sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is the moral of the song?

Often we try to do something as a gesture of good will and it is interpreted as a declaration of war. People are so conditioned to assume "those ones over the wall" are trying to destroy them that they will look for any provocation to justify their blind hatred.

As a result, the world will torch itself before considering that the intent of 99 red balloons going by was just meant to lift people's spirits up, if only for a moment.

(This song is mostly written with the context of the Berlin Wall and the tensions of the Cold War).

sleepydude 3 points ago +4 / -1

I wish I knew a bit of Chinese...

It'd be very interesting to know what they're saying about all this. For all we know, this balloon business could have something to do with their Whatsapp and Facebook-alternative platforms.

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm guessing there are B1 tests out there or do they have to have blood drawn?

She'd have to see a doctor to get labs done. Though, I'm convinced labs lie about vitamin B results.

Even then, if she has a genetic disorder called MTHFR Deficiency, being vegan could actually kill her and the doctors running those labs would be none the wiser. She'd have to get a genetic panel to see if her body can produce vitamin B9 (methylfolate), let alone B1, 12, or any of the others.

Any creature that has canine teeth cannot get the proper vitamin B nutrition from vegetables and fruit alone. It has to be supplemented somehow. Even if she supplemented vitamin B, she'd have to gobble a fistful of pills each day, all likely sourced from animal parts anyways.

I got nothing against vegetarians if they just swear off meat and are okay with eggs, milk, and the occasional fish. When you go vegan, however, you're basically flipping off human anatomy and assuming your body can work magic on plants. Our brain matter requires amino acids and proteins in order to function correctly. The reason most herbivores are so dumb is because they cannot get their brain fat enough to form neural connections.

It doesn't even save you from getting overweight, either. My cousin is a vegan but she eats an insane amount of carbohydrates. She's got a pear-shaped body and I'm certain if she had to ride a plane at this point she'd need to buy two seats. Doesn't eat meat, but still fat... There's really no upside to veganism except a false sense of moral superiority.

sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

8:15 est

In Truth you can hover over the time and it will give you the full date and time in a popout.

sleepydude 4 points ago +5 / -1

Depends on the accessibility. Look up how methylfolate (vitamin B9) supplementation is needed for some people and you'll see how even given a form of Vitamin B directly, some can't metabolize it.

It may be in the seeds and vegetables, but if it's locked in another molecule then you'll never get it. It's kinda like chelated metals. You could flood your system with a nutrient, but if your body can't get the extra gubbins off of it for whatever reason it'll go right through.

Also, I personally find the RDA scale is a charade that is actively lying to us to keep us vitamin deficient. Who determines what is the recommended daily amount? Are we to assume they don't have an agenda? One look at the original food pyramid shows how lobbying can produce an insane diet to follow.

It recommended 6-11 servings of bread, grain, rice, and pasta a day. Grain producers lobbied to have it that way. That's way too much bread for a healthy diet... It's not about health, it's about convincing people to buy what they're selling.

sleepydude 12 points ago +13 / -1

Nope, but I grew up watching a decent number of British YouTube guys, so some of the terms entered my vocabulary.

It took a while, but I can also understand a deep Scottish accent due to Limmy's Show as well. I'll tell ya, Scottish is its own language. Cannae understand tha' 'alf th' tyme.

sleepydude 34 points ago +36 / -2

Good Morning Everyone.


Going to the moon?

I wonder if it'll get there riding a balloon.

sleepydude 6 points ago +6 / -0

My immediate reaction would be "damn, China knows how to troll!"

Regardless, I actually don't really are about the balloon even if it's a spy balloon. What could it possibly do that a satellite or stealth jet not do in terms of spying?

Seriously, what makes a balloon so special as to receive this amount of attention while the Uighurs continue to go quietly into the night?

sleepydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

Several issues i have are that this takes away from the babylonian talmud or the kabbalah.

The Talmud and Kabbalah have origins that go as far back as Cain and Abel.

Abel's blood soaked into the Earth was the first "Blood Debt" in their own terms. What we know as Khazaria was Babylon before that. Before the Tower of Babel, we had the Sons of Cain.

And even before that, demons who saw Adam and formed a serpent of collusion, with a forked tongue, to tempt him to the First Sin.

From what I've read, the Talmud is a more modern grafting of the Babylonian Death Cult's own teachings onto the Pentateuch in order to obscure their "true" religion from all those other Abrahamic religions who would put an end to their rampant Human Sacrifice. It's hard to say exactly when the Talmud came into its "final" form, on account of that.

Did Jesus not call out the pharisees as the synagogue of satan 800 years before?

Yes, the Pharisees practiced the same arts of the Synagogue of Satan. Satan translated is "the Adversary." Ad+Verse = Against the Word.

Put another way, any of those who seek to slander the Word of God and inject their own meaning to the text, to further their own gains, is the Adversary. The Pharisees did just that, and so they are part of Synagogue of Satan. Hypocrites, who set "rules for the but not for me."

