propertyofUniverse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Neither of those dudes is either of their dads.


propertyofUniverse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perhaps this is payment for his cover up of the Ukrainian MH17 shootdown and framing of Russia for it.

He's a nasty piece of cabal rubbish.

propertyofUniverse 7 points ago +8 / -1

How did her nose get so thin and the mouth creases diminish? Her cheekbones look smoother too.

I think the bottom two pictures might be a replacement Jacinda

propertyofUniverse 8 points ago +8 / -0

Trading volumes are high every day now on GME and sometimes DJT Also there are sharp rises in the stockprice which then come back down again.

This indicates to me that there is a lot of buoyancy in GME and DJT, the real value is much higher than the current price but the hedgies who have shorted the stocks are borrowing shares and selling them into the market strategically to damp down price rises.

This is very expensive because it is very expensive to borrow shares right now and even without a short squeeze, the hedge funds are bleeding money every day just to stave off disaster.

They are trapped.

I'm no expert ape, this is just my own crude analysis.

I think this situation of a daily bleed and then eventual limitless losses to cabal funds is part of the plan.

Notice that cabal money is on the short side of these stocks with the chance of unlimited losses and the stubborn retail investor apes are on the long side and can only lose as much as they have invested. This is segregation of cabal funds from the people's money and the white hats are using it to drain away cabal funds, transferring them to the people without crashing the whole market.

Note: as usual, the cabal did it to themselves by trying to short and crash companies.

propertyofUniverse [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hi fren, this post looks like a personal disagreement.

I'm taking it down.

propertyofUniverse [M] 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's at the bottom of "settings" which you can find in the drop down selection which appears when by clicking your name in the top right.

Please don't though!

propertyofUniverse 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've had a good think about this because my mother-in-law's friend died quickly of CJD recently, she would have been vaxxed for sure. There is dementia in her family.

I think that dementia is multi causal and that people have differing ability to clear amyloid plaques from their brains.

Everyone has some prions in their brain just like everybody has tiny cancers, but most people clear these away and there is an equilibrium where the damage is sub clinical.

It is my idea that some people are more prone to dementia as they have a poorer immune system in the brain to counter it, and it is these people who get dementia after the vax, which is known to encourage misfolding and is nown to cross the blood brain barrier.

In short, it's propensity to the condition added to insult from the vax.

You can think of all vax diseases this way, which is why some people are O k afterwards and others die early from a variety of diseases. They are more prone to those conditions and the vax provokes them.

propertyofUniverse 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here are good legal definitions which will help in the long run with bringing the vax pushers to justice.

propertyofUniverse 5 points ago +5 / -0

I see a lot of black pill material in the alt-media of the UK.

It's a big problem that our version of anons are black pilled and more likely to want to bug out to the countryside and hide than to think positively about the future.

propertyofUniverse 12 points ago +12 / -0

Here it is:

I'm just geeking out at the coalescing narratives right now.

🎯Trump is going to prove his 2020 election was stolen beyond any doubt because he caught them all.

🎯The money laundering and child/organ/adrenochrome trafficking of the fake Ukraine convict is starting to culminate.

🎯Remdesivir ventilation murders are beginning to find their class action suit foundations.

🎯The vaccine class action suits are getting their legs since the liability clause ended.

🎯Hollywood, the music industry, and likely most of the governing body of the US Corporation are sh*tting their pants because of the Spacey interview with Morgan.

🎯The fake border crisis has reversed the "sanctuary city" ideologues by diving their own narrative up their asses, while ramping up support for Trump, while stinging the child/drug trafficking.

🎯The BRICS nations are no longer using the US Dollar. And the US Treasury bond shenanigans and interest rate manipulation have been proven utterly worthless against imminent hyperinflation.

🎯The utter nightmarish horrors of the the last 8 decades of Project Paperclip MK Ultra Zion-tists messing with our brains has been emerging through various whistleblowers, and former sex slaves, and false flags perps.

🎯And the dark side of the above has created and interconnected web of blackmail used to control all of the levers of power on earth. This part seems like it's in a holding pattern waiting on the rest.

🎯Exotic tech perfected under the ice of Antarctica by the Nazis after WWII seems to be weaving it's way into the collective mindscape. It's all interconnected to our current situation.

🎯Bitcoin keeps making blocks. It's totally out of control, which means it's completely decentralized. Which means we love it. It is the lifeboat, frens. Stack some. You don't have to buy a whole coin.

A storm's a brewing friends. You'll know that storm has arrived when all of these smash together in a truth that many are still, and may never be, ready for.

And everything you read here was caused by the same exact people.

Zionists aka Nazis... We are fighting the 4th Reich. And we are winning bigly.

Many will need help through this. #NCSWIC.

propertyofUniverse 4 points ago +4 / -0

I found this gem on a comment on the worldwide "died suddenly" list today.

We anons might take a slightly different take on why Mosley's death made headlines. We might consider it showing the normies about the vax.

Anyway, this article makes some very good points about high profile people being spooks (in this case a vax pushing trusted TV doctor).

Great analysis an his background and that of similar people.

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