Seeing your own friends, family and colleagues dancing along the BLM puppet strings among many other things can be really sad. Sometimes it takes a few people to stand up and just say no to the narrative.
There have been some people in Discord servers who have attempted to say things like certain words are 'now' considered offensive in the US. I don't hesitate to tell them they are free to be offended, but no one in the server should conform to their standards. It usually stops solo instigators in their tracks early if the entire place isn't compromised yet.
I think they are ready to bail and trying to get as much as they can for themselves.
Vatican pulling out all their assets and consolidating into institutions they control.
I can see it as a desperate bid to retain wealth because they see what is coming.
Anytime I tell vaccinated people that I didn't get vaccinated, they always looked surprised. When I asked them, "Did I need it? Did you?" they always came up with reasons like "there are exceptions" and "not everyone gets affected" then quickly change topics.
You can check that South Park episode with Saddam, I guess.
I don't understand why there isn't more independent food testing done if people are so concerned over their health.
I am always excited to see how things are unraveling and what it will reveal in the future.
It's fun reading things about drops, legal fiction, corporate entities, decoding and trying to piece together what the meaning is behind the pieces of news, fake news and comms that are being thrown out into the wild.
I really don't know what the end result will be. I'm not going to say that everyone will live up to 125 years old and travel in flying cars with free energy nor will I say that they will unmask demons and reptiles on live TV. Just being able to have a different perspective outside of the illusion is already a big deal for me and it's exciting.
Of course, people have different upbringing, tolerance, personalities and situations in life. You can also throw in shills, bots and influencers with their own agendas into the mix so it can be quite confusing. For those that no longer have any ability to have faith or to believe in anything, it will certainly start to look grim at some point.
There's a difference between someone who tries to see what is going on versus someone that just waits to hear from someone that "It's happening" without understanding what is going on. That's why it's important for people to come to their own conclusions rather than being told what to think.
People admire those at the top because of their supposed abilities. What happens to the illusion when the prestige of supposed champions, record holders or winners in multiple fields are proven to be nothing but lowly cheaters who did not deserve their place?
System's rigged in more ways than one.
It's born from people being taken by fear and losing trust in their own bodies. The rushed and busy lifestyle of today makes people seek out cures for quick recovery even if the body can fix itself if given enough time.
Optics for the sheep.
Gotta do the lows to make the highs better.
Snowball's already rolling down hill.
Pork fat, lentils and rice thrown in the rice cooker.
Either recruitment or a test to see if the denizens of the internet were ready to play the game.
Don't mind it. The loss of internet points can't hurt you.
Those people who ran didn't look like they were in control. Just saying.
Most people should know by now that they shouldn't take anything at face value. It's common knowledge that propaganda will start with what you want to hear and some truth sprinkled in to make it easier to swallow.
Once people are aware of that, when the eventual 'twist' happens to redirect you to their real desired conclusion then those who are already firm in their beliefs will pause and see that something is amiss.
Maybe he's not aware that deep fake has been used to trick the public for awhile now?
She doesn't have to. She could have expired earlier and they just say she died on that date.
No bill before congress be longer than 1 page, and only concern 1 issue
Won't they just shrink the font to something microscopic?
Oh! Been awhile since I played. I think the last one we did was 3.0, but we mostly played the original set and 2.5. I still remember getting that Immortals set from the original release. I don't think we ever got to use that ruleset.
We also had that huge monster encylopedia binder. That was a nice thing to look at and read.
Not sure what you mean by feats. I haven't been asked that before.
With regards to my health, a lot of the ups and downs of it were mostly related to the food I ate and perhaps stress. I've screwed myself over with food and lack of rest and I've fixed myself with food and proper rest. I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than that, but ever since I've cured myself of gout (caused by poor choices in food and HFCS soda) without medicine or help from a doctor then I pretty much know that I can handle whatever comes my way in terms of illnesses until the time comes.
You might find this funny, but sometimes when I felt sick, I'd pause for a moment, close my eyes and tell my white blood cells to get to work before going on with my day.
Watching it now. Seems like it's worth the time spent for me.
It really depends on upbringing and perhaps having a little faith.
social ostracism
Having grown up as a D&D nerd and computer geek, I am glad that I don't care what society thinks about me at all.
fear of potential health effects
Had H-fever for 2 weeks and recovered while staying at home while my siblings were hospitalized with blood transfusions.
Had Amebiasis from bad food and couldn't eat for 2 weeks straight, lost 40+ pounds. Recovered at home
Had Chostocondritis for 2-3 weeks, chest pains, trouble breathing. Recovered at home.
Through the years I've been alive, God has clearly told me that "Yes, your body can handle it. Do not be afraid."
Funny how life works out sometimes.
Be sad that human life was lost, but if he wasn't fighting Russians in Ukraine, he'd probably be fighting you at home.
Same goes for high profile resignations in both corporate and politics.