nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

Victoria Nuland used to bring "cookies" by the bushels she then freely handed out to the "brave" crowds to "sustain them in the justified protests". Doctors in Kiev hospitals couldn't understand why such a vast number of people would seek medical help for an obvious hallucinogenic poisoning. People were almost like in a zombie trance, heavy vomiting, etc.

I stopped watching all TV "news" back then. Including Fox, which I knew was compromised right there. Even earlier, actually, have no idea why so many believed that Fox is on our side, for so long. Took my wife a bit more time to say, Enough!, but she's been off the TV news for a few years now also. And Fox was the only thing she watched back then, until one day about 3 years ago she turned to me and said, I am done now, should have listened to you.

Never thought I'd say that our news media make Pravda and Izvestia of old look like paragons of facts and truth. Its just mind blowing.

nowabeliever 5 points ago +6 / -1

No, its the idiotic idea coming out of KA. First they said gas efficient cars. Manufacturers, and people, complied. What that led to was gas taxes greatly decreasing. So, commicrats said, Oh, no, we can't have that, need more money, so more new gas taxes. You know, for the roads and such. Then they screamed for the carbon tax shit and all, and forcing people onto electric cars. Pretty much stopping gas tax revenues to collapse.

They have been testing this "by-the-mile" shit for years now, since it also let them tax electrical cars. NV, who sycophant everything KA does, are also looking at that for a few years now. Nothing new by now.

Watch Xiden adopt all the idiotic ideas from KA, across the nation now.

If, a month from now we see no Q action, I fully expect a secession movement take place, should be interesting to see which states join up. And just how blue states, separated by a sea of red, will operate. Sans gas and oil, and coal.

nowabeliever 9 points ago +10 / -1

PLENTY. Take your pick .

Just how quickly we forget. She became "famous", or "infamous", take your pick, when Kiev junta coup overthrew a duly elected gov. With our help, of course, Alphabet agencies on Soros's command, both McStain and Xiden were heavily involved in the process, McStain bringing US cash by the large suitcase to pay off people, their antifa, $25-30Mil at a time, Xiden presiding in Ukraine's President's chair on his visits (think about that one). Psaki was on our TV those days, and pretty much daily spewed utter BS, cluelesness, etc., about history of that part of the world, what was REALLY taking place in Kiev, pretty much everything related to the region in the past and present time. There was a reported at the time who took pride in his daily trolling of the bitch. Matt something, need to look up his last name, that was comedy gold, daily.

It was just 5 years ago :-)

nowabeliever 6 points ago +7 / -1

She provided TONS of entertainment for Russia back in her Hussein days. You can't even imagine how much, they had daily contests of who can come up with a better meme. Stupid doesn't even begin to describe this moron. Devoid of self-respect as well.

At least Russian government has a free daily public entertainment for the masses now. And so do we.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +3 / -2

Nothing to presume. You, very obviously, didn't comprehend anything I said. They didn't "survive", they are STILL FRIGGING "SURVIVING". NOTHING CHANGED. Is this clear enough? Top 1% lives like kings, the rest are slaves by most parameters.

Same with Red China. Yes, they allow you to buy a new nice and shiny thing here and there, but you are STILL a SLAVE to the communist assholes. You know, The Great Reset being pushed onto us now, already installed and (mostly) perfected. They tell you what to think, they tell you what to say, they decide when you are past the "expiration date". Top 1% lives like kings, the rest are slaves who are simply allowed to exist.

Is this the "survived" part in your rantings? Tell me, this is "survival" to you? Its mere existence.

You know why Russians are joking there is no chance of Russia getting into a war with USA and UK? Because ALL of the elite 1% have their kids attend schools here and then staying to live here as well, and many of the 1% actually have second homes here as well. The place they teach people to hate.

