I read the novel in the midst of a scifi novel binge in the late 60s-the movie reflected its 'state of the art' interpretation; I read several other AI novels and found myself wondering what was going to happen. 'When Harley was one' was inspired and I thought that all the millions of computers hooked up could do this...
And here we are..... 😯
Point and shoot-musta been a fan of point and shoot cameras... question-are the caps still on?? if so the (I believe) Commander (Ltcom?) was just doing a photoop.. I was in the Navy 63-66 and dint see nuttin like this... 😎
I mostly lurked and learned until that Christmas day when it shut down-somehow I stumbled onto GAW and saw that it was a Goat refuge. So happy Ifound y'all here, I have learned so much!
Thanks to the Mods for keeping the place clean ❤️
I'm stacking for the long haul, where one of two things happen: 1. silver is put at real value based on % of silver to gold out of the ground. 2. the value of consumer goods is corrected from over 100 years of inflation because of bogus FRNs.
Featuring submersible planes, by golly!!!