber attack to shut-down, some sort of false flag-scare event (Nuke War) or delay the elections. (Look for a false flag, scare event, cyber attack during the primaries starting in May/June through August September 2024 for State/Local/Fed-Congress officials' elections). It could be the new covid lock downs or nuke war lock downs; 'OMG, Everyone Stay Inside' to avoid missile strikes; think DEWs like in Maui! Was Maui a 'test run' for the 2024 election interference false flag they intend to perpetrate on the American voters? I can only speculate...
Trump says there will be paper ballots and there will only be ONE DAY voting on election day. There will not be several days/weeks following the election to tabulate votes, which is rife with fake ballots and fraud. The cheaters rely on days/weeks of counting to ensure the outcomes they want. Their 'selected' candidates will not be able to cheat. All monitored by the Nat'l Guard presence at our voting venues/cities/precincts, etc.
I imagine the military, from it's monitoring knows all these corrupt organizations that perpetuate ballot stuffing and harvesting throughout the country. There may be Nat'l Guard raids of these organizations to tamp down the fraud/cheating. I'm certain we'll get the news reports daily of these corrupt organizations getting raided by the Nat'l Guard!
This done as a matter of Nat'l Security for the integrity of our elections to prevent foreign/domestic interference!
Can anyone envision Nat'l Guard installed at every voting venue? Inside & outside of the voting venues! And armed-deputized to make arrests! Riots, Chaos, Activists Protests, ANTIFA, BLM, Hired Activists, Contracted thugs (CIA/DOD/FBI, like Ray Epps)
Trump is 100% ++ confident he will be back in the White House...why? Because he knows the plan, he's orchestrating the plan and the military is following his lead. D*mn he's a genius!
Ooooh! This is getting good!
9/11 Multifaceted operation;
Military Industrial Complex-False flag as a reason to claim WAR against Afghanistan (WAR for profit)
Insurance Fraud from weeks before; August 2001 purchase of WTC buildings
Rumsfeld - Pentagon/DOD cover up of loss of Trillions
Building 7 - Blow up & destroy CIA/DOD/FBI documents/evidence of other false flag operations/investigations
Strengthen fake media propaganda; Project Mockingbird
All 3 buildings loaded with Asbestos materials and too costly to repair, better to explode/implode then to restore/renovate
Depopulation of XXXX number of citizens
Seventh Day Adventist religion. Started by so called prophet; Ellen G. White. Promoted her visions and quasi-health lifestyle. Connected to the Kelloggs (Yeah, the cereal guys) from Battlecreek, Michigan.
It is a cult Christian religion. Ellen G. White - false prophet exposed! https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ellen+g+white
Resources; Ellen G White had a head injury when she was a young girl. She developed epilepsy and claimed to have 'visions from god'. These were actually epileptic seizures and she fooled many with her nefarious prophetic agenda.
Kelloggs, Cereal, Healthy Lifestyles with their food products. Sanitary/Wellness Hospitals in Battle Creek Michigan. They cannot wear jewelry, eat meat, no caffeine, no shellfish, no foods containing animal fats/by-products. A good (fairly true) movie based on a book; It's a comedy, you'll love it! The Road to Wellville; https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111001/
Seventh Day Adventist abstain from sexual relations between husband & wife, practice celibacy, as it is deemed, 'dirty-unclean'.
Do your own research on the cult religions and it's oddities. Then do the same with Mormons, Scientology and Catholicism. They're all about power, control & money. And all the sheep that will follow...