WHEN more Irish are leaving because of their CRAZY governance and they have had more immigration in the last decade per head of population than any country I know of, THEN all I can say is the Irish have been more brainwashed than you think. GLAD some are fighting back! ALL the feisty Irish left.
WHAT I DONT GET is what use is cash. I cant think of 1 petrol station or grocery store that could handle everyone using cash. Would make the "toilet paper" thing look like childsplay. BARTER with neighbours maybe, BUT most truthers are way better stocked than their neighbors so probably not a good idea! PS Most checkout personel these days cant add 2 +2 .
ME THINKS, all the world monarchy,s are so defunct already. EVER since Trump stepped in front of the Queen it has been game over for the so called royals world wide. AND then add Harry and Meghan to put the FINAL nail in the royal coffin. BRILLIANT!
Liz Cheney might disagree!