The Talmud, therefore, is more of the same.

Further what of the jesuits and non jewish cabal?

Boy, the Jesuits have a long history leading back to Babylon...

It goes into the various Secret Societies that the same bloodline families fostered.

You've got Masons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians among the most prominent. Masons claim lineage back to Egypt and Solomon's Temple. The Illuminati are straight Luciferians where Lucifer means Light-Bearer, so they saw themselves as "Bearers of Light" which is Divine Knowledge.

Jesuits were founded to combat against the Masons and Illuminati after the Templar went belly up, all in order to combat them in a round of tit-for-tat espionage. WW2 effectively saw an end to all three, Masons, Illuminati, and Jesuits as they folded to the supremacy of the Rosicrucian Order -- now called The Theosophist Society. They have their own chapel in the UN building, by the way.


Basically, the Jesuits used to be their own Secret Society, but like all the rest they all folded into what we now know as the WEF, headed by the Rothschilds.

I'll renew my search into the Hivites.

sleepydude 14 points ago +14 / -0

That depends on how close to the epicenter you are. It's green at the source, but after it spreads out it can go pretty clear and still be deadly, especially at night and if you're unfortunate enough to be in a valley or ditch.

I'm just going off what I know from my OSHA mandated safety training. This isn't the exact video, but it should suffice as a source for where I've gotten my understanding of the gas:


sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn, you're right. I'm off by 2000 years because I got BCE and ACE mixed up...

Why couldn't they just keep it to BC and AD?

Alright, back to the drawing board, I guess. They still have a Vedic origin, stemming from the Babylonian Death Cult fracturing, but where it splits into Roma Gypsies, Khazars, and Ashkenazi isn't as I first thought. It's unmistakable that they are connected, but you're right, the timeline is much more ancient than I originally thought.

Thanks for telling me. I feel silly messing that up...


Still, this post is where I started this crazy search down Vedism and its origins, so I know while I'm not 100% correct, there's something there. I guess I'm headed right back into the fray.

sleepydude 41 points ago +41 / -0

Chlorine gas!?

Holy shit, depending on the quantity this is a big problem. Potential "nuclear" levels of devastation kind of uh-ohs.

The reason being, Chlorine is heavier than air, so if you breathe it in it's not coming back out without a pump shoved into your lungs. Very dangerous stuff, and invisible to boot.

"Evacuation" is an understatement for just how quickly people should be getting the fuck out of there.

sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's fine. I've got a large number of threads just like this one which garnered nowhere near the attention this one has gotten.

If only one person sees it and keeps it in the back of their minds, I've made an impact. So long as people get to thinking, using their own noggins, I'm happy.

Besides, me just getting this stuff down is like a notes journal for me. Helps me consolidate all the info I gather from multiple sources.

sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

If this makes Biden look bad, then why hasn't the Media swept it under the rug? It seems they're pretty gung-ho about getting this news out there above and beyond any other story running right now.

If their goal is to simply humiliate Biden, they're going above and beyond using this story when they could just pull up any number of his flubs.

sleepydude 5 points ago +5 / -0

You want chicken hallie you flat out said that to me this week. You told me either I come home or your going to fuck a male escort an ugly male escort at that what the fuck and you say I am hurting you.

sleepydude 4 points ago +4 / -0

Clif High has an interesting take, but I can't point to any one of his videos in particular: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/HBBwqdoMy7Gz/

Then you got my favorite site for this stuff, sacred-texts, just use the search to the right on the main page: https://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/cmt/index.htm

Finally, if you really want to jump in to it, track the history of Vedism from the start: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Vedic-religion

More than anything else, if you want to figure out how they currently think, read Rosicrucian (Sub Rosa) stuff, especially this one: https://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/index.htm

Once you see and hear words as they do, you can start to piece together their keywords in things like Wikipedia and see how things actually connect to one another with their double-speak.

Things like how Prince of Air = Prince of Rumors, Lies, Gossip, Sensationalism, Slander, Talk, Popular-ism, etc.

And, as always, keep the Bible handy. Whenever there is obviously metaphorical references to things, like how the Devil was a Serpent, it is meant to be taken as a "creature who crawls and deceives, strikes from the shadows with a fiery bite, and has a forked tongue which says one thing but means the other."

Then apply that to Vedism, and the Babylonian Cult ideals that predate it, and you get to understand why they attribute things like owls to parliaments and congress.

You'll also then see how they manipulate people with psychology with the sincere belief that people can manifest things into reality if they believe hard enough -- and therefore to become like gods they must herd people into believing that they are gods among the sheep, and so it will be.

sleepydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

It reminds me of when you bend a paper clip back and forth.

You bend it to the left and it weakens at the bend. Bend it back to the right, and it weakens more, then left, then right, until eventually it just sheers apart.

