by b472113
spiggot 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's like telling your kids over and over again about the monster that lives under their bed that comes out when it's dark to eat them... then being surprised that they have trouble going to sleep.

spiggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

And if they do, they'll just convince themselves and tell others that they were always on the side of good and were always against the tyranny.

spiggot 1 point ago +1 / -0

All good mate. But yeah, it's likely a problem at your end.

Thanks for the submission though. It's disgusting what they are doing to that man.

spiggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can copy it fine.

Armed policemen arrested Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski again at his home on Tuesday before his scheduled appearance at the peaceful Freedom Trucker rally in Milk River to show support at the Freedom Convoy.

According to the police, Pawlowski has committed a ‘mischief offense’ under $5,000.

spiggot 6 points ago +6 / -0

In the meantime, the friend's mom had called the police.

What a piece of shit.

Who would do that? Just take the kid home, or look after him for a while. We'd have neighbours young kids rock up at our door all the time. We just made a call to their house to let them know where the kid was or dropped them home.

Why call the cops? What a piece of shit that lady is.

spiggot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Peterson is in the process of being Red Pilled.

He hasn't got there fully yet, but he's on his way.

There is a lot to learn about what has been going on around the world and I can't blame him for not understanding it all yet. It literally takes years to get to the bottom of all the bullshit going on and for many the Red Pill is a bitter pill to swallow and hard to accept.

It's not easy to accept that all the institutions you once trusted are fully corrupt.

I have confidence that he'll get there though. He's already shown himself open to changing his mind and admitting he was wrong, I think there will come a time when he fully understands and admits his errors.

spiggot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Australia is an enemy state as it currently stands by being run by globalists.

Our governments are acting against the interests of the Australian people in support of a globalist vision.

Our Health Minister, Greg Hunt, was head of strategy at the WEF. Dan Andrews signed on to China's Belt and Road initiative. We have politicians talking about Build Back Better.

Simeon and Avi are helping to expose all of that.

Don't fall for the propaganda that Russia is bad or that all Jews are acting in support of the cabal and globalism.

The Cabal is led by fake Jews (Khazarians) and they have no love for regular Jews at all, which is partly why Israel is the highest vaccinated nation and they are onto their 4th shot now.

It's a lot more complicated than just "Jews are bad" or "Russia is our enemy".

spiggot 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wait, was that you?

The dude came to an outside event wearing a mask. He's a stooge.

Now you're also complaining about Avi Yemini? His video coverage of what's going on in Melbourne has been great. He was also in Hong Kong covering the protests there and also brought us the famous "Don't trust China, China is asshole" video.

Yes, Avi served in the IDF. I don't really think that means much given that it's mandatory.

Again, they both bring great content and are helping to wake Australians up to the totalitarianism that we've slipped into.

What, do you think their agenda is to awaken the Aussie masses against our globalist governments in the name of... globalism? I don't get it.

spiggot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think Russia are our enemy. The media are telling us that Russia are our enemy, that's how you should be able to tell that it isn't true, or likely isn't true.

His youtube name is Aussie Cossack. It's not like he ever hid his Russian heritage.

His Grandparents moved to Australia and he was born in Sydney.

Either way, his videos exposing the totalitarianism of various Australian governments have been great and he is showing a lot of people what's really going on.

Has he got his own agenda? Probably, but I like his videos and how he's been sticking it to the Sydney police.

It's good to be mindful of bad actors and whatnot, but his videos are great and I enjoy his content.

Each to their own though.

spiggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait until they manufacture another wave and they have to continue the mask mandate for the good of the children. I wouldn't put it past those evil bastards.

Masks simply do not work and they make people sick while also delaying the development of children and conditioning them to wear masks.

The saddest thing I saw was a kid asking to wear a mask when she didn't have to because she had gotten used to them and because adults were still wearing them. It's just not right.

Before science had been completely corrupted, we used to know that masks cause more harm than good.

Remember how we were told that "there is no evidence that masks are harmful to children"? Yeah, because no one was ever psychopathic enough to actually do an experiment on forcing kids to wear masks. It's not that they are harmless, it's that there was never any experimentation done so there was no evidence.

Evil. Pure evil.

spiggot 10 points ago +10 / -0

I forgave my toxic mother many years ago.

She's the one who decided I was so much of a danger to society by being unvaccinated that she can't talk to me any more. She's being a "good person" by cutting me out until I "do the right thing" and get vaccinated.

Between her alcoholism and her outright hatred of me because I'm "just like your father", it's honestly a bit of a blessing. haha

spiggot 16 points ago +16 / -0

Some people have fallen for the propaganda hook line and sinker.

My own mother has disowned me because I wouldn't take the vaccine. She still believes I'm killing people by remaining unvaccinated.

Middle of last year she said I can't visit her without being vaccinated because I could infect her. I told her that the vaccines don't stop transmission but she refused to believe me.

In our last conversation a few weeks ago I reminded her that I was right about vaccines not stopping transmission. "No one ever thought that vaccines stopped transmission, it was always about protecting our hospital system" she replied.

She said she wouldn't speak with me again until I'm vaccinated and show her proof that I'm vaccinated.

Sad, but honestly she was always a terrible person. What she doesn't realise is that my brothers, who are all vaccinated, really don't like her and they all said that I'd have to be the one to look after her if she ever needed it because I'm the oldest and it's my responsibility. She thinks they are all angels who would do anything for her, she's in for a rude awakening.

