seasonedcastiron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, it would be nice if this could be stickied on the sidebar or something.

seasonedcastiron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pepperming tea works great at easing gas.

seasonedcastiron 13 points ago +13 / -0

I don't know one person who died from Covid.

I know some that died from medical malpractice at hospitals. Several who died from infections that they got from hospitals. I know many, many, many, many who died suddenly or quickly died from sudden stage-4 cancer after the vaccinations. And I know many, many, many, many who have had all kinds of weird medical diagnosis after the vaccinations.

seasonedcastiron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right. The MMR seems to be the worst offenders in vaccine injuries. Wasn't the research into MMR causing intestinal measles shut down with great controversy? I don't trust vaccine theory and wonder how much damage the live or dead virus does once injected into a person, especially a infant or toddler.

seasonedcastiron 9 points ago +9 / -0

More jobs will be available when industry goes back to work. The value of the dollar will increase as the economy heals and strengthens. Fuel prices will go down bringing savings to every product. Crime will go down, from street thugs to the corrupt elites & politicians. Things like these will more than offset the higher price of imports.

I, personally would prefer to purchase more expensive goods made in the USA where workers made a good wage vs. cheap imports from 3rd world nations that use slave labor.

seasonedcastiron 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know many in WA who died instantly (one a neighbor, another my friend's husband), had weird symptoms, were diagnosed stage 4 cancer, got diabetes, got covid multiple times, got shingles, or had freak accidents (log truck driver rolling his load down a logging road, hunters not returning (died in camp).

And so many heart conditions. One woman took her husband to a dr. appointment and ended up herself having a massive heart attack in the parking lot. Because she was so close to a hospital, they were able to save her. But now she feels tingling and numbness in her extremities, the dr. told her it's just anxiety. Oh, her husband died for his heart condition.

I have one neighbor who mocked another neighbor (both in their 70's) about her going to die because she refused to get the clot shot. Well, guess who is healthy as a horse and who is on oxygen and moved to a nursing home.

seasonedcastiron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seattle had plenty of warning for this storm. Top off your tanks. Charge your devices and battery backups. Have cash on hand in small denominations. Have some easy to prepare food ready (PB&J works great).

We have lots of storms. My power's been out 5 times the last 4 weeks, and will probably go out tomorrow too. The small Honda generators are awesome, easy to start and can run a fridge, a modem, a toaster, and a coffee maker.

seasonedcastiron 3 points ago +3 / -0

This. Corn syrup is fine for pies and candies. But I make pecan pie with maple syrup instead. Game changer!

seasonedcastiron 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I heard during Trump's first campaign was that meant he raped all women and voting for him "throws your daughters under the bus".


He didn't say he did grab women, only that they'd let him, wanted him to.

And throwing my daughters under the bus is voting for war-mongers who want to draft my daughters in their evil agenda to gain filthy lucre.

seasonedcastiron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ew. But makes more sense than what she is doing! Who does that in front of a camera? Is it some type of clot-shot tic? Yes, please mask up so we don't have to see your whateveryou'redoin. It's gross.

seasonedcastiron 4 points ago +4 / -0

This really was a historic, flawlessly-run campaign. She had...[blah, blah, blah this celebrity and that celebrity] ...she had every prominent celebrity voice...you could not have run a better campaign...

seasonedcastiron 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm just glad it didn't happen Tues or Wed last week!

seasonedcastiron 7 points ago +7 / -0

WA state also removed the Personal Belief exemption for MMR, I forget the year, (2019?) but it was after a "measles outbreak". I think that outbreak was shown to come from vaccinated students.

We homeschool but it's kept my daughter out of school activities she would be able to participate in. I refuse to give her the MMR, for sure, as a triple-laced vaccine is one of the more potent vaccines.

seasonedcastiron 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're welcome, deleting my repost.

seasonedcastiron 2 points ago +2 / -0

formatting here, to start a new line, hit return 2x

seasonedcastiron 11 points ago +11 / -0

Dr. No needs to be a part of ending the FED.

seasonedcastiron 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a story that should be written to share with generations. You have a gift of words and a story that is incredible. I'm left wanting to know more and more. Please consider writing your story : )

seasonedcastiron 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember in school, reading about the founding fathers and early American government. It seemed like serving in office was a part-time job that successful men did, bringing their experience to the table.

And I compared that to what I saw (1980ish and included a stint serving as a WA state House page) where most politicians seemed to be professional politicians. Little did I know back then as a teenager.

When I heard about Ron Paul (1988), who-hoo, that's when I really started to find out!

This is an amazing time. I hope this is the end to professional politicians.

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