realeagle -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why wouldn't your employer be able to afford it? The general public would be getting a giant raise and can afford the higher prices introduced by your employer and your employer's industry.

Your employer will survive. The net effect will be that skilled employees will now have to restart as minimum wage employees and must fight for increases which employers are always reluctant to give. The skilled employees will get a bump, but it will be at a factor far below the current separation between minimum wage and skilled professional.

realeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dynasties exist because blood is less likely to betray each other. Kings knew very well that they had dukes, generals, etc., that were far more qualified to run a kingdom than their child. The child, however, was less likely to radically change the family morals and agenda.

If Trump had somehow passed the presidency down to one of his generals, it would be less of a Trump presidency in actions and spirit than passing it to his own son.

realeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is precedent for international tribunals. Look at how the International Military Tribunal gave itself authority to prosecute the Nazi leaders. A group of countries simply declared the tribunal as the authority and it was so.

realeagle 65 points ago +65 / -0

butt cancer lol

This is one of those things where the white hats publicly embarrass and kill off people who have been convicted and sentenced in secret tribunals.

realeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Breaking the law to enforce the law is pretty much the number one tactic of law enforcement.

Police and agents can speed to catch speeders, have sex with prostitutes to catch prostitutes, do drugs to catch drug dealers, etc.

The CIA are apparently taking this a step further to fund corruption and crimes against humanity to catch the bad guys.

realeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually the first one looks significantly better in makeup.

The guy posting this had been posting these images to patriots.win and ranting for years about how bad makeup is. I can only presume that he has an ugly SO.

realeagle -4 points ago +4 / -8

FFS, you believe that the US President is a dude wearing a mask. What exactly is too outrageous for you to believe about RRN?

realeagle 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm pointing out that the only part of RRN you think is absurd is that the tribunals have already started. I mean, if Biden and the Clintons have been replaced with doubles you should strongly consider that it had something to do with tribunals.

If this really was a group of bad elite people committing election theft and crimes against humanity and crimes against children, do you think that the military would just wait until 2025?

realeagle 0 points ago +1 / -1

I thought many people here believed in the Biden shadow presidency, the Hillary Clinton double and other doubles, and the Q narrative. RRN mostly aligns up. Odd that believing that the White Hats are conducting Q's predicted military tribunals behind the scenes in secret is a step too far.

Is your theory that Biden and the Clintons were replaced with doubles just for fun or something?

realeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, it would discredit this website. This guy is claiming that 13 year old girls are made to look 25 and that these are the tiktoc girls people are upvoting. That's when I tuned out.

realeagle 12 points ago +12 / -0

Another point is that Mexicans are conservative Catholics and become Republicans once they learn more about American politics. Mexican-Americans are the fastest growing Republican demographic.

realeagle 3 points ago +3 / -0

If there is a potential for corruption then there is corruption.

realeagle -8 points ago +4 / -12

I'm just saying that if you are having problems with women, it's obviously for reasons other than you jacking it to internet porn. Internet porn doesn't stop you from putting effort into seeking companionship, putting effort into your appearance, and going the distance to cater to and open doors for your dates.

realeagle 11 points ago +11 / -0

I disagree with this. Part of the narrative is that the goal of the DS is to spread degeneracy, liberalism, and homosexuality. This is direct insight to the current state of Gen Z.

realeagle -31 points ago +5 / -36

Speak for your own inadequacies. I've watched porn all my teenage and young adult life and now I'm married to the equivalent of a super model.

realeagle -1 points ago +1 / -2

You asked a specific question about bonds, and now you are ranting about oligarchs ruling us. Bill Gates might face a military tribunal for his crimes, but that is unrelated to the question you asked.

realeagle 0 points ago +2 / -2

If you think that the white hats have a goal of abolishing capitalism in their process, you are mistaken.

realeagle 3 points ago +5 / -2

US will declare bankruptcy and it will all be gone. In exchange for destroying the dollar and all savings, all debts private and public will be abolished via NASARA theory. Everyone starts again fresh with any physical assets they have.

realeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay. What if God saw the oppression that was happening in America before the American Revolution and just disappeared the British from America and sent them back to their country.

Without the struggle, the Constitution isn't made. America does not become an example for other countries to the point that its Constitution is copied and adopted by many countries. There is no everlasting national pride in America. The US States, in fact, are less inclined to join as one and instead become their own smaller countries like many wanted at the time.

A united America never focuses on building its military based on learned lessons and becomes a group of shithole countries that never becomes a world power, never receives major international investment as a 'safe' (military superior) country, and the other countries take hundreds of more years to re-discover the principles of the American Constitution.

In Star Trek one of the philosophies is not to meddle with other civilizations or meddle with time travel, or else it can cause unintended consequences. If you do a 'good' thing and things go bad you are basically responsible for all of it.

realeagle 7 points ago +8 / -1

You can love your child without controlling their life like a dictator.

What's the point of bringing a life into the world to live as an individual if you are just going to control everything?

realeagle 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people Trump appointed for many positions had to be confirmed by Congress. He was limited in his choices.

realeagle -1 points ago +1 / -2

You are addressing the 1850's model. This does nothing to address the fact that the most modern Flat Earth model is the Bi-Polar model here - https://wiki.tfes.org/Bi-Polar_Model

Also, the video you provided is only a partial rotation and does not even debunk the Monopole explanation here - https://wiki.tfes.org/Southern_Celestial_Rotation#Glass_Dome_Example

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