The stress causes fractures, and the metal just fails due to the opposing forces taking their toll.

Those liberal anti-corporate people of yesterday are the conservative anti-corporate people of today. They're constantly filtering us between the two parties, expecting some to radicalize one way and others to radicalize the other -- all in preparation for creating enough on each side to fuel a Civil War.

Trump broke that pendulum shift, and had planned on doing so for ages. That's why he was always the opposite party of the sitting president. He was always ready to swoop in and bring the pendulum back to its center before it broke the clock housing.

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

Any explanation as to why?

What's your alternative explanation to Q's phrase "Learn to read the map"?

sleepydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then you misunderstand the Q drop.

Hitler rose to power because they formed Anti-Communist sentiment. To do that, they had to have a Communist strawman to burn.

That was the Anti-Fascist party.

They built up a party for the NAZI's to go up against, and flooded that failing party with hair-brained ideas about a Communist utopia.

It was a bait-and-switch. Common in their playbook. Offer something shit, and then when everyone refuses it turn around and offer something "better than shit" which people will be forced to accept.

They pull this trick with appointees all the time. They put up a horrible candidate, make him/her look terrible, and then when they introduce the guy they actually want in it doesn't seem so bad. This is all just good-old fashioned sales scummery.

The Antifascists of Today are doing the same thing. The Woke agenda is doing the same thing.

They know these ideologies don't work. They count on it. They expect the people to refuse these shitty parties by voting in anything other than the obviously failed ideology. That ushers them immediately into the hands of the controlled opposition to the failed ideology.

Hitler rose to power because the same people behind him crafted the Antifascist party to make Hitler, and fascism he carried, look good. By associating Antifascists with Communism they gave no alternative to Communism but Fascism, which is where the Socialist NAZI party was headed.

Q informs us in this post that they are doing the exact same thing.

They want a Republican at the helm, a RINO Neo-Conservative, in order to usher in the Fascist Dictatorship they want.

Who do you think Mike Pence really is? Why did they make no effort to tear him down like they did Trump?

Pence (or someone like him) was supposed to be their Hitler 2.0 after Hillary.

Trump was never supposed to happen.

You must always remember, they are a Uniparty. They play both sides, and their methods and morals are inconsequential to their ultimate aim -- power and Government Control.

"Liberal" and "Conservative", "Communist" and "Fascist", "Democrat" and "Republican"

They are beholden to none of them. They are the Name-stealers. They are the Usurpers. They are the Adversaries. They care not for what they do nor how they act so long it is against God's will.

sleepydude 5 points ago +5 / -0


Supporting article:

The way inflation works in an economy has been compared to an expanding balloon. Blow too softly, the balloon looks flaccid and wrinkly, blow too hard, the balloon pops. The meaning of the image is intuitive. Inflation operates in an economy the same way as blowing into a balloon, it works well as long as it is steady and kept in moderation.

sleepydude 16 points ago +18 / -2

I'm really starting to think this balloon story is Comms.

It's such a nothing-burger on its face. What could they seriously hope to discover from a balloon that will have any more influence than a spy jet flying overhead?

What do balloons do? They inflate and pops if you overfill it.

What else inflates and pops?

The economy.

Now, to determine what sector of the economy this "China Balloon" refers to...

sleepydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree...

As with all things, time will tell.

Concerning the matters at hand, it is not required to see him as a protagonist of his time. Q has instructed us to see him as a villain, though that title is arguable, I'll agree.



sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the first video, they very narrowly skirt the main belief system of the Esoterics.

So few actually understand what is actually believed by the cultists. What they believe in is not without merit in many ways. They believe in a cause-and-effect system of the world. That there is a Law which is written in Nature and can be followed.

Allegory, Parable, Metaphor, and Simile. Stories and dynamics about and between living things.

The movement of the planets. Quantum entanglement of the hidden meaning, the Esoteric meaning, of things. Logical proofs.

A is to B as C is to D.

Cowboy is to Lasso as Accountant is to Calculator.

Things being known by what they do and the fruit they bear.

Symbolism, and a system of communication based thereupon.

A system which will also be their downfall, as they thought they could tame Nature by grafting their systems upon it. That's what I mean when I say they worshipped the Elements.

If Water is Information. then they believe it is possible to manipulate information which flows through the mind of Man in the same ways that it flows in Nature. Dams of the mind can be constructed to keep secrets from coming out. Information can be frozen, where allusions to "cold cases" arise. Mysteries of the deep, not unlike Conspiracy Theories which required us Deep Divers to go and find those precious pearls of knowledge to share.

I honestly believe there is merit to their system. They are foolish, Evil even, to think that it could work in reverse; that they could control the weather by steering the minds of Men. I'm serious, some believe this -- that by convincing Mankind to speak much on controversies that it will result in the fall of rain.

I'll admit, however, that as much as I want to refuse that notion, it is not without possibility... Which is damn scary.

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