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Traitors! The lot of them.
Well we don't know what he's doing behind the scenes. Probably trying to put in roadblocks in the FBI that Kash will have to sort through.
Apparently in New York first degree is reserved only for those who kill cops.
He's still staying on till the end of Biden's administration, right?
"The Divided States of America" And who's fault is that? Not Trumps. If the media acted rational in reporting him we wouldn't be so divided.
She's probably getting a pardon.
When was it confirmed that any of these people were set to testify against Nancy?
I'm sure he wouldn't have this opinion if the woman who lost was a Republican.
Looks like they have some sense over there.
Doesn't fox already have that with outnumbered?
Didn't he say he wouldn't be resigning? I wonder If Trump is pressuring him too?
She would need to borow Barron's time machine.
It's a state charge.
Our government probably has something to do with these protesters.
Don't give Biden a pardon list Trump!!!
That's just because he is going to be a senator.
This argument of hers is how Palpatine got into power.
The left is just going to say... he is just trying to protect these people from "Trump's weaponized DOJ."
Froot Loops use to be the main cereal I ate as a kid.
We've seen this movie before.
Well this is stupid. They are just going to say they are dangerous and shouldn't be nominated.
I heard Desantis is possibly going to be the replacement pick. It would make sense he would want to tank him.
She's a Rino who through Trump under the bus the first chance she got after J6. I swear I don't understand some of his appointments.
The alien invasion was a day late!
Traitors! The lot of them.