Trump has possible WWIII going hot. 30 to 40 million illegals to deal with. Fix the stolen 2020, plus fix elections in general. Plus Treason.
...... and on and on.
Might not be enough lawyers and judges to go around.
Time for the military. And that may not have enough bodies to go around.
Who do we trust to continue this in 4 years?
Her case was never going to go to trial. That would have let Trump offer evidence.
How do you get evidence admitted? You go to trial. This was nothing but optics and election interference. They sabotaged their own case.
He'd be the first painter where the value went down after death.
I do expect on day for them to be valuable due to historical significance. You would own a bribe that was paid to a President's son who collected it for his father. They might be hard to come by.
This was just a test. They had multiple variations of the shot. They now know what will kill how many. The new attack on humanity will be the variation that kills the desired outcome. The shot is the weapon, Omicron will be the delivery system.
Buckle up.
We are still in danger.
Yes. I know. What he has is not a Marshals badge. It is Secret Service as I said.