we need you in the fight. doing a leroy Jenkins and charging out of the foxhole alone serves nothing. we need you fighting. you know what the truth is and we need you spreading it. its not enough to right with these people. you need to be right everyday every post bursting their smug fart bubbles. If or when its gets real i have no doubt you will know what to do. I am just glad you are on our side.
I had something happen to me the other morning I have had no one to share it with. I have no knowledge of scripture but I do believe in god. I had the worst nightmare I have ever had the other night. I had a dream that there was an image of baphomet in the window. In my dream I was screaming manly of course look at the window!!! But they couldn’t see it. I woke up with my wife shaking me. She I was screaming at her to look at the window. I was drenched in sweat and terrified. I was a fear I can’t describe. I wanted to curl up into a ball and not move.
I was not raised in a church. I have never had a dream that vivid. The devil was in the window is all I could think he’s here.
I haven’t been able to talk about it with anyone so pls forgive me. Is there any scripture I could look at that could help for a situation like this. I know it’s crazy. But if I don’t ask I will never know.
This is what I saw in the window.
I watch as many hearings as I can. Mike Johnson is one of the best. He’s polite likable and Maga supporter. If watch he’s always to the right of Matt. If you watch the hearings you would know who he is. He didn’t come out of nowhere. I think Trump is in control. I do think it was McCarthy trying to sabotage. I believe Trump picked him.
Read his shit! His mind is encapsulated within a smaller narrative. I have all this power put I decided to go to the level 1 dungeon…level 50s “worth their salt” won’t spend their time in the level 1 dungeon telling the newbies how great they are. They are in the level 50 dungeons. Forgive the video game references.
This dude is fucking retarded. Read the shit it’s from a bad movie. I have the power of the WORLD BEHIND ME!! But let’s argue about it on twitter so the Lobies will know you are a fraud Mr Flynn. I will expose you Mr Flynn!! That is…unless you pay me 1000 dollars!!! ,,,1000000 dollars!
That is the dumbest shit I have ever seen.
They are giving them ids. We will know where they are at for deportation. If we can get the stranglehold of the cabal removed around the world maybe patriotism can be restored to their nations and they will want to go back.
It only works if the rule of law is intact. A constitutional process was followed. The states rigged the winner but based on what the states presented electoral votes were counted. The dems rigged the countinting using powers granted by the fake insurrection. The mechanics of the process were followed. Like putting an engine together. All the parts were put in as the manual dictated. The parts were bad. When we win we and rebuild our t we will use correct parts. The left is watching their engine sputter and fail.
Have to wonder, if you seized the Roth Childs assets how much would that be? Trillions?