If you really want to mess with the silver prices, buying current silver stock isn't going to do as much compared to COMEX Futures and taking physical delivery. That ultimately drives the price up and fucks with the paper plays the hedge funds manipulate.
That's why I said Make Denver Great Again. Only certain parts are like that and they already have the underground base below... the front range is a strategy growth sector. The liberal policies have made it shitty, but not a shithole.
And they all think you're a misguided sheep going to hell for not believing in their beliefs. Really unfortunate how closed minded many of them are in the community. Does a huge disservice for ALL who seek truth, regardless of where it comes from.
Yea, these loose REACHING connections do nothing but dilute any meaningful real connections towards truth. There are such things as coincidence. And it is a vague tweet about banking vs autists losing/making a bunch of money in extreme bets. Come on OP.
The box is the Bible. Supposedly everything is contained in it and it's all you need to read. That creates a narrow minded thinking and very limited perspective. It also implies moral superiority and feeds the ego of being on the "right" side. I grew up in the Church and walked away, I feel more pure freedom because my understandings have expanded.. Who is right? Both? Neither? Beliefs are a funny thing with humanity. I seek truth, wherever that may lead personally.
I did know about dreams and DMT, but it can also be accessed through breathwork techniques to reach altered states while awake as well. To navigate with conscious intention instead of passively in dreams. Very different outcomes from what I've heard. It's good info you said though. Maybe it will reach a few other lurkers on here!
I dont have direct experience of that one yet...but we produce our own DMT in the pineal and lungs that can access altered states without a substance. I aspire to get to that point one day.
I feel ya. These Bible thumpers give freedom loving patriots a bad wrap on the other side. It isnt an either or. Hence my duality comment. Too many people living in the box created around their minds. Think outside the box people! Free yourself.
Out here doing the good work. Triggering people about their beliefs! ?
What if...we're all in a simulation and none of this is real? What if we're limited by our dimensional perceptions and the 3D is trapped in the concept of Duality (good/evil, light/dark, up/down, white/black) but there are perceptions beyond that cant be grasped by our 5 senses or a book of words? Just thoughts...or direct experiences in altered states of consciousness. ??♂️
No, future taxpayers just pay more debt to the bankers too. It never ends. There is no payback until the monetary system implodes on itself and debt is abolished.
BTW, you're a condescending prick to make a post like that. Either you're a troll or just an asshole. I thought we were on the same side but I dont want to be on your side with the way you talk down to me.
Taxpayers don't pay anything but pay back debt to the central banks. Then congress sets a new budget, sends it to treasury, they pass it to the privately owned federal reserve and magically new debt is made. Our taxes do NOT go directly to supporting any govt project or service. I wish more people would realize how our taxes actually work.
Isn't Air Force 1 technically any plane the President is in at the time?
I get what is implied though...