I love music videos and like to put them on when I’m cleaning my house. Every time Gaga’s 911 song comes on I have to change the channel. Now that I know their symbols, it freaks me out to see how hard they are pushing their evilness on the public.
https://youtu.be/eHkAdN2uKs4 Here’s the link to the speech on YouTube. Motivational speaker is Scott Burrows
https://youtu.be/eHkAdN2uKs4 Here is the speech on YouTube (sorry I don’t know how to find it on alternative media sources!). Motivational speaker is Scott Burrows
I’m not on the chans so I totally missed all this when it happened. Pizzagate was my wake up moment because I went and read all the emails myself in 2015, as well as saw all the sick artwork and nastiness. Helped me recognize the truth that Trump spoke when he ran so I voted for him in 2016. Didn’t realize all that would just be the beginning of my enlightenment journey. Woke the rest of the way up in 2018 with Q. Didn’t realize the swamp was as deep as it was until 2020 election.
Bill gates foundation owns the most farmland now. They also own a freak ton of Monsanto shares, GMO food crops. They also donate to the seed bank that’s in Norway that supposedly saves all the world seeds in case of a catastrophe. Short answer is Bill Gates wants to control crops
I think you are right. http://www.agmohio.com/LRPhilippine_Republic_Uniforms.htm http://www.hubert-herald.nl/Pilipinas.htm But what is so interesting is the sun that closest depicts that in the bottom is this version of the Filipino sun that was in the arms of the first republic. “The Katipunan or KKK was founded by Filipino rebels in Manila on July 7, 1892.” I could be totally off my rocker with this connection. But maybe there is something there.
This is what makes me so angry about the election fraud. Had the real results been allowed to play out, the sheer massive amount of overwhelming votes for Trump would have broken a lot of people out of their TDS because they would realize that THEY are the minority and by a large amount and if the MSM is lying to them about that; what else are they lying about? I get why we have to do it the hard way but makes me angry that the dishonesty of a handful of people is deluding the minds of my friends and family.
Go look at his main page. He has a banner for MLK day but for January 20th 2014.....not sure what that means but interesting to note. Maybe 2014-2016 is a nod to the three year plan when Trump took office and things started happening? No idea, I’m bad at this. But it means something. It says Let Freedom Ring...
I love finding out things like this. I’m an interior designer. A real designer wouldn’t be caught dead referring to a sofa as a couch. This was drilled into my head by the head of our design department over and over. Now the word feels like nail on chalkboards to me when I hear it.
I mean to be fair, there was about a week where I just kind of floated through the week feeling so odd that everything I ever was taught about history was a lie. It was hard to stay grounded in my current reality when everything felt upside down. I remember that stage so I’ll be gentle on my family until they make it through the other side. Then they get the I told you so. The narrative started crumbling for me with pizzagate. I had never paid attention before. But now I will never be able to go back.
I want it to be done and over with. I’ve tried to wake my family up all year. Only got one brother to actually read through Q himself and discover that it’s true. Everyone else gives me such crap for believing. I can’t wait to tell them I told you so.
Isn’t he deep state? I thought because of his ties to Warren Buffett he wasn’t anyone looped in. Am I wrong here? I just don’t really think we are going to loop in an overstock exec into a life and death battle against the deep state...
No. According to Ezra eagle prophecy in the apocrypha, we have two good presidents before the next two are swallowed up by the three headed eagle. Then the last two move under the wing of the right (bad) side of the eagle. America will eventually fall but not yet.
He said step aside not step down. Go look again at his tweets. https://twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1349355524463054852?s=20
I don’t think Hillary would be that shocking at this point but maybe obama