skynniman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Key players and influencers in the movement have placed too much confidence in the potential and utility of alternative media. There is a huge segment of the population that will not put in the effort to seek out truth on alt media, are effectively conditioned to trust only MSM, too busy providing for their families, or just don't care. Until the MSM is brought into the fold and forced to tell the truth, the final push for mass awakening will not be realized. Its been over 2 yrs since the presidential election was stolen, the country has gone to complete shit, another midterm election was stolen, every aspect of our government is proven captured, if alt media hasn't woken someone by now, they aren't going to. WHs have two options if they require more people to be awakened before they can advance the operation, take control of the MSM or brace for a significant motional event that will impact everyone.

skynniman 2 points ago +3 / -1

Just checked, Still down

skynniman 5 points ago +6 / -1

Apparently its a taboo subject here, i made a post once and got banned, then i warned somebody else and got banned again, this is not a free speech space, go check out the illusive language of the “rules”, you can be banned for anything. Dont care how you sell it, moderation is censorship

skynniman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shouldnt take long, these retards used twitter as their own personal “secure” means of communication, because they thought they owned it and had total control, well they did, now they dont, and the servers are an archive of all their criminality, written by their own hand. So fucked!

skynniman 7 points ago +8 / -1

I went to 5 different pharmacies/ grocery stores in WV, all of them are sold out of all children's medicines

skynniman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ima go out on a limb and say that is probably a ginger bread house.

skynniman 1 point ago +2 / -1

The confirmed “QAnon” is in quotes, indicating an alternative interpretation, like biden is “the president”. Could be intended as Q and Anons, since as you stated there is no Qanon. Or, Quality Assurance, Question/Answer, Quick Ajudication, Quiet Assaut

skynniman 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didn’t realize “Anons” were so easily fooled, I thought Anons were a bit more astute than genpop, or is everyone anon who leans patriot and listens to influencers. Wouldn’t it be sound advice to simply say be cautious of everyone.

skynniman 1 point ago +2 / -1

I’ve run across his drop 3 times in the past week.

skynniman 3 points ago +4 / -1

Clarification 12/8, 2 days ago, and it appears to have rotated when I posted, at least on my pad, oh well

skynniman 10 points ago +11 / -1

No need to sensationalize, misrepresent, ad lib, or lie, and maybe reconsider phrases like “fuck the stupid sleeping normies” its all counterproductive. The goal should be nobody left behind.

skynniman 2 points ago +3 / -1

My message was really for those who have already dismissed the normies as a lost cause. You cant really fail to wake someone because they must come to the truth in their own time, but you can be a positive or negative influence in their journey. There are many of us in the same situation and it is downright painful when we cant help the ones we love to see the truth. Sadly we may not be able to reach the people that we really want to, but we can reach somebody, even if its a total stranger. I hope im not held accountable for harboring a normie or aiding and abetting a sleeper, my wife is a medical provider and she is in a snow white coma, she still finds it inconceivable there could be any shenanigans surrounding covid, the vaccine, or the scamdemic. The good news is its not just covid or the vaccines that is wrong in our world, theres a wide range of engineered ills in our world to choose from, try to find a suitable topic and engage gently. Financial fraud, natural medicine fraud, environmental poisoning, human trafficking, crimes against children, false wars, etc. maybe avoid some of the extreme topics but try to relate to something they care about, never forget that you can not make someone accept the truth, keep trying, be patient, keep loving, and know that eventually there will be undeniable disclosure to all. Keep faith. You’re not alone on this journey.

skynniman 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yeah, lets bash “normies”, we’re awake. Best get off your self righteous great awakening high horse and recognize we need those “normies” on our team. They just aren't awake YET. Most of us are relatively newly awakened, within the past few years, some people take more time, but they will come around. We tend to believe our own experience should be everyones experience and we forget the whole world has not yet switched over to alternative media from legacy msm, not everyone has been exposed to what we have. Be patient with your friends, loved ones, and complete strangers. Be creative with your approach to engage with those still sleeping, instead of being angry with the normies who haven't woken up yet, be angry with yourself for failing to wake them. Regroup and re-engage, and shelf your personal hang ups. This is a war for all of humanity not just a fewmanity or just people who think like youmanity.

skynniman 3 points ago +3 / -0

They missed their target audience, all the people who saw through their depravity in the first place. We see this fake bullshit letter for what it is too. Your just sorry you got caught, get used to it because the more protection you lose from big tech, the more we will expose.

skynniman 3 points ago +4 / -1

The party aint over yet, still people walking round in masks and lining up to get more vaxxx. How much longer are those “patriots in control” going to allow this.

skynniman 7 points ago +7 / -0

What a coincidence, the rope will be free at his tribunal, courteosy the same taxpayers that paid for the vaxxx

skynniman 4 points ago +4 / -0

10 years would be unsustainable psychological duress for most people.

skynniman 9 points ago +9 / -0

Warn them if they pull out they will never be allowed back. Block them from ever purchasing ads in the future.

skynniman 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lets put you in a stockade on display in the town square, just for suggesting such a ridiculous idea.

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