WWE WRESTLE MANIA style; TRUMP vs. MITTENS, jab, jab...down he goes! https://youtu.be/jkghtyxZ6rc?t=2
'Ascension' literally speaking here on earth and the reality thereof;
To rise up and awaken out of the global beast system matrix we've been living in, which is the only way we've known how to live for generations. Most has been forced upon us, by a few at the top of the pyramid of evil that controls the matrix.
He may be impeached before then! Recall the news report that a large percentage of elected officials have not signed their sworn oath of office documents? I think that was to uphold the Constitution or something like that.
Matrixxx's first thread on Stone; https://rumble.com/v3cn7yl-roger-stone-general-flynn.html
At the very end of this video, see the book about Flynn's role in taking out Trump. Total CIA Bull-Sh*t? Pence's Deep State task, to take Flynn out? Recall Obama's warning words to Pres Elect Trump, '...fears are Russia & Flynn'
Why would Stone feel the need to video tape the most part of J6 day? And pre-planned! (His insurance policy if need be?)
And Trump has said recently & posted he would pardon all J6 political prisoners. Why the political prisoners and not Stone for their role in J6 (As Stone rants in the Matrixxx 1st video)?
Now I'm really confused! Got to put on my deductive reasoning hat to figure out this one! The epiphany will come, though...
Where is Erik Prince in all this J6 planning & orchestration? What was Gen Flynn's role?
It now seems there were TWO warring factions here; The Coup; CIA/DOD/FBI black ops with ANTIFA, BLM, Brennan's Ukrainian thugs and The Counter Coup; Prince/Flynn/Stone/White Hat Military (The Sting Operation Plan) to catch the CIA (Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Pence) Coup Faction Group.
Which faction got Pelosi's laptops?
Hence; Trump pardoned Stone & Flynn before leaving office...
Remember Matrixxx's last Stone thread 2 weeks back? Stone was denied speaking at the podium on J6 before Trump's speech, he cursed Trump in the car on the way to the airport-hot tailing it out of town. He vowed vengeance on Trump's WH counsel-Cipollone, etc, etc. And now this new thread. Stone kept saying; he knows how Wash DC is run, politics & such... Trump did not pardon either one for J6.
Was Stone (Possibly Flynn) Trump's/Military Team the quasi Oswald or Ollie North patsy? And Stone figured it out by the end of the day...Flynn, too? And that's why they were pardoned? Both; Well meaning, but their intervention without really knowing the Military Sting Operation plan. Q plan = 10 & only 3 are non-military.
Perhaps their were THREE Warring Factions on J6
CIA/DOD/FBI (Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Pence & their contracted thugs; (Ray Epps, ANTIFA, BLM, Brennan's Ukrainian Thugs, et al)
Prince/Stone/Flynn = Proud Boys/Oath Keepers and unsuspecting-unwitting Trump Supporters that got caught up in the three factions
Team Trump-Clandestine Military - Sting Operation operatives to get Pelosi's laptop/other incriminating coup evidence
Sacrifices made in this revolution 2.0 war...
And why is that Senate member Patty Murray-Wash State always sniffing at Schumer's butt? She's always got that snarl on her face. She's an angry Dem that's for sure!
Think about it; She could actually become President if Biden is impeached or 25th'd. And then Kamala is ineligible due to birther/citizenship issue (she shouldn't even have been qualified as VP!!)
Will they slip her in as VP if Kamala is acting President?
They've already announced Fulton County, GA videos/live coverage & TV will be allowed in court room for the trial. Oh, Boy, I can't wait! If true, I'll be glued to my seat in from of the TV or laptop for the live coverage!
C-Span anyone?
When I saw this video clip yesterday, I clearly recall his right arm had a long rectangular tattoo, like the original tattoo had been blacked out. The original tattoo on his right forearm looks like Arabic or Islamic, some sort of Middle Eastern language. And the left looks like a prison number! (Perhaps it's his CIA classification/member number!)
Here at the 21 second mark; https://www.foxnews.com/politics/watch-sen-john-fetterman-gives-odd-animated-reaction-news-biden-impeachment-inquiry
Can anyone just imagine the double-triple digit thousands of supporters outside the courthouse during the trial? Haha! A constant Trump Rally - 24/7!! Trump & MAGA Flags waving, car/vehicle parades throughout the town daily, horns blowing, People cheering non-stop, Foodie Trucks, Campers, Trump T-Shirt/Memorabilia stands, News interviews with by-standers/supports, Megatron TV Screens of the trial inside the courtroom, News crews like RSBN 24/7 coverage! And all non-violent protest (more like supporters) guarded & protected under the Constitution!
Women for Trump
Blacks for Trump
Asians for Trump
Latinos for Trump
Farmers for Trump
Students for Trump
Amish/Mennonites for Trump
Evangelists for Trump
Unions/Workers/Law Enforcement groups for Trump
Can anyone else envision all the Trump Trial Hoopla?
Deep State Move = GA RICO Case against Trump, et al
Team Trump/White Hat Countermove = Biden's Impeachment in the House to introduce evidence of his decades of crimes.
To avoid an impeachment trial in the Senate and presented,evidence/discovery Dems/RINOs/UNIPARTY members may just opt for the 25th Amendment. This to avoid Biden crime family evidence/discovery during the Senate Trial, which may implicate any (many!) of the corrupt House/Senate members!
Case in Point, as an example; We've seen numerous House/Senate members hot tail it to Ukraine in the past year and a half to (hypothetically) receive their personal 'kick back' monies for their shell companies/charities/lobbyists. Billions of tax payer dollars have gone to Ukraine under Biden that cannot be accounted for...Where or who got the funds?
Whether it's by Impeachment or 25th Amendment - BIDEN IS SCREWED either way! That's what I call leverage! Or he'll go by way of 'Nixon' and simply resign; due to (cough, cough) health. (Jill Biden has Covid...perfect out for crooked Joe to contract a bad case of Covid!)
Enter stag left; Michael/Michelle Obama...