praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, here are ALL POSSIBLE PREDICTIONS. Let’s bet.

Kamela will CANCEL the debate because of:

  1. Illness.
  2. Lack of time (forgot to note the date).
  3. Tampoon guy cannot make it.
  4. Needs more time to read all 4 questions (sent by the host too late).
  5. Rejects to participate because Yes/No answers are not allowed.
  6. Teleprompter is broken.
  7. Cannot make the earpiece work.
praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

By discussing “China fraud” they’re trying to make it look like any of this climate hoax is true.

I’ve got 2 bad news for Germans:

  • Your certificates are also fraud.

  • No one is buying this BS anymore.

praying71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can stolen evidence still be a valid evidence?

Perhaps handing over to a trusted lawyer makes some sense.

… or 50/50% split (lawyer / nurse/ whoever has access).

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Strike Force Parker was established by New South Wales Police early last year after a Zoom room comprising more than 500 alleged pedophiles was uncovered.

I find it hard to believe that was a single room with 500 pedophiles.

What I CAN believe is that there was a single room with 500 people opposing covid.

I will believe MSM when I see them publishing the video of this zoom call.

Stay vigilant.

praying71 4 points ago +4 / -0

And if you connect the thumbs of people on the photo - you get a Q too.



Edit: Interesting that the image search gave me a debunker’s post. Not intentional! Do It Q doesn’t happen so often and the fact that the thumbs form a Q wasn’t explained in the post, plus the fact how Do It Q works in conjunction with the thumbs.

praying71 6 points ago +6 / -0

“Identification as woman” is a hunting method:

  • Allows them to get closer to the victim.
  • If they ever get arrested:
    • They get smaller prison time.
    • They’re put in the female prison.
    • Once there: They keep committing the same crimes that they’ve been arrested for.
praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

The post isn’t precise. It can be more than 1.3 mln who’ve lost the job.

1.3 mln is the difference (change).

It can be: 2.3 mln lost the, 1 mln got the job, so change (delta) is 1.3 mln. My figures are theoretical. All I’m saying is: the reality can be worse than that.

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not really. They don’t have to arrests millions. They can cut the “head” and take over the “body”. The smartest people are the most dangerous for them. When Soviets invaded Poland they’ve killed: officers, police, teachers, priests, burying them in mass graves in the forests.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

The map you’ve posted:

  • I don’t know if it’s real or someone has faked it easily using photoshop. Can be real nor not.

  • I have an actual map approx. 200 years old that was passed through generations. It shows how Poland looked like and there were no 200-300 kingdoms.

  • Even the map you’ve posted show Poland as one large territory. It’s on the right side of the map.

  • I don’t know how western part of Germany looked like at that time. So I won’t comment. The eastern part was more unified as they were strong enough to join forces with Austria and Russia and divide Poland between themselves. At least eastern Germany was strong.

Regarding Hitler's own words - this is exactly the reason NOT to trust (his own words). Would he commit a false flag to then tell people the truth (that his people have done it, that he has ordered it)? It’s a well known fact that Germans were doing sabotage and false flags to have a “reason” to invade Poland. Knowing that this was pre-planned and staged - what Hitler then said was an intentional lie (a necessary component / excuse) to continue the invasion, as planned.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most of it isn’t correct either. Let me give you the facts:

200-300 little kingdoms

Poland exists as a country from AD 966 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianization_of_Poland#Baptism

You can see the territory on the map here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mieszko_I#Acquisitions_in_the_east

  • No 200-300 kingdoms.

  • The map looks very close to the one recovered in 1918 after WW1.

was made up of 90% ethnic Germans

The proportion was exactly the opposite. After the last Partition and land takeover Germans were trying to Germanise all Poles, starting from schools.


They’ve tried for almost 100 years and yet after 5 generations people were able to speak Polish, beat the occupying forces and take the country back. I can’t believe you think 10% would do it after 5 generations of slavery.

… going into Poland was to put a stop to the atrocities

There were no atrocities. The proper name to describe what happened is: sabotage and false flag run by organised groups of Germans to give Hittler a pretext for future aggression.

Just think about the logistics of it. Could Hitler just respond to “atrocities” and have hundreds of thousands of soldiers ready on the border the day he got “angry”? It took months to prepare, move the soldiers, tanks, ships.

.. after asking other world leaders to help

He asked Stalin for help. Later it was determined that it’s been agreed between Germany and Soviets to divide the territory of Poland again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact

It was Poland who was trying to prevent the war and seeking help, e.g. from UK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Polish_alliance

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Following WW1, parts of Germany were taken away. ... An eastern chunk was given to Poland.

You’re missing an important fact that taken away … given to Poland actually means: returned back to Poland after dozens of years of Germany occupying these territories that (originally belonged to Poland) and were taken away by Germany during the Patritions of Poland to the level that Poland disappeared from the map for a long time. Only the determination of generations of Polish people allowed Poland to rise again in 1918 when Polish people simply took their country back:

praying71 13 points ago +13 / -0

As expected (right on time), like a clockwork - my post from 2 days back:

  • Sep 4 - Q post 2024 (delta today)

    • A week to remember
    • Coded DECLAS
  • Sep 5 - NSA webinar (7 Qincidences, including delta).

  • Sep 7 - NASA - to bring back Starliner (distraction?)

Details: https://greatawakening.win/p/1994fY9WUq/a-week-to-remember-nsa-nasa-decl/

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

It can already be a Week to remember even without it: https://greatawakening.win/p/1994fY9WUq/a-week-to-remember-nsa-nasa-decl/

If tomorrow O’Keefe drops this video - it’s gonna be a nuclear end of the week.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Relax. It was a sarcasm. Re-read and have a fun.

praying71 2 points ago +3 / -1

They will find them.

People hate Trump so badly that they will vote for Kamela from the age of 1 to 150.

EDIT: Define “sarcasm” ;)

praying71 5 points ago +5 / -0

Timestamp 6:33:

“Communists, I’m sorry. They’re mostly Roman Catholics”.

This one single lie makes the source unreliable for me (although I don’t deny anything else he is saying).

I lived in the communism until I was 19. The stories I heard from grandparents and other people are in contradiction with the above.

80-90% of communists (especially at the top) were … (Q left it for last).

praying71 5 points ago +5 / -0

The frame below the sign looks like a dog gateway to the bush.

The prompt JOIN (above) looks hilarious in this context.


praying71 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ukraine has one of the most fertile lands in Europe and feeds a lot of it.

If they plan to engineer a famine buying a land fits the picture.

praying71 5 points ago +5 / -0

If the NSA airs their first podcast on 5th September - I won’t be surprised if NASA choses to crash their astronauts on 6th September to cover the news from NSA.

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