patriotic_legend 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, but they are just burying old joe, he isn't running, so they take him down and pretend kamala is different/better.

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah, I don't have it memorized, my point was that OPs statement seems to be dooming by his statement.

patriotic_legend 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nothing was ever stated, when Trump rejoins twitter he would state this.

Just that Trump will state this on twitter when the storm arrives.

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +2 / -1

even if this was a real photo, tgat is like 200 people tops. Not a large number.

patriotic_legend 3 points ago +3 / -0

Finally, put into words what most of us here are. We are generalists. We use information, logic, and understanding of reality to form our opinions. 9 times out of 10 we are right on so many things. Yet, we find it difficult to explain and convert those around us to our way of thinking. They are focused on the "experts" first, we are focused on common sense and logic first.

The genius of the elite is to corrupt the experts. By controlling the experts they control the masses. How many greenies out there understand the environment? They don't, they trust the experts. How many that took the mRna jab understood anything about it. Almost zero, they trusted the experts.

I have a normie friend. We have discussed all the world events over the past 4 years in detail almost daily. The event happens, the experts react, he spews points of the experts, without much information I know they are lying, I don't always know why, but I know what the experts say is false. Over and over, time shows that I was right on so many of these issues. My friend sees that I was right , he listens more to me, but is still stuck on everyone is doing their best, they were just wrong, while I say it is on purpose due to a corrupted system.

Sorry for the wall of text, just putting some thoughts down. But, damn it is hard to wake people up.

patriotic_legend 3 points ago +3 / -0

with no information as to who wrote this it could be pure fiction.

patriotic_legend 5 points ago +5 / -0

Rittenhouse is dead to me. Hey kyle if you kill someone else not a dime from me next time. Fuck you!

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. The answer like most things likely is moderation. Dont drink too much, don't eat too much, don't hang out in the sun too much, etc....

I will use suncreen, but not all the time and only for longer exposure.

Tough to do if you work outside, but then you need to wear spf clothing.

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

Already avoid seed oils and use butter. I heard that helps with sun too and know a guy who tried that with no sunscreen, he got sun burned pretty bad. I don't think it is the sole answer.

thanks for the info though.

patriotic_legend 9 points ago +9 / -0

At this point doing nothing is a cure for covid too. :)

patriotic_legend 11 points ago +11 / -0

Ok, I struggle with this one. I understand the argument. But, if I am going to the beach for 3 hours and don't put on sunscreen I will get badly sun burned and be in pain for days. What is the alternative?

  1. Don't stay out in the sun for too long - so don't go outside much
  2. Go outside all the time get a dark tan (which by the way also hinders Vitamin D from the sun)

What I know:

getting sun burned hurts getting sun burned too often may cause skin cancer chemicals in sunscreen may cause skin cancer (reality is California lists just about every chemical as cancer causing, I don't trust CA)

What is the alternative?

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

her father doesn't look caucasian. Are they blackwashing his photos?

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rather than oversight, the world needs to understand there are risks in the world and government cannot remove all risk/danger.

There has never been a benevolent government, government is still run by people. There is no answer that removes risk.

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