Since he's had covid, he can't get it again, so he's actually better off than all the vaxxed journalists.
It really doesn't matter what normies think. It wasn't meant for them. The only thing that matters is whether they have the balls to decertify the election and start hanging traitors.
This study showed that 31 out of 33 patients with long-haul covid were successfully treated with ivermectin.
AFLDS uses a service that finds a pharmacy for you. After your consultation, they'll give you a call and ask for your address and payment info.
I don't really know what to think about delta being the vaccine-injured. There are other credible doctors, such as Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough, who suggest that the Delta variant is real. Dr. McCullough says that many variants exist, but that the vaccine roll outs is what caused Delta to become the dominant strain. I think he mentioned Sinovac in South America is what led to it.
"The mob is ready to fight against reason in defense of its own mistake." - Soren Kierkegaard
Hey fren, if your dad or anyone ends up in the hospital due to covid, it's already too late to start normal treatments like ivermectin. You need to get that stuff in early, preferably within the first few days of symptoms, for it to be effective. You want to do everything you can for your dad or anyone that is high risk before they need to go to the hospital. Avoid the hospital at all costs! If you have the time, listen to the first 25 minutes of this podcast, which outlines the steps you should take during the different phases of illness:
Btw, this treatment protocol is for older people or people with health problems. If other family members are under 50 and healthy, they'll most likely be fine.
Once you've had it, you can't get it again. This is according to Dr. Peter McCullough.
Top kek! Reminds me of Dave Chappelle's skit on Ja Rule
Will Nicki Minaj save America? Stay tuned and enjoy the show, chile
The quality is kind of bad on this clip, but it's the only one I can find that includes the first part. You can just do a duckduckgo search if you want to see a better quality clip of just the ritual part.
Clowns: Clowns 2:
I used to be a fan, then I saw him perform a satanic ritual on the Chris Gethard show that began with an odd on-air phone conversation about pizza. He also made a weird comedy skit about child trafficking and clowns.
monoclonal antibodies (Regeneron, what Trump took). Biden administration plans on rationing it, citing fear of shortages.
The video that got banned off youtube leading to the Joe Rogan podcast episode.
You asked what help have I provided, which is a change in subject. Yes, and all who disagree with you are shills. I think you are the one being exposed here.
Like I said, he never asked for help. He was just venting. He wants help from Q. Keep changing the subject though.
It's like telling a really sick patient, "hey you should eat healthy and get plenty of sun and exercise." Yea, no shit, doc, but unless something is done soon, he will die. So your advice is spot on, just inappropriate. We both know this, but you want to keep defending your position to your dying breath, so be it. The guy never asked for advice. He was just venting. You all high and mighty gave him a lecture.
laughable dude. Clearly a dishonest person. Nice try but can't shift the conversation without addressing the original concern.
That is so insincere. You didn't bring up these topics as viable solutions or to be helpful, but to be a smart alec.
You're not listening. I'm saying that you prescribed to him a mode of action that you yourself wouldn't take, hence you said "go right ahead." This isn't to say you don't believe in grass roots level action. You were being dismissive of him, personally, and you don't believe in the action you prescribed as a solution to his problems.
Look at the way you demeaned him with "go right ahead." You would be more encouraging if you really believed it. If you think grassroots movements will work, why aren't you on or some other site organizing? People here believe it will require a giant shock and that's what the OP was calling out for. All this other stuff you are suggesting is important but secondary. You know this, but you're just flippantly recommending it so he would stop dooming.
What kind of stupid advice is this? We are here because we believe there is some plan in place, and all he was doing was voicing his frustration and wanting some relief. You tell him to participate in some fruitless activity that you yourself don't believe in and totally dismiss him. Disappointed in you.
Wow, just watched the Tru News breakdown of General Flynn's nearly verbatim recitation of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's prayer. I don't know enough about any of this, so I can't make a clear judgment, but it certainly needs to be addressed.