I learned not to vaccinate! We did do vitamin K with my first born, but we didn’t know better. I wouldn’t do the one the hospitals offer again. And with my second we did oral vitamin K. My midwifery this pregnancy has a preservative free vitamin K shot I am looking into.
As far as running into pediatrician pushback, I was very lucky. My pediatrician was cool with it and never really pushed it other than sending me home a pamphlet at his first visit. At the time I was honest and did not know how I felt about vaccines so I said I was waiting to vaccinate until he was older. I found that most SIDS happened right at the vaccine schedule, 3 and 6 months. Some take weeks to cause mortality. Also autism is highly linked with MMR.
My second baby, I just didn’t even do the “child well visits.” That’s when they push the vaccine. Other than when he seemed to slow down on weight gain and seemed tiny compared to his chunky older brother, that’s the only time I took him in, to make sure he wasn’t sickly or something.
Both my boys are very healthy. I stay at home as a mom and homeschool so they aren’t exposed like your typical child. But if they do get sick it doesn’t last too long.
Children’s Health Defense is a great resource if you need studies to fight off family or friends who disagree. I just don’t tell people unless they ask, it’s no one’s business!
About 6 years ago when I was expecting my first child, I decided to go on Twitter and find accounts speaking about the affects of vaccines so I could learn more before I was asked to vaccinate my son. I started following this Toby guy, he was one of the outspoken ones. I also found RFK, Jr and the Children’s health defense, Del Bigtree, etc. Toby was an annoying lib but he shared good stuff on vaccines so I never unfollowed him
He handed the pen to be given to RFK Jr. Follow the pen 😆
I have a girl crush on Kash! Not even remotely my type and I’m happily married. But man I love a man who intends to take down the cabal. Trump is also my boyfriend.
I do too. Like half a cow. We have a generator but with our LP it only lasts 3 days. We’re thinking of getting a bigger LP tank. My parents also canned a bunch of meat last year. It’s a lot of work. I know some good ol boys, and they have 4 LP tanks full for their generator. I feel so inept in comparison.
Fr Ripperger, renowned excorcist and modern theologian, says that Satanists curse seeds and food. And praying over it and blessing it releases those curses. She's not wrong. Knowing what anons know and how these satanic elites own all the food companies and seed companies, this is definitely accurate.
I would agree with you, but seeing as they removed this young child as a saint, I’m going to assume the term is used negatively in this explanation.
Interesting, I’ve never heard of this Saint Simon of Trent. And he’s been removed as a Saint? Wikipedia is saying that after his death people attributed 100s of miracles to him, then it referred to this following as a a cult. You got any good sauces on this topic other than this garbage?
The fire chief is important to many people but he isn’t going to lead the people, is he? Perhaps he died to show you this wasn’t a hoax and that He is powerful and He has a plan using Trump. If no one had died it would seem staged and a way to level up Trump. Now anons and critical thinkers can discern this was indeed an assassination attempt. POTUS is insulated, he is protected by God and his arch angels, his Generals in the spiritual war
I had to screenshot and zoom in. But it’s a little icon of Trump putting his fist up with the flag the moment after his ear was shot. That iconic moment.
Michael Lofton the Pope-splainer, Vatican paid modernist? That’s where you get your Catholic news?
Prayers for her family and loved ones. Eternal rest grant unto her, Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the her soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
This would work for a clogged carotid artery I presume?
I know I can’t imagine! I have 2 sons. My dad had a brother and my two boys remind me of him and his brother in that they’re little shits. But it breaks my heart to think of what my dad went through as a pretty young boy. I see my two boys and I pray nothing happens to me while they’re young. He didn’t have his father to teach him crucial things. He has his faults but by and large he’s a wonderful man who did the best he could raising us. He’s actually the first one of us to discover Q. He found YouTube videos back in Dec of 2017, so super early on in the movement. So he also started hoarding food now!
My dad’s parents were killed by a drunk driver when he was 12. He hoards and it took me so long to realize the connection. He also lost everything they owned because his parents didn’t have a will.
Praying!! 🙏🏻 so scary and devastating
I found some that’s blessed with Padre Pio relic online. Thank you for the idea!
Thank you 🙏🏻 she’s already awake and swallowing melting ice cubes, she pulled my sister to her and kissed her. She’s doing more each day! Small things and gradual.
Thank you for your words of encouragement and prayer! 🙏🏻 I see fruits of my prayers and from others already.
What a heartbreaking decision. Prayers to you too 🙏🏻
🙏🏻 Amen! Thank you for your kind words and prayers.
Thank you fren, and God bless you for taking care of your father, despite it being difficult. 🙏🏻
Amen. Thank you 🙏🏻
Catholics also get hate on here.