sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Nazis were far left and also fought and killed the Communists? Makes sense to me. You are definitely wise and not being confused by one word having multiple meanings across time and language.

sillysausage 5 points ago +6 / -1

Not knowing all the current SC justices is pretty embarrassing for an elitist trivia game. Contestant standards have definitely gone down.

by BQnita
sillysausage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do we believe they/WHs have it? And if not, who does? DOJ? And do we know there was an actual list outside of the black book and a compilation of flight manifests? If such a list does exist, I want it on every billboard as soon as possible. Preferably while most of the people on the list are still alive.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's not about being afraid to breathe air, it's about being afraid of infecting others. Masks don't lower your risk of getting a disease, just as covering your lower face with your elbow doesn't lower your risk of getting a disease. Masks do lower your risk of transmitting a disease, just as covering your lower face with your elbow lowers your risk of transmitting a disease (that's why we cough there instead of not covering our coughs). Personal fear absolutely factors in, but don't forget that these people used to be called "bleeding hearts". Maybe they still are, but I haven't heard anyone call anyone else a BHL in quite some time.

Accuracy in determining the enemy is important.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't get the problem. The first Presidents (Adams, you're excused) were human traffickers, why not the latest? He's just being historically accurate you guys

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

But they did let the asylum seekers in at Martha's Vineyard? They were welcomed into the church while a large enough shelter was found and high schoolers provided volunteer translation services?

I get that anti-immigration is a sacred cow here, but I will never understand being upset about people doing our worst jobs for under-market rates, thus increasing capital generated (which is usually thought of as a good thing in a capitalist society), all while paying sales tax. Have you seen the Social Security bill? Did you know twice as many people are on SS now than were in 2010? If anything, we need more people to come here and generate capital while paying into services they cannot benefit from.

Plus, America wouldn't exist without people going to another land and helping themselves to what was someone else's. And genociding a lot of those original someone elses. And then establishing treaties so the acquisition of land could seem legit, and breaking over 500 of them. So I don't really get the moral argument.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't get what your problem is here. Sometimes it's ruled that right to privacy outweighs public interest, sometimea the other way around. Depends on the case, depends on the circumstance, depends on the judge.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

What, in your mind, would be the difference between moderation and censorship? Should there be no moderation? This board, based on the horror stories the mods tell, would just be overrun with people trying to make discussion as difficult and unpleasant as possible.

I see your point about missing something important due to blocked posts/users, but important things can also be missed when they are buried under mountains of bullshit, and everyone who isn't a troll is too busy shoveling poop to pay attention.

Free Speech absolutism is an interesting value, but there's a reason why even in a world where it is easy and cheap to create your own space for business and discussion, very few places actually allow extreme free speech. And that reason is that it doesn't really work to create any atmosphere other than that of 8kun. There's a reason why, despite freedom of expression being in the First Amendment, we have long had laws against impersonations, threats, invoking false threats, libel, child porn, slander, insider trading, and treason.

At the end of the day, this board is all about something that started on 4chan, and then moved to the even less moderated 8chan (now 8kun). If you want to discuss Q without moderation, the original source is right there. But this is a board with a specific focus and a specific aim, and those simply cannot be maintained on the internet with moderation or a paywall.

Oh man, that... Well I was gonna say that your job seems better than my factory one, but I really do like how much walking I get done in the multi-floor fabrication facility. Not sure I could do the "spend all night in a small box" thing, even with self-entertainment. Keep on keepin' on!

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just because everyone else is not shitting their pants, doesn't make it right

sillysausage 9 points ago +9 / -0

It looks like Pepe shat his pants in this one. Maybe the crowd was saying "You didn't shit your pants"?

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm still failing to see the moral expectations. Are you just saying you want companies to want the same things as you? I mean, it's nice to want things but that's no inherent moral imperative. In the same way as one could argue that if you don't want to be told you can't have a cake, don't go to that cake shop - if you don't like how a platform polices its own content, go to a different platform.

Good luck on the rest of your graveyard! Did you have to work an extra hour last Sunday? That was the most annoying thing about night work for me - DST ending no longer meant an extra hour of sleep, but instead a 13-hour work night.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this the same guy who co-sponsored that poison pill bill about giving the state legislature the power to reject election results?

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

Without the 2nd Amendment? Amazing. Guess gun ownership can flourish without it.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moral expectations? It's their legal right as businesses in America. They get to decide what happens within their property, be it physical or digital. Forcing them to allow certain things to happen would be censorship.

It's not that they should censor everyone, it's that the alternative is itself government censorship. There is no functional difference between the government forcing a business to not let people say certain things in their establishment, and the government forcing a business to let people say certain things in their establishment.

If you come into my old timey soda pop shoppe and start breaking all the clearly posted "No Anachronism" signs by talking about how much you love cell phones and legally enforced desegregation, I have the right to boot you right out the door, even though there's no law against anachronism. It's my property. If you want to dictate what people can do in places they own, try a communist country instead.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate the emotional honesty of this post. More of the same is needed, in general.

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