magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not the way I read it at all.

If you are newer to Q and deciphering this stuff then I would only suggest reading it again without the MSM filling in the blanks. It sounds much different.

Same thing with Trump's recent speeches. If he doesn't specifically mention something then perhaps he is pointing at something else.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

I deactivated my account! Fuck Twatter!

I will let the master troll give us lulz.

by Ralphy
magachudd 4 points ago +4 / -0


magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure your guess is as good as mine, but Q said clearly POTUS Twitter removal. Could be wrong, but being a stickler here.

We never got the official message we've all been waiting for.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

This... is gold.

I'm shit-shocked and totally amazed right now.

Ho. Lee. Phuk.

magachudd 6 points ago +6 / -0

Question: if the IA is activated and not even announced does that render any attempts by Congress to invoke the 25th null and void?

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am coming prepared with non-lethal self defense items.

Coming with ballistic armor and ready fight back against any recoil. The fact is we DON'T KNOW what is going to happen. I come in peace, but I will NOT be a sitting duck and I will NOT allow Patriots to be violated, neither by BLAMTIFA nor by corrupt police.

I trust Trump and I trust Q team, but it would be foolish to think I can just take a flag and t-shirt to DC with everything thats happening and think that will make the difference.

If Trump is confirmed then BLAMTIFA is going to have a shit fit and attack us. If Biden is confirmed (against better judgment) then you better bet things are going to get rough. Many people aren't into Q and they will take matters into their own hands. Perhaps that's part of the plan? Who knows, but I know MANY people are coming pissed the fuck off and they don't follow Q.

Bottom line: be prepared or be sorry.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've had visions of storming Congress and blocking the tunnels with millions of pissed off Patriots.

My imagination is going "wild".

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