Why wouldn't it be in China's interest to destroy the US? One less competitor for world domination. As to why the left goes along with it: ideological possession. As to why the elites drive it: they sold out to China.
The problem is that they simply don't value life: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-12227-0 (the average leftist values amoebae in the universe more than their fellow man).
I see.. so I had heard about Q only very very faintly (I thought QAnon was a reboot of Anonymous (the hacker group)). Then Joe Rogan mentioned Q and the "Into the Storm" documentary. Only though it did I learn about Q (and only now did I connect this community with Q), something that went completely over my head for the past 5y.
So, as a complete outsider, just following my gut, that documentary stank. It appeared so artifical and forced. As if the whole thing had been produced just to "out" CodeMonkey as Q. I don't buy it. However, some former 8chan board mods did seem to have valid concerns about Q changing his behavior abrubtly and dramatically. What's your impression? When's the last time Q posted? Is he still active? Do you guys still believe in him or have you moved on and simply kept the spirit of the movement that he started?
Youre putting flat earthers to shame