Fuck everything about all of this COVID bullshit.

spiggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Speaking as someone who's not a retard... fuck all those idiots!

spiggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

My understanding of Canadian politics is rudimentary at best, but every video I've seen of him skewering Turdeau's ministers and government has been on point.

spiggot 16 points ago +16 / -0

His credibility is so wafer thin.

Haha... who am I kidding... he's got no credibility at all.

spiggot 6 points ago +6 / -0

See here for how images can be stored in a blockchain.

Now imagine multiple images being stored in a blockchain like Bitcoin, or Etherium, or any one of the many blockchains. Each image being a single frame of a video file.

Images can be saved as binary values of 1's and 0's.
Those values can also be encrypted so that no one can just stumble across them randomly. Those can then be converted and stored in the data that makes up the actual blockchain.

Blockchains can store all transactions with information such as the date and time that particular transactions occurred. This data can not be removed from the blockchain and are for ever, basically.

A blockchain is a distributed database that stores massive amounts of information in an extremely long string of values (numbers and letters) that can contain all sorts of information like financial transactions, date and time data, contract data, and even 1's and 0's that form the basis of digital image formats as well as digital video formats... basically any data you want to store. If data can be digitised, it can be stored within a blockchain.

Some blockchains are designed to store things like images or videos. That's where you get your NFT's. It's a digital verson of an image or a certificate or something that can also save details on the owner of that NFT and also any transactions of that NFT, like who sold it to who for how much and when. Also data like who every previous owner was.

Basically, a blockchain can be used as a massive distributed database and can contain any digital information you want with exact timestamps as to when that digital information was added to the blockchain.

Older blockchains such as Bitcoin don't really have any uses other than transaction information of Bitcoins changing hands. But newer blockchains can store anything that the blockchain designer wants to store, such as contract information or possibly card movements in each hand for a game of Poker (in the case of blockchains designed for gambling).

Blockchains store data, it's up to the program that runs each blockchain to use the data stored within the chain of blocks, i.e. the blockchain.

I've probably rambled a bit, but I hope that helps to explain some of it.

spiggot 8 points ago +8 / -0

This post ties in with this post by OP where there is talk of Julian Assange possibly maybe doing an art collaboration with @muratpak.

If so, this could be a very big deal... or it could be nothing.

It has long been suggested that Assange had copies of the original blackmail material used to keep world leaders in check. With the invention of Deepfake it can be argued that any videos that do emerge are just deepfakes.

However if Assange managed to get hold of them and uploaded them to a blockchain somewhere in an encrypted form, that upload will also have date and time stamps within the blockchain that can't be faked and that could prove that they were uploaded before the invention of Deepfake, meaning they are real videos and are a real problem for some very important people.

Just some speculation, but blockchain makes it entirely possible to store images and even video within a blockchain. Add some encryption to that video/image, and it would be impossible to find them without a key and the exact address in the blockchain to find them.

Very very interesting stuff, OP.

spiggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the data was already uploaded to a blockchain but requires a cipher to decode the encrypted data and also the exact location within the blockchain, all that would be needed is for Assange to send a few emails, or perhaps even a blockchain transaction of some kind.

It would be like the art (images, videos, documents etc) already being stored/saved behind one door somewhere in the world, but you need the key and the exact address to be able to access that art.

Assange provides the key and the address, the artist collects the art and puts it on display.

It has long been suggested that Assange has copies of the original blackmail material used to keep world leaders in check. With the invention of Deepfake it can be argued that any videos that do emerge are just deepfakes.

However if Assange managed to get hold of them and uploaded them to a blockchain somewhere in an encrypted form, that upload will also have date and time stamps within the blockchain that can't be faked and that could prove that they were uploaded before the invention of Deepfake, meaning they are real videos and are a real problem for some very important people.

Not saying it's real or not, but it certainly is possible.\

Edit: OP had another post linking to here showing how images can be stored in a blockchain. Just saw that post.

spiggot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good boy!

spiggot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't speak for anyone else, but for me it's that I refuse to play into their game.

Say I get a fake vaccine card, which I can do. How does that help anyone? How is that staying true to my belief that all people should be free?

No, I can't do that.

I will not be party to their New World Order. I will resist. I will fight against it. I will teach others that freedom is the way.

I will not take the easy way out that justifies their evil regime!

spiggot 15 points ago +15 / -0

"freedom to love who you want"...

He's talking about kids. He wants the freedom to love and fuck children.

He deserves a public execution!!!

spiggot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks mate.

Yeah, I'm on telegram and Signal. I'm connected with my local Freedom Community groups, I go to protests regularly and I'm buoyed by the energy from those wonderful people.

I'm not done yet!!!!

I just did some work today for the first time in over 3 months. A wonderful business owner who is part of the Freedom Community in my city needed some IT work and I was able to help him out. He was super happy with my work and said he'll try to find me more work with other like-minded businesses. I'm hopeful.

I've also got some leads on other employment opportunities that I'll be following up on in the coming days. No guarantees, but I remain hopeful.

OP's video hit me really hard because I empathise so much with what that poor man was going through. It just breaks my heart that anyone could get to the point where they have run out of options and feel that the only option they have is to set fire to themselves. It's just so heartbreaking.

But I'll be ok. I won't give up. I will succeed in the end.

Thanks to all the wonderful frens who replied and encouraged me. It helped a lot and you are all wonderful people. I wish you all the very best.

I'm so happy to be a part of this community!!!

I'm not fucking done yet!!!!!

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