sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

Man, I thought that was my point.

I remain curious - if you think there's a non-ignorable one percent chance of it not being the Perry Mason Moment (and we know that in grand stories, the "one percent chance" is at least a thirty percent chance), what positive road do you see extending from such an outcome? The confidence you cite Trump displaying certainly indicates a non-standard day (weeks) in court, but confidence is a flimsy shield.

Here is my point as plainly as I can make it: this seems like Endgame either way. This seems like the moment when the buzzer beater shot is released, the bomb's wires are cut at the last second, the arrow is loosed at the underside of Smaug, etc. If the shot is hit, if the right wire is cut, great, but like you say, the chance that the shot is missed and Smaug continues to wreak havoc is significant enough to warrant discussion. I don't see anything good for Trump or the ideologies here down that road. I am both looking to see if people are also viewing things the same way (and if you don't have a better answer than "Trump moves in mysterious ways" that's fine, I'm down with a Deus ex machina), and pointing out a possible avenue that should be mentally prepared for.

Being slippery is good. But without a grand reveal of something not currently obvious to the masses, Trump honestly seems fucked - which in and of itself is a strong argument for this being the moment for status quo-breaking revelations! But if it's not, even a survivor like Trump seems pinned between three large investigations into different sectors. I see this as make or break time, and it is best to be prepared for the possibility of break even as you anticipate and try to push for make.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

This will now be, what, the fifth new prime minister without the people of the UK getting to vote on it? Maybe only letting one party vote for the leader is a bad idea?

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

So instead you fanficced about it here

sillysausage 3 points ago +4 / -1

Lmao, I do not think a movie starring the guy who saved a planet from destroying themselves by showing them spooky scary footage of Jan 6 as a warning means precisely the same thing you think it means

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm sorry, your quoted question just doesn't make sense to me. Try rephrasing?

I'm not so sure that publicly stating a different defense than your actual legal defense is a good idea, especially if that actual legal defense contradicts what you publicly stated. Publicly stating that he intentionally removed these documents means there are several avenues that simply can't be walked down in court.

I'm curious as to what you think the defense will be if it's not executive privilege, and it's not that the docs were planted, and it's not a grand reveal Perry Mason moment.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

You aren't the only one on way or another

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, they did it because owl merch sells like gangbusters

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's not either or - it's both classification and ownership. Since most documents a president has access to and creates as President don't belong to the President the human who will stop being President some day, they belong to the office.

In your hypothetical, if Trump printed out non-classified information on his own printer, that would be fine. He has not claimed that was what happened, and it wouldn't be believable if he suddenly started claiming it now. He has claimed that yes, he took documents, but it's okay because he declassified them by mental executive order. It'd be one thing if he had been consistent about a frame job from the beginning, but he instead immediately opened up a can of worms about executive privilege. Even if his longshot legal argument works, it would give all future administrations unprecedented ability to legally leak state secrets. So unless you're convinced there will never be an untrustworthy adminsitration again...

Of course, this is all assuming what we are seeing is what we will get, and that this isn't a longcon honey trap on the part of Trump.

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

Tests involve dropping a tiny piece of spit onto a stick, I honestly cannot begin to see the problem here.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Phoenixes and snakes are bigger and affect more both in terms of symbology and plot than being a convenient visual metaphor for the changing seasons in the good movies.

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

To be fair, the owls don't actually symbolize much beyond the usual "messengers from another world" stuff in Harry Potter. Despite the marketing, owls just don't play a huge symbolic role in the series, unlike snakes and phoenixes (Christian allegory). No one received a prophecy from an owl, there aren't magical versions of owls the way there are for cats and dogs - owls are more an amusing no-tech replacement for the post than anything else.

sillysausage 7 points ago +8 / -1

The universe is a beautiful tapestry woven from the thread of coincidence. Neither everything nor nothing is a coincidence. Life isn't ever that easy. You've got to analyze and make hard decisions.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm sorry but that's just not true. No True Scotsman fallacy aside, every Republican president has had the approval of millions of conservatives, every Democrat prez has had the approval of millions of liberals. Throwing away all responsibility your ideology has does a disservice to yourself, as well as the hundred thousand who died. The conservative reaction to 9/11 was understandable and entirely too human, but the bloodlust across the country was very real, and it caused us to invade a country that history tells us has not been successfully occupied and flipped, tear through the caves of that country looking for a man who needed weekly dialysis (not often found in caves), and then invade an unrelated country ran by an anti-Al-Qaeda secularist in search of weapons that never existed.

sillysausage 2 points ago +3 / -1

If he is, then there needs to be presented hard, verifiable, concrete proof that this was the case, and I honestly believe that evidence must be presented in a civilian arena (be it a deposition, a trial, or just on TV/social media) first, before anything approximating a coup happens. This stuff needs to get out first, or every revelation of the reborn Trump administration can be dismissed with "whoever said that only did it because there's a gun to their head, because Trump just did a coup everyone grab your vegan shotguns"

sillysausage -1 points ago +2 / -3

So, same plan as he had for Iraq. No plan.

If only more conservatives had listened to leftists then? Is that the lesson here?

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason why it doesn't add up is that you are conflating a full archive of an 8 year term being handled by the literal agency whose only job is to archive things, with some boxes of documents that were taken from government property to a private residence without following written procedure. The feds weren't going after the Trump Administration archives - those are being handled by the federal archivists. They're going after materials that, according to them, should have stayed in that archive, since they are government property.

So, either Trump is actually still President and he can't be President in 2025 but he can have the docs right now since he is still President, Trump isn't President but what he took will finally prove that Biden stole the election (making his crime a warranted act to prove a larger crime), or Trump isn't President and he just committed weird document crimes for no explicable reason.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

It absolutely did not come from the same McDonalds. How do I know this? THE HOFFMAN BUILDING IS IN CHICAGO.

We knew those star athletes had to eat cold fast food, but that would be ridiculous

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Can I ask why microplastics seem to be a pretty ideology-neutral issue (I've seen leftists, liberals, libertarians, rhinos, and people here all bring it up), despite being a new panic? Is it that the media isn't really hyping this up that makes a broader swath of the population amenable to this as an issue?

It's just to me, both microplastics and global warming are projected dangers based on real concrete data, but both data sets become conjecture when you go back more than a century or two. If anything , the microplastics numbers are both newer and less back-dateable than the global warming numbers. And, the reason given behind both alleged dangers would be corporate greed and consumer convenience given precedence over long-term stability and renewability.

I'm just curious as to why microplastics are just kind of accepted by everyone, when it seems so similar to global warming

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

So, the market didn't dip wildly and raising interest rates isn't a common remedy to such a situation? I'm not saying the poor widdle national bank was backed into a corner, I'm saying she handed them the keys, whether through foolishness or something else - that I don't know.

Note: I'm not saying common remedy is the same as good remedy. I'm saying her plan was the wrong plan for the really wrong time, and it backfired in predictable ways.

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