deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
sillysausage -3 points ago +1 / -4

she's just going to be defeated in the re-election, chill

sillysausage -5 points ago +1 / -6

I don't remember lesbian sex being mentioned in the New Testament. In Paul's "you shall not suffer a..." letter, he was writing in Greek, and he specifically used a word that didn't mean any form of homosexuality, but specifically the unfortunately common practice of older men in a position of educational authority having sexual relationships with their students (who were by definition male).

I really hope it was Paul and not Peter, or I'll be quite embarrassed

sillysausage 1 point ago +4 / -3


Anytime you can learn a useful skill with an extra adjective in front of it, do so. Specialization only comes after general knowledge, and anything you can do to make your skills applicable in as many situations as possible will be of great benefit to you.

Also, if you can learn how to fix your own tools, that's one less person to rely upon and one more way to make yourself in-demand. But also don't sleep on being able to teach these skills - you won't be young forever.

sillysausage -3 points ago +1 / -4

Honestly, this isn't even a terrible suggestion - even if you follow the best advice on here, you could always end up in the wrong place at the wrong time where your hard-won skills aren't needed, but a trained musician with a wide repertoire would be. Less likely, to be sure, but it's important to remember that there are no guarantees, beyond death.

sillysausage -1 points ago +3 / -4

Prepare as if a series of large "natural" disasters are coming. So that means not just learn an always-needed trade, but one that doesn't require the world to look the way it does now for you to be useful.

In practical terms, that means don't just become an electrician, become an electrician who can fix solar panels and other forms of self-sufficient energy. Being familiar in laying and maintaining wiring that's underwater could be quite helpful too, depending on where you live. Don't just become a plumber, become someone who is just as comfortable dealing with city infrastructure pipes as you are u-bends. Don't just become a carpenter, be a carpenter who can take directions and be part of a team to accomplish a large build, but doesn't need them.

In short, what you need are what I refer to as "bean skills" - skills that, in the event of capital collapse, can earn you a spot in a shelter and recurring rations of beans.

P.S. Remember that useful skills aren't just about building, like the examples above - they can also be about growing. Knowing how to grow food without access to corporate soil mixes and GMO seeds is the obvious example, but also medical stuff like personal training and pediatrics will always have a use, but even more so in an unkind climate.

sillysausage -3 points ago +1 / -4

Wow, it's really getting to a point where I can't scroll for more than a couple minutes before I find a meme I first saw shared in socialist circles. First it was the Bush-Iraq stuff, now y'all are practically singing "The Banks Are Made Of Marble"

I dunno, if my political beliefs were constantly ridiculed due to thinking a by-the-people, for-the-people government doesn't actually exist and we are all being controlled by a small class of elites (as all but PROVEN by Jeffrey Epstein), I would be at least interested in collaborating with those who feel the same

Though y'all have a lot more guns than they do, so I can see taking the easy route and just assuming you can force them onto your side or out of your sight when the chips are down

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

If it does turn out that this is one of the universe where Global Warming is actually happening, this will be a hilarious post in retrospect. Be careful, you don't want your hubris to land you in the wrong timeline.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

I really hope you don't all think any mainstream shooter is at all analogous to combat and weapons training. The only skills you could possibly learn (besides recognition of different types of firearms, and even that's suspect if you're playing something like Fortnite [or any other "free" shooter that can't afford to license real guns] instead of something made with help from the American military) are very basic tactics and awareness, which you could learn just as well from Splatoon or an MMO.

The vast majority of kids who play shooter games don't actually have guns in their house. This one did, and I think that's the much more important distinction to be made here.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Because liberals are bleeding hearts and everyone needs a back-up plan in case of the off chance that an exponentially ramping apocalypse caused by unregulated corporate greed is actually happening, making all of this politicking, national building, and culture wars nothing but just distractions from an existential threat.

With a good enough sob story and profession of remorse, most liberals (in the process of being proven correct and given the opportunity to feel morally superior) will open their doors. These same liberals are extremely unlikely to own amy firearms.

Nothing wrong with a little insurance.

sillysausage 2 points ago +5 / -3

If God has such strong opinions on the matter, why didn't Jesus say anything about it?

sillysausage -3 points ago +1 / -4

So, the coming storm starts on the 80th day of August in '22? If my math is correct, that's the 19th of October, so still a little more waiting to do. Sorry.

sillysausage 0 points ago +4 / -4

Be realistic. CavePeasant here is right - there's no reason for the established rhythm to suddenly change. In movie terms, we call that bad pacing, and y'all seem convinced we're watching a good movie.

sillysausage -1 points ago +2 / -3

Okay, but no one is ever gonna believe y'all until the mass Dem arrests. Anyone willing to put a hard cap on when it must happen by or you will no longer believe it's going to happen? Anyone? I'm offering good odds for five years and great odds for 12.

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