The "these people are stupid" flair isn't accurate. Our American population are the stupid ones for allowing psychos like Larry to ascend to, and stay in leadership roles.
One example of our stupid population is "Plaid" who now brag over 8,000 financial institutions let them access US citizens banking details.
This company blatantly captures user credentials and the banks pop up several approvals to the user that the user accepts all responsibilities for their stupidity of handing over their banking access.
Personally I think we've all been played by the numbers reports.
For a while there every other week they were tacking on additional millions of bodies. Last sensational numbers I heard was 25 million. Something nags at me it's not even 10 million.
The border should've been looking like Metallica's 1991 Moscow concert and for a long time for this scale of millions to have been crossing.
So many lies out of the government and media I'm thinking this too is just another one of their ops.
The layoffs are real