30 year ALPA member here. This list in the ALPA magazine comes from family members that send in to cancel the subscription. Family let the subscription run for years after the pilots death just because of this death list to keep track of old friends in the industry. Dont read anything into this list beyond that
Worlds Fairs have always produced amazing things and after the show it all gets packed up. I live in Seattle and we had a Worlds Fair in 1962. The Space Needle and several other building are all that remain but the footprint of the Fair remains as a city park. If you compared pictures of the land in 1960, 1962, and today it would be unrecognizable
https://www.obamalibrary.gov/research/how-to-request-records There is a great pic of Obozo walking through a warehouse full of document boxes at his "library". Not what youre looking for but a nice photo to make a meme from.
Way back when Schumer was in the House of Representatives, he was just as big of a showboating liar as he is today. There was a gun control hearing and anti gun Schumer showed up in the well of the House with a AK 47 and was waving it around. Even then an AK was illegal to have inside the capital building. Bill McCullach R ( ?) was the senior R in the hearing and could have had the Sergent at Arms or the Capital Police confiscate the gun, but even back then the republicans were gutless tools
I doubt it was real dark as Tacoma ( T-Compton) has street lights in every neighborhood. I would guess the Rangers were deliberately missing to avoid going to jail. The joggers were probably firing like the infinite monkeys with typewriters.
Watch Obiden appoint one of these crime families members to something just to keep that clan in power