platinumbubble 6 points ago +12 / -6

Never understood why so many anon are triggered by flat earthers or space is fake truthers. We know there are so many lies, yet this is like some sacred cow to y'all. Why don't you look into it properly? You really believe Musk sent a red car into space? Doh. You should start to think objectively about NASA and all the other globalist space thingy's happening around the world. Japan and India's looked so fake it's hillarious but you still believe it all. The astronots are not serious scientists, they all actors paid so well. No serious alpha males among them. 45 talks about the TV generals, this is the same thing. Y'all gonna have a shock when the fakery crumpbles. Why not check it out now?

platinumbubble 3 points ago +6 / -3

It's close to us. Look at the moonlight shining on the sea. It's a narrow column of light. If it was as far away as is claimed, the light would bathe a much wider part of the water. Same for the sun. We see those images all the time, but never question what we are looking at. The clues are all around us.

platinumbubble 0 points ago +5 / -5

Pulling down the fake narratives one by one. Musk will help bring down the transhumanist/AI agenda as well as the fake green energy tale. He knows space is fake, so does Trump. You want them to just get on tv and say that? 45 has to win an election!

platinumbubble 3 points ago +4 / -1

Jesus is in the Old Testament from the creation of the world, His life didn't begin when He was born on earth. For example, John 17:24 tells us: “Father, those whom you have given to me—I want that those also may be with me where I am, in order that they may see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world."

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every good hero narrative or genuine hero irl is based on Jesus. All stems from Him. We cannot get away from our desire and need of 'saviour' figures in our lives to put wrongs right. Jesus shows us constantly how to live and He asks us to be like Him.

platinumbubble 5 points ago +5 / -0

He wants her out of the running and replaced.

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

He bossed it frankly. He has stature and authority. She came off fairly well if you are easily taken in by liars (or actors), but not as a leader, more a manager/executive type. 45 simply stood his ground.

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

Feels like projection to me, a cry for help - he is not doing well, he is unraveling? I'm not sure he's acting...

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting to see the poll coming good for 45. If that trend continues the next two months will be very painful for Dems. They will find it hard to steal the election if 45 has such good figures. Maybe the media has been broken?

platinumbubble 1 point ago +2 / -1

Amillenialism says that Jesus' reign is spiritual only, not concrete, real. I believe it has actually happened, that we had 1000 years of Him conquering evil and giving the world peace. I think the cabal have covered it up and lied about our history. You can prove it from scripture, but the signs are also all around us once you start looking. Some call it Tartaria, but it wasn't a secular, beningn empire, it was specifically Christian. And we are not taught about it at all.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe that Jesus has already returned after AD70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. They had the terrible tribulation (under Nero), they had the desolation of abominations, the faithful ran for the hills and Jesus returned at some point after that to destroy the Roman empire and set up his Kingdom for a millennial reign of 1000 years with the Saints who were resurrected to reign with Him. Now we are in Rev 20:7, where Satan has been released for a short season to deceive the nations. And oh are we deceived!

platinumbubble -1 points ago +1 / -2

Jesus already returned after AD70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. They had the tribulation (under Nero), they had the desolation of abominations, the faithful ran for the hills and Jesus returned to destroy the Roman empire and set up his Kingdom for a millennial reign of 1000 years. Now we are in Rev 20:7, where Satan has been released for a short season to deceive the nations.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Prince Andrew was seen peering round the front door of the NY property. Did he go to the island? Not sure if we know, but lets at least start with the Island. The full Buckingham Palace information needs to be released too. The timing is important for 45. They'd have buried everything by now if it had aleady been released.

platinumbubble 4 points ago +4 / -0

Censorship on FB started long before 2021, so who asked him to censor before then or did he just think to do it by himself?

platinumbubble 4 points ago +4 / -0

Could you elaborate on how they money launder through a project like this? Thx

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's OTT, hyperbole, meant to deflect - 'Now that we have set all of this straight'? all? 'I hope you can reclaim a large portion of your life and be a more productive member of society'? He doesn't believe any good came out of Q in the lives of many individuals who were given hope that a brighter day is coming? No, if this is the real ECW, he is using overly emotive language to distance himself. That's not how WHs roll. There is the delta of course, but I'd look for a code :-s

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