This does not, in any way, full the people there, who are merely "surviving", as you put it, while trying to get to the next paycheck.

nowabeliever 2 points ago +3 / -1

Depends on how you look at it. They are building churches all over, destroying city parks in the process if a church wants prime land (doesn't sit well with locals who are used to parks for their kids to play in). The bad part? They have closed tens of thousands of schools in the process, education system is now on par with ours. Putin ex-communicated Soros, who invested heavily into dumbing down education same way he did here, but seemingly too late. So, while people, in general, HAVE turned to God, their current young generation is still brain washed to hell and back by the education system and are increasingly turning against religion, and are now demanding return of USSR. Memorials to Stalin are being built, historical monuments destroyed here and there, utter disrespect for veterans of WWII, nowhere near the scale we see here, but rather concerning, still. The new generation is godless, clueless and hopeless, not much different than what we see here. And Russian Church never misses an opportunity to stick their opulent living in people's faces all the while preaching against it, so now even those who turned to religion since the fall are questioning the whole thing.

by BQnita
nowabeliever 5 points ago +6 / -1

And all of these moves post elections and some downright in his last days in office. FEMA head, NSA lawyer, etc. All the while knowing full well they can be, and were replaced, right on cue (MIller, CIA, DHS, etc). This is the part that really makes me lost since SO FAR these moves cannot be explained. Most bizarre for me was the last minute EO allowing (rather rescinding prior EO) lobbyists to take government jobs.

Knowing Trump, he normally doesn't make moves that make no sense. And yet, move after move in the days since elections right up until the last minute.

by BQnita
nowabeliever 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is beyond tiring. Read the frigging STAFFORD ACT. Read the thing, at least once, and try to comprehend it, its rather short. Anyone awake?

nowabeliever 4 points ago +7 / -3

UTTER BS! You, very obviously, have no idea what is happening in today's Russia if you somehow think they "survived" and these days all is hunky dory. You should spend some time on Russian boards to see just how many are now PINING to bring back the "good old days of Soviet Union". Just think about that, you somehow think that things have improved. All you have as improvement is access to McDonald's now and ability to buy a car and phone. 70% of the place is using outhouses TODAY, retirement age has been raised, and ALL retirements savings people have been accumulating in government run accounts for decades in USSR magically vanished into thin air leaving retirees, literally, dying of hunger. Every cop is beyond corrupt and if in days of old you paid protection monies to criminals now you directly to cops, in the open. Some protection, right.

And, BTW, that supposed and imagined Russian gov resignation last year was done precisely to put even more screw to people's lives, you are now fined for using cuss words (kid you not, check it). The gov voted for new idiotic laws, also gave itself nice raises (while limiting others' pensions and ability to earn), resigned en masse, and then came back en masse with absolutely everyone keeping their job in the process. Some "resignation".

Before making a point at least have a bit of familiarity with a subject. USSR/Russia have never recovered.

nowabeliever 10 points ago +12 / -2

You say tents? Same tents Commiegress didn't allow them to put up? I fully understand your point, but this is not the point most of us are discussing. Its the utter lack of respect shown by the Commiegress, and Xiden, in contrast to respect Trump and Co. have shown through the years.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

First off, nothing to do with dooming. Second, where do you see they backtracked? I know that some GOP guys offered them their offices at the Capitol, and Trump offered his hotel, but I didn't see much else beyond that.

Occasional Cortex was even generous enough to allow NG to use her office for a NAP. You know, "30 minutes and get the fuck out". And Whore of the WH brought them a dozen cookies (for 5000?1) for a photo-op. Such generosity!

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

5000 NG troops is a surplus? In what universe? They ordered 5000 into garage, with just one electrical outlet and one toilet with 2 stalls. Didn't allow them to put up tents on the grounds around Capitol.

nowabeliever -1 points ago +1 / -2

Really appreciate the info! Need to do some coding tomorrow for my business web site, but will probably dive into this come Monday.

nowabeliever -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hmmm... CEO. Any others we can find, and for how long? Are actual images of signed Trump's EOs available anywhere? First place to look.

nowabeliever 23 points ago +24 / -1

Wrong. Under Declared Emergencies, and we have one now in D.C., FEMA is the de facto government. And Military reports to FEMA in such a case.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +3 / -0

They all lead to UK, and Davos. Vatican Bank is mixed in, of course, but its the UK that is the center hub. MI6 (elections), Moloch (Soros's guy leading the Great Reset), Steele Dossier, and a bunch of others.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +2 / -1

Read A12. All it specifies is POTUS term expiration. Noon of Jan. 20. What it does not specify is when a RE-ELECTED and STILL CURRENT POTUS needs to be sworn in (inauguration is just a celebration, a different thing, really). A NEWLY elected, yes, of course, date/time of Noon Jan. 20, but not for a sitting one who has been re-elected. I found absolutely no reference to a specific date to take oath for a SITTING POTUS in the Constitution, save for the original inauguration/oath by March 4. If you do, please let me know since I spent hours researching this exact question prior to Jan. 20.

In the past, through the original Constitution mandate, it used to be all on same day of inauguration, MARCH 4, oath and inauguration. That was all thrown out the window in 1933 when libtards tried a similar coup against Roosevelt and the only way out was to amend the expiration date to Noon of Jan. 20. We now have the Constitution say inauguration BY March 4, but A20 now sets oath taking NO LATER than Jan. 20 FOR NEWLY ELECTED ONE, but nothing about an earlier date for a RE-ELECTED one. So, we have 2 dates for 2 different events, in practice, while trying to achieve same goal. The libtard way. Or, as Russians put it, Through the ass (Через жопу).

This was right after I read that interesting theory about Trump taking the oath for next term on Jan. 11. WH site itself published a very terse and, some thought, bizarre statement that day stating "Trump's term ended today, Jan. 11" (something to that effect), but also rather vague in what it really means and nothing about second term or Xiden newly elected one. Truly bizarre since Trump was still acting POTUS and calling the shots for days after, right? FEMA, head, NSA attorney, Declaration of Emergency in D.C., etc.

Its still a head scratcher for some, including me. So, evidence wise, I cannot find any. Actions wise, since Jan. 11? Hmmm... Plenty of proof since Trump could not "end his term of POTUS" while also calling shots that ONLY a POTUS could. Making that Jan. 11 theory kind of looking believable.

Your call.

nowabeliever -2 points ago +1 / -3

Its just your imagination, as some are posting :-) You know, all those cars and trucks you see supposedly reflected in the OO window panes. Surely many people park cars and trucks in OO.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am sure its something else, voting would need government intervention to install it. Yes, just waiting to see until he announces what it is.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe, we'll see. I know Ron posted a while ago about having voting done via block chain. But you may be right and I overthought it. Key point is that he seems excited about the new project.

nowabeliever 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes, 2 very different ones. Your point? Main issue with the OP "proof", apples and oranges. Want to show "proof", then provide SAME FOCAL LENGTH, at different angles.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +4 / -1

First off, angles are VASTLY different, and way in this case. Second, one angle is way closer and cropping out the rest, why not compare at same DISTANCE (focal length) at a different angle, its the only comparison that matters, not the apples and oranges here. Though Pence can still be seen in both no matter what, disproving your theory right there. Yes, in picture on right you can see only his hair, but he's still there, clearly. Unlike the Xiden's twats, USSS guy and a couple of others. BTW, which one was Hunter having?

Camera not capturing people in the back, or those on the right (Baron) proves absolutely nothing since it simply clips them out, completely, and deliberately. In Xiden's video it doesn't matter what angle is used, or distance, certain people should still be "there" and visible, from a different angle, of course, but still.

And what does parallax have to do with any of this? I don't think the OP understands what parallax is. An object will still APPEAR, just at a different angle and somewhat differently (size?), but it WILL STILL APPEAR. Main premise of parallax, parallax doesn't make something completely vanish.

Same focal length, otherwise no point of discussing.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +5 / -1

Ron the CodeMonkey posted that he is working on something new and different. I am betting some sort of a block chain platform that cannot be shut down like Parler was.

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