Incorrect. Increasing the minimum wage takes purchasing power away from higher paying jobs until everyone is equally poor except for those at the top— the investment bankers whom our money ends up trickling upwards towards. They don't eat the reduced profit, are you retarded? They just jack up the prices on everything. Just like what's happening right now.
I can't quite tell, but it looks like it could be a "Q" at the bottom of that post, and some others:
Not photoshopped. This was on 4chan way back in the beginning. I remember anons dissecting the original picture and verifying that it's real. Shit, I probably still have the original uncompressed image on an old hard drive somewhere.
I am hardcore Christian, and I repeat your prayer in earnest. It's a good one, frankly.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
God's judgment is just. Who am I to argue.
Does anyone have a link to the original video with the white hat logo on it? I've seen it before, and he says more in it from what I remember.
Minority Report
He's literally managed by Disney, bro. He was never a "good guy."
Anyone got a link to the video that this guy's reacting to? I could do without the... commentary.
I need to install Photoshop again, to verify. But you're right, there's no reason for the text to go off margin like that unless it's edited. The font warping according to the folds on the page are correct in some spots but completely wrong in others. I smell fish.
Which copy of Mein Kampf? You think they wouldn't edit that book, of all books, to make him look crazy and evil? Just like how they mistranslate his speeches? Look in to the rabbit hole that are the translations of that book. There's only one good one out there, and I forget what it's called.
Backpfeifengesicht, for sure.
First datefag in a while I can actually get behind.
When they tell you what they are, believe them.
Freedom of speech as long as it doesn't offend you nose who.
Hijacking top comment to say that gprime is a genius. That is all.
Trump. When he wins.
Beauty. Keep it going. Give them the walkable 15 minute cities that they want so badly, on your own terms.
Okay, that's the first funny thing I've seen this guy do. Still think he's controlled op, though.
I am once again casting my internet vote for press secretary to be ALEX. JONES.
Wait, am I on twitter? Wtf
My last pair of American made Levi's lasted 20 years. The new ones, you'd be lucky to have for 2.