I merged it into Excel here ---> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s7zhn3ljwlgjtwm3hlvm3/American-Relief-Act-2025.xlsx?rlkey=dh4suo4b2votsb2mx4j4ib7y8&st=dvxw3l5b&dl=0
Yay! You caught that. Merry Christmas! u/#pepedetective u/#yesss u/#trumpdance
Hegseth better triple funding for lie detector tests for specific MOS's. Military is not a democracy, so find the spies. Any suspicion on the character of recruits+ and send them to Greenland, Guam or some shithole until the drop out.
We all understand the elites attempt to destroy family and society through deviant behavior. Here's a link to an Anthropologist saying after years of research how deviant sexual behavior destroys empires. ---> https://www.kirkdurston.com/blog/unwin
Bill Freeman, one of Nashville's most prolific property developers, a one-time mayoral contender and a leading Democratic Party fundraiser, died Sunday ... of suicide.
Q post #1933 https://qagg.news/ How the heck do I add Q posts to my posts here? So long, I've forgotten 😱😱😱
30 organic brown eggs at the market here in Ao Nang, TH for 112 baht or ~3.25